
Torturing Yuan Shao

Yun and the others were checking all the prisoners before picking five of the prisoners out since their hands were too clean to be the hands of a soldier or farmer making it obvious that one of them must be Yuan Shao.

Yun glared at them before unsheathing his sword and he walks over towards the prisoners they excluded from the five and he cuts one of them down.

"I want to know who of them is Yuan Shao. The reward of betraying him is you get to keep your life and you will see your family again. Those that don't will be killed right away," says Yun emotionless to the prisoners while Hua and Gan Ning were surprised by what Yun just said.

Yun hated traitors not as much as rapists but they were right behind them in his mind. Yun saying that he would let the traitor live was quite a surprise to them.

But Yun was desperate in finding Yuan Shao it was a race against time because Cao Cao could find out at any given moment and demand to see him.

Yun looked at them and looks at a teen before placing the sword against his throat while asking in an intimidating tone, "Who of them is Yuan Shao?"

The teen was holding himself together while looking at one of the prisoners without saying anything when he felt that the blade cut a bit into his throat. The teen panicked and wanted to point at Yuan Shao when Yun killed the teen since he caught the direction it was looking at.

He walks toward the man the teen was looking at before he died. Demonic Qi was leaking from Yun's body which surrounded him creating an aura that resembled a Demon in the eyes of the people while for Yun it was a familiar face which was Asura.

Yun stood before the man who only could see Yun's blue eyes piercing through him when he hears, "We finally meet officially, Yuan Shao."

Yuan Shao was trying to upkeep his facade as he looks fearless at Yun before saying, "You must General Zha-."

Yuan Shao suddenly begin to scream in pain as Yun rammed the sword he was holding between Yuan Shao's legs penetrating the armor and clothes underneath it before hitting the deck.

Blood sprayed Yun's armor as Yun transferred Fire Qi into the sword to close the wound he created when he says coldly, "It would have been too easy to let you off by letting you bleed out. No, I want you too suffer before I send you back to Ye to get compensation for the death of my father."

Yun was oozing killing intent far greater than he did in Yuanwu when Ysmrgra took over his body. Hua looks at Yuan Shao and sees his parts on the deck of the ship making a smile appear on his face.

"Bring me some salt. I will make him regret having ever thought that he could place a foot in Yan without paying a hefty price," says Yun as he lets go of the sword before pulling a knife from his belt.

He transferred Qi into the knife before taking Yuan Shao's hands while one of Gan Ning's men brought a pot of salt when Yun says coldly, "Did you know that you can torture a man for a long time if you are proficient in Medicine? Now you will experience what I want to say with it since I don't want to kill you. I want you to suffer every single day that you are alive until you stand before death's door. And you as well as everyone present will remember this cruelty since I will etch it into everyone's mind."

Yun then cuts between Yuan Shao's fingers and puts his hands into the pot of salt making the Warlord scream in pain while his soldiers were witnessing everything.

They could see Yun's cold expression while Hua had an evil smile on his face while Yuan Shao was being tortured by Yun. Yuan Shao's scream could be heard by everyone as Yun didn't stop and began to cut Yuan Shao's tendons before putting salt on them.

Yueying wanted to turn away because of the cruelty Yun was displaying toward Yuan Shao but Gan Ning stopped her while saying, "This is also a facet of war. It isn't the noblest one but it exists."

Yun was done with separating the tendons of Yuan Shao and placing salt on them. Yuan Shao was out of it when Yun woke him up again by having one of the soldiers drop a bucket of water over him.

"Back from the dead?" asks Yun coldly as Yuan Shao began to scream again from all the pain he was feeling while Yun was making sure that he wouldn't die from blood loss or from feeling too much pain.

"Stop, please," begs Yuan Shao as Yun signalizes to two soldiers to help Yuan Shao out of his armor and clothes.

Yuan Shao was now naked and everyone could see that his parts were missing when Yun says, "Why stop? We have just started."

Yun places his knife on Yuan Shao's right shoulder and cuts into it before peeling off the skin from his right arm slowly making Yuan Shao feel pain that he never felt before when Yun drops salt over the right arm making it even worse for Yuan Shao.

Yun continued with his left arm doing the same thing before Yuan Shao was out again and Yun had to wake him up again. Then he peeled off the skin on his back and torso making everyone hear Yuan Shao's screams and see his skin before it is thrown off the ship to feed the fishes.

He then continued with Yuan Shao's legs as they were the last place with skin while the rest of the body was covered in salt. Yun showed no mercy to Yuan Shao as he finished skinning him alive before cleaning his knife and putting it away.

Then Yun grasped for the sword with which he cut off Yuan Shao's manhood and looks at Yuan Shao before saying, "We are almost done."

"Please, if you still have a shard of humani-" says Yuan Shao before screaming again as Yun used the pommel of the sword to break Yuan Shao's fingers in several ways before he did the same with his feet.

Yun was thinking about what he could do next to Yuan Shao but he stopped because he didn't want Yuan Shao to die yet. It would have been a far too easy death if he killed him after suffering this much. He wanted him to suffer more and living like this was punishment enough.

"Hua, get the cavalry. We are sending Yuan Shao back to Ye to live the rest of his miserable life there. Once there asks for recompensation for his life and the life of our father," says Yun coldly as he handed over the sword back to its owner.

"Gan Ning, I want you to return to Puyang and destroy the Naval Base that we have erected there. We are moving to Xiapi and we can't have it fall into Cao Cao's hands," says Yun as Gan Ning sheathed his sword.

"Of course," says Gan Ning as he knew that Cao Cao could use the Naval Base against them in the future if they aren't careful.

"What about you, brother?" asks Hua curious to know what Yun was about to do.

"I will have to tell to Cao Cao that Yuan Shao escaped with his elite troops while we were in Yuanwu. I will also have to prepare your nephew and niece for what they will be finding once we arrive at Puyang," says Yun talking about Xian's death.

"They will be heartbroken," says Hua knowing how close his father was with his grandchildren.

"That's why I must be there for them," says Yun as he and Hua leave the ship.

Hua left to gather the cavalry which included Lu Bu and Zhang Liao while Yun returned to Yuanwu where Cao Cao was already awaiting him.

"Where is Yuan Shao?" asks Cao Cao curious to find out if Yun got him or not.

"He escaped over the Yellow River and destroyed the bridge so followers can't catch up to him. He must be already halfway home. I am sorry for having disappointed you," says Yun making Cao Cao understand that he didn't want to talk further about Yuan Shao.

"Don't worry, we will get him one day. Until then keep the grudge deep in your heart," says Cao Cao trying to ease Yun who wanted to get revenge on Yuan Shao not knowing that Yun already had his revenge.

Yun then turns to Hua who only nods before leaving with the small cavalry to get to Gan Ning's ships so they could take Yuan Shao and the prisoners from them.

Yun then leaves Cao Cao's side to find Dian Wei and Zhang He to inform them that they will be staying in Yuanwu until the army arrives. They waited for three days until the army arrived led by Tang Shi when Fang and Mulan left formation to ride ahead.

They arrive at Yun's side who seemed emotionless as they dismount their horse. You just grabbed them and gave them a big hug making them feel confused since they weren't separated for much time.

"Is everything alright?" asks Fang a bit worried when Yun released them and shakes his head.

"Your grandfather died in Guandu," says Yun before he sees tears running down Fang's and Mulan's cheeks.

They suddenly hugged Yun as they buried their face in his chest while screaming in pain since they felt as if someone had ripped a part of their heart away from them.

Tang Shi soon arrived with Pang Tong and they could see that something must have happened or the siblings wouldn't be boiling their eyes out on Yun.

"Prepare the men we are returning to Puyang. We will stay there until my brother returns," says Yun not wanting to hang his father's death on a big bell until they are in Puyang.

"What about Gan Ning?" asks Pang Tong since he was using the waterway.

"He has new order which he will fulfill before meeting us in Puyang," says Yun making the two understand that Yun already met with Gan Ning.

Yun then told Dian Wei and Zhang He to prepare to leave Yuanwu while Yun went to see Cao Cao to inform him that he was about to leave Yuanwu to return to Puyang before marching to Xiapi again.

Cao Cao let him go knowing that he would only need to fight stragglers who didn't retreat yet. He wouldn't need Yun for this task but he needed him in the east as fast as possible to keep the Xu Province safe.

Yun then leaves Yuanwu with the army and heads toward Puyang to meet his mother and sister.

Hope you like it.

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