
You Again?

Landon smiled while staring at the door.



The massive doors were forced right open, and in came a stream of enemies with weapons in their hands.

Din Din Din Din Din.

Like an unending nightmare, they stormed in confidently while scaring the life out of some of the guests.

No one was stupid. Even a 5-year-old child could feel and see the situation clearly.

Landon yelled loudly: "Everyone, Get down!"

In a flash, many dropped to the floor and even tried to hide under the benches there.

"What's happening? 

Who are those men?"

"Sweet Goddess of Fertility!

Who would want to harm our queen?"

"Shhh! Stop talking; the enemy might be angered."

The frightened guests dared not speak loudly for fear of drawing attention to themselves.

Because of how the people laid low, the entire scene looked like a typical hostage situation.

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