
Chapter 3


3 year later

Alex is now 4 years old he still doesn't know which part of the marvel universe he is in, he founded out that mutants exist in this universe. He learns about there existence form the news of John F. Kennedy's address regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis is broadcasted on the week of Thanksgiving three years ago(1972).

In this period he got to visit the library that in his home, it was not a huge library like the public ones, but still a big one.

He completed reading the library within 2 weeks, the books here were not that useful, as most of were about history, novels and autobiography. They weren't any books on skills excect a few about cooking, Survival skills, educational books of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, a few books on, human anatomy and medicine. There even the book [On the Origin of Species] published by Charles Darwin that tells that mutants exist.

Alex spent most of the time with his family or cultivating. He could not do much as he was still 4 years old. He also found out that his grandfather was super-rich, not at the stark level, but he was in the top 50 richest people in us.

'I don't know the standards of this world, but begin a millionaire in the 70s was big in my previous Life' Alex thought

Alex's parents had also got busy, Marcus had to help his grandfather in business expansion and even manage his own company. Marcus runs a pharmaceutical company which is relatively new, he didn't have a problem with the management as Jane would be there to run the company when he was busy helping George.

Alex was still thinking about how to approach his parents with what he plans had. His parents were still surprised when he memorized all the letters and could read perfectly within a week.

'Well, my parents already know that I a smart and genius, but I can not just go and tell them [hey, I am reincarnated, that I remember everything from my past life and know what might happen in the future ] ' Alex was thinking how to approach his parents.

"Well, I enjoy my present laid back Life, I'll wait until my 5th birthday, then start my plans. Till that, I should continue to cultivate and keep learning what I can"

"I should try to visit the public library, the laws of physics and other things are different so it's better to learn more about them "

"Even though my family is rich they are not at the level of the stark, I have to first build my own business. Should probably avoid the weapon and the military, as Stark industry is already leading in it, I should probably start at the entertainment and Pharmaceuticals industry, even though the technology here in advance, the Internet is not yet there, I should keep an eye out for it, Stark industry are not present in other industry yet, they are only in the military sector right now, that will change in the future, before that I should dominant it. "

"Stark is not the only one I should be looking out for, the Oscorp, Rand cooperation, Pym Technologies, and others also are present."

"Should also start to search for books on computer and coding, I always wanted my own Ai, the computers in this world are a bit advance than the ones in my previous life in1970s. should not be a problem with the help LOHP"

"I should try to create NZT or something similar to boost the brain without its side effects I don't know if I can use it as I'm have already mastered the Divine art of Serenity mind, it gives me Eidetic memory and boosts the brain a little, it (nzt) should be helpful to my family and those who are loyal "

"I should even set up my origination like shield or hydra for information and try to not get involved directly to stay out of there raider until I gain enough power. Not sure if entities such as the Ancient One and Heimdall can notice me. The Ancient one probably won't interfere until I put Earth in danger which, I have no plans of. I don't plan on World domination. That's will take a lot of work, as long as I gain enough power to safeguard my loved ones I will be satisfied."

"Well that all for later, right now I should probably enjoy my present laid back Life of a few more years. I never had a family before I should likely spend time for a few years with them."

Alex was bought out of the thoughts as he heard his mother calling him. He got out of his room to go see his mother.

"Good morning Alex, breakfast is ready. What are you planning to do today? " Jane called

'I should ask mom to tell Sebastian to take me to the public library tomorrow. I still can't believe the butler name is Sebastian he has all the facile and body features like the one from the anime. He's not a demon like the one in the anime, Demons should probably exist in this world.' Alex thought

" Good morning mom. Well, I planing to study mom, can I go to the Public library. " Alex asks his mother while looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Did you finish all the books at the house baby. "Jane asks, knowing he likes to spend most of his time in the Library when he is not with them.

"NO mom, I read most of them. The rest are not interesting."Alex says

"Okay baby, I'll ask Sebastian to take you there after your breakfast and make sure to come back before Lunch,"

"I understand Mom ."

After Breakfast, Jane informed Sebastian to take Alex to the Library , then left to work after sending off Alex to the library.

Hey guys

I am going to try to mix the MCU and X-men Series. The x-men Characters are going to be younger than the original. Cuban Missile Crisis takes place in 1962 in the movies, I moved it 1975. I'm not that good at writing a conversation between people.

I do not have much knowledge of the comics, just the movies, and cartoon. If you have any ideas for the story, post them I'll add them in the coming chapters.

Moon_Fictioncreators' thoughts
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