
Battle for the Xu Province part 3

Fang was brought by the woman to the bedroom that Liu Bei used before he had to flee Xiaopei when the woman asks, "Why does the General treat one of his soldiers this good?"

"That must be because of my connection to him," says Fang a bit ashamed to reveal why Lu Bu was so generous to him.

"Are you his bastard?" asks the woman seriously as it could be why but Fang waves his hands around in denial.

"No, no, I am not his bastard. I am his future son-in-law," says Fang trusting the woman too much not knowing that she was gathering information.

"I thought that General Zhao's oldest son and General Lu's daughter are promised to each other. How can you be General Lu's future son-in-law whe-," says the woman when she sees the defeated smile on Fang's face.

"I am not much like my father," says Fang exhausted as he removed his armor and clothes so the woman could look for an injury on his body.

"If you really are General Zhao's son why are you in General Lu's army?" asks the woman as she began to treat Fang bandaging him up.

"My father wants me to gain experience under my uncle Lu. He said I could learn a lot from him more than from him," says Fang as the woman was confused with what Fang said.

Yun is the only General that never lost a battle in which he participated in. The woman was confused about why Yun would put his son in the hands of a man that he defeated once instead of letting his son learn from him.

"You really are curious about me," says Fang as he puts his clothes back on.

He was with his back to the woman when she pulled one of her hair needles out of her hair when she tries to kill attack Fang with a precise attack on his neck when Fang turned around and she aborted her attack.

"Who are you by the way?" asks Fang still not knowing who the woman is.

"I am Mi Tei," says Mi Tei when Lu Bu enters the room and sees that Mi Tei let her hair down.

"I need to talk to my soldier for a moment. You wait outside until we are done," says Lu Bu ordering Mi Tei to wait outside.

Once she was out of the room Lu Bu approaches Fang and sees that he was already treated by the woman when he asks, "Are you holding up well?"

"Yes, but I feel so sleepy that I don't know how long I will sleep once I close my eyes," says Fang making Lu Bu laugh out loud after hearing him.

"You have roughly a week before we leave Xiaopei and march toward Xiapi," says Lu Bu informing him about the situation.

"I will let the woman watch over you in the meantime," says Lu Bu as he leaves the room letting Fang get some rest.

Lu Bu was standing before Mi Tei when he looks her in the eyes and he says seriously, "If something happens to the boy we are all dead."

Mi Tei was confused when Lu Bu says, "If you think that General Zhao needs an army to win a war you are in the incorrect. I have seen what he is capable of doing. He doesn't need an army to win a war. He has an army to intimidate his enemies so they won't attack him."

Lu Bu then slowly walks away taking the hair needle with him as he leaves showing that he knew what Mi Tei wanted to do when she hears Lu Bu say, "He lost his wife not too long ago. If he loses his son now he will burn the Empire down until nothing is left. So look after his son and make sure that he is physically and mentally healed before we leave for Xiapi."

Mi Tei enters the room again finding Fang already passed out on the bed. She walks over when she sees him turning around madly and lightning began to run over his body.

His eyes opened and they were completely blue when she feels Fang grab her hand and he says in his sleep, "Mother don't go. You can't leave us."

Mi Tei was confused about what was going on when suddenly Fang's voice turned from sadness to anger and she hears, "It was your fault. If you never appeared my mother would still be here and my family wouldn't go through this hurtful pain in the chest."

Mi Tei was trying to free herself as Fang was using too much force on her wrist before he started to roar and he woke up from his nightmare covered in sweat and Lightning Qi when he looks at Mi Tei and releases her.

"I'm sorry about that. I have nightmares because of what happened on the day my mother died," says Fang explaining it simply since he couldn't just say that his mother was still alive just that she was taken by an Immortal away because she is one herself.

She now could see that Fang was only a traumatized child that was struggling with his own problem when she sits down on the bed and she says, "We all go through those things."

"What do you mean?" asks Fang confused when he sees a sad smile on Mi Tei's face.

"What do you know about Liu Bei?" asks Mi Tei sadly as Fang began to think for a moment.

"My father told me that he is a lazy bastard that he should have killed earlier in his career when he still could do it quietly but to lose a pawn this early wouldn't help him," says Fang remembering something his father once told to Pang Tong and Tang Shi while he was spying on him with Mulan.

"So your father sees him as someone inferior to him that can be useful. He didn't go deep into his personality then," says Mi Tei in a hurtful tone.

"Well, I only met Liu Bei once and that was when I was strolling around Zhending with my mother and sister. That was way too far in the past to remember anything else except for his big ears," says Fang remembering only that of Liu Bei from the first time he saw him.

"My father also said that Liu Bei is a rat because of his acting in the public as a benevolent leader when he knows that he is quite the opposite in reality," says Fang but it wasn't his father that said that but Dian Wei while radiating killing intent.

Mi Tei giggled after hearing Fang call Liu Bei a rat before she looked sad when she says, "That seems to fit the Liu Bei I have met so far. He is quite an incompetent man compared to what I heard before."

She gives a long sigh from herself before petting Fang's head unconsciously as if she was his mother when she hears Fang say, "I am not a little boy any longer. The only people that are allowed to do that are my grandparents and Huixiu since she thinks that it brings me luck."

Fang removes her hand from his head when he hears Mi Tei say, "I'm sorry about that. You reminded me of my older brothers. They are a bit like you thrown into war trying to protect what belongs to my family only to now realize that we lost it all to your father now."

Fang looked at her confused when he asks, "You know, my father is quite open-minded and would take them in most likely."

"My second brother would most likely jump right to your father's side if he heard you right now but my oldest brother wouldn't since he thinks he is dutybound to Liu Bei because he is part of the Imperial Family," says Mi Tei when she hears Fang burst out in laugher.

"What is so funny?" asks Mi Tei as Fang was holding his rips because they were hurting him because of the bruises and laughter.

"As far as I heard Liu Bei isn't related to the Imperial Family by blood. He might have their surname but my father said that a rat like him couldn't have inherited the blood of Liu Bang," says Fang making fun of Liu Bei when Mi Tei looked at him confused.

"I even heard Pang Tong once say that my father forged papers that legitimate Liu Bei as the Imperial Uncle so he could get rid of him," says Fang slowly calming down as Mi Tei's world broke apart after hearing Fang.

"So he isn't related at all to the Imperial Family?" asks Mi Tei nervous as Fang began to think then Xu Shu and Guang Jia entered the room.

They see that Fang had his clothes on which meant that he didn't do the deed which Lu Bu wanted him to do to release all of his bent-up stress from his first battle.

"Ah, Xu Shu, Guang Jia, she is my healer, Mi Tei," says Fang introducing them when Xu Shu pulls his sword out and points it at Mi Tei.

"What are you doing?" asks Fang serious because of what Xu Shu was doing.

"No Mi Tei is serving under Liu Bei as a servant. Who are you really?" asks Xu Shu seriously as killing intent was surrounding him.

"I am his second wife, Mi Shi," says Mi Shi revealing her real name to them.

"I was in servants' clothes because Lady Gan told me to hide between the servants thinking that they would let me go but it seemed that her plan didn't work when Lu Bu asked for able-bodies to help with the injured," says Mi Shi revealing why she was looking after Fang.

"That explains why the General said wives and not wife the whole time," says Guang Jia as she didn't know that Liu Bei had a second wife.

"Even Lu Bu was fooled by you that means he has never seen you before," says Xu Shu as he sheaths his sword and the killing intent subsided.

"We never met before and he had Lady Gan captured and my brother saw it as an opportunity to strengthen his position in the absence of Lady Gan," says Mi Shi as she stood up and walked towards Xu Shu and Guang Jia putting her hands in the open so they could see that she wasn't a treat to them.

"Well, I would say that we all dodged an arrow thanks to the young master's self-control. Your father will be quite proud of you," says Guang Jia seeing that Fang really came after his father and wasn't like any other man.

"What do you mean?" asks Fang confused with what Guang Jia said.

"She means that Lu Bu wanted you to relieve yourself using my body. It was nice meeting such a pure boy," says Mi Shi before Xu Shu puts a rope around her wrists and took her away to where Lady Gan and her servants are staying.

Fang turned completely red when Guang Jia walked toward him and gives him a long hug before releasing the young man feeling proud that her student resisted the temptation without knowing it before leaving him to rest.

Hope you like it. Now we will switch to Yun and Mulan.

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