
Ythyleit, The Mysterious One

Yun was in disbelief as he looked at Diao Chan not noticing that their surroundings turned from complete darkness to his mansion in Zhending.

Diao Chan invited him closer and Yun walked toward her not questioning what he was seeing. Diao Chan sat down while Yun laid his head on her thighs as he used to do while lying on the ground.

He heard the children play outside which should have raised more red flags for Yun but he still ignored them when he hears, "The children seem to have a lot of energy today."

"Do they?" asks Yun ignoring everything as he was only relaxing when he felt someone approach who shouldn't be there.

It was Rin with Yang and her other siblings looking at Yun when he opened his eyes wide in realization that he wasn't dreaming as he was expecting.

He activates his third eye and everything around him fades away except for Diao Chan who now has another appearance of a beautiful woman with long black hair and crimson eyes which should belong to a reptile while black dragon scales appeared under her eyes.

"I thought it was perfect, but it seems I was wrong," says the woman when her hands suddenly went for Yun's throat while turning into claws.

Yun rolled to the side evading the deadly attack as he looked at the woman before standing up while his armor on his body and greatsword appeared in his hands.

"Who are you?" asks Yun cautiously as he doesn't close his third eye in case he falls into another illusion.

"I am Ythyleit, The Mysterious One," says Ythyleit as she holds her chin in one of her hands.

"I am quite surprised that you could see through my illusions, but then again, you also brought down the thoughtest out of all the Dragons," says Ythyleit while giving Yun a creepy smile before rushing at him.

Yun stood still while awaiting the incoming attack when he suddenly saw the woman turn into a Dragon while rushing at him. He concentrated his Qi into the legs and jumped out of the way as the maw of the Dragon caught only air.

"YOU ARE QUICK BUT FOR HOW LONG," says Ythyleit as she swiftly changes direction showing her flexibility before rushing at Yun again.

'Is she taking me lightly because I am a human?' asks Yun himself while thinking before evading again while focusing Qi into the greatsword to counterattack.

But then the Dragon became smaller resembling more a small Dragon which made Yun miss his target as claws approached his chest.

Yun removes one hand from his sword to shield his chest with it as the claws collide with his forearm he is sent flying backward while losing grasp of his sword.

He does a backflip before placing his feet on the ground trying to stabilize himself when he feels pain coming from his forearm. Yun looked down to see the armor shredded and claw marks on his forearm while blood was gushing out of it.

But Yun didn't feel pain just numbness because of the adrenaline running through his body at the moment. He tried to move his arm but it didn't listen making him realize that he would be fighting this battle with only one arm until his Light Qi healed his arm.

"Did you think I wouldn't be able to harm you," says Ythyleit as she picks up Yun's sword before turning it into the broken one-handed sword Yun was using outside his mindscape.

"How did you do that?" asks Yun seeing his greatsword turn to trash.

"I just gave it a new form," says Ythyleit as she turns into a man with short black hair who resembles Yun.

"I can shapeshift anything that's why I am called the Mysterious One," says Ythyleit as she throws the broken sword to the side.

Yun stretches his hand out making the sword appear in his hand again as Ythyleit approaches him slowly when Yun hears, 'Remember, we are in your mindscape. Don't let her push you around.'

'Ysmrgra,' says Yun looking around searching for the other Dragon when he asks, 'Where are you?'

'That doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is that you win or the other Dragons will look down on me. I will give you one hint. This is your mindscape and not hers. She might be able to use some illusions but you are the Master of your Mind which means that you are a God in here,' says Ysmrgra knowing that Yun would be able to defeat Ythyleit if he pulled his head out of the ground.

'Easier said than done,' says Yun as he tries to change the broken sword in his hand to its former glory when he feels Ythyleit standing before him.

Ythyleit had a creepy smile on her face as she stood before Yun when she point-blank rammed her claw through his chest which came out on the other side holding his heart which was still beating.

'Why can't I feel the pain?' asks Yun himself when he remembers what Ysmrgra said that he was in his mindscape.

Flashback Starts

Arthur was sitting at a desk while Athena was writing something about Mind and Body on the board when Arthur asks, "Is it true that we are invincible in our own mind?"

"It depends," says Athena curious about Arthur's question before she answers, "It is true that we are invincible in our own mindscape but only if we believe so. For example, if you don't know that you are in your own mindscape, you could be killed easily by someone of a greater mind or someone who can manipulate reality easily since the mind of someone else is just another world following the same concepts as the real world."

"But you can still die," says Arthur trying to confirm it when Athena nods.

"Yes, but you must not know that you are in your mind, have a weak survival instinct, or you are facing someone extraordinary such as a God for example," says Athena as she stops writing on the board and walks toward Arthur.

"But I am training you so that even if you face a God in your mind you won't die from it or I would have failed as your teacher," says Athena seriously as she closes her eyes while smiling at Arthur who feels chills run down his spine.

Flashback Ends

Yun closes his eyes and tries to remember what Athena taught him when he takes a deep breath before he opens his eyes as reality shatters around him like glass.

He now finds himself before two unsealed Black Dragons while sixteen sealed Black Dragons are watching them. Yun touches his chest finding no hole in it before looking at his arm seeing no wound nor shredded armor.

"He came back, too bad, I was enjoying myself," says Ythyleit a bit sad that Yun returned already when she sees Yun rush at her with his greatsword in hand.

She turns into a child making Yun stop his blade since said child was his daughter Ai, "You have bested me. I don't really have impenetrable skin nor do I have some good offensive attacks. I am a shapeshifter after all who can use illusion magic to help my inborn talent in shapeshifting."

"I told you that she is a cunning one," says Ysmrgra as he lies down to sleep again.

Yun then walked toward the Dragon that took Ai's shape and touched her head making power enter his body when he hears, "I am Ythyleit, The Mysterious One, and I will serve you as Ysmrgra does. You received from him his inborn talent in defense and you shall receive my inborn talent to shapeshift yourself as well as anything you touch."

Yun was pleased since it would help him go incognito easily when he hears, "But it will take you centuries to learn my skills to perfection so you shouldn't try it without my help."

"What has happened while I was fighting against you in my mind," orders Yun wanting to know what Ythyleit did while she took over his body.

"I changed it to fit me better while hiding your real identity from the enemy. Right now we should be looking at the far distance while holding Cao Chun by his throat," says Ythyleit as she couldn't control Yun's body at the moment since he is the owner of the body.

"Then let me go back outside. I still have to hold them back as long as possible," says Yun as he closes his eyes before seeing Cao Chun in his hand which resembles a claw at the moment.

"What the hell," says Yun while looking around seeing the chaos Ythyleit caused when he was surprised by his own voice being that of a woman.

He looks down upon himself seeing two things that shouldn't be there before sighting and thinking, 'Let me take care of this situation first before asking Ythyleit to return my body back to normal.'

Yun then throws Cao Chun to the side before picking up the sword with which Cao Chun stabbed him a moment ago. He looked at the sword and could tell it was of a high quality when he covered it in Qi and it didn't show a single scratch on it.

'It will serve for the moment,' thinks Yun as he looks in the direction the three brothers should have been finding only one of them remaining.

'A pity,' thinks Yun before turning back to Cao Chun who was trying to crawl away with his wounds when Yun plunged his own sword into his back ending his life.

Yun then looked at the rest of the cavalry who had fear written all over their faces as they thought they were facing a real God in the person Zhurong whom Yun was impersonating at the moment.

They tried to flee but Yun concentrated his Fire Qi on the sword which began to vibrate from the pressure but it didn't break as Yun swung the sword horizontally creating a slash made out of Fire Qi that traveled through the battlefield killing man and horse alike in its way before it dissolved.

Hope you like it.

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