
Zhao Yang

After the fight between Yun and Lu Bu, there was a ceasefire on a full-scale battle as they skirmished all around the city. Lu Bu was trying to cut off Yun's supply line by using one of his generals while Yun left the defense of the supply line in Liu Bei's hands to make him do something instead of just watching wt the city.

Yun had already noticed that the rivers were shallower than before making him understand that Guo Jia's plan was already in motion as they awaited Yun's order to release the dam to flood Xiapi.

All Yun had to do was hold out until winter or at least that was the plan until he received a report that Liu Bei had lost their supplies to the enemy. Yun only had a scary smile on his face when he heard that.

Pang Tong was out of himself when he heard that since they only had enough food for the next few days. Dian Wei and Gan Ning were about to leave the camp to drag Liu Bei before Yun.

But only Xu Shu noticed that Yun was tranquil about it except for the smirk that could freeze his blood when he asks, "My Lord, why are you smiling?"

"Yes, why are you smiling, Maniac!" says Pang Tong angrily at Yun who begins to laugh out loud confusing everyone.

"It is only a matter of time before Xiapi falls into our hands," says Yun with confidence when he turns to Gan Ning and asks, "Lu Bu banned drinking, am I right, Gan Ning?"

"Yes, he was quite obvious about it since I wanted to get a drink but he told me that he banned it," says Gan Ning seriously while Pang Tong and Xu Shu seemed to think hard about something.

"What do you think will happen now that they have won over us?" asks Yun looking at them before sitting down.

"Well it is an important victory," says Dian Wei thinking hard about what they could be doing when Xu Shu and Pang Tong realized something.

"It is their first victory and an important one at that," says Pang Tong with a sly smile on his face.

"The General that has won would want to celebrate it by drinking with his comrades," says Xu Shu finishing Pang Tong's thoughts.

"That's right, but Lu Bu won't be happy with that. He will be alienating many of his men by denying them this. The morale will hit rock bottom in a few weeks," says Yun happy because they are almost at the end of fall.

He wanted to end this war and bring his family to Xiapi. He wanted to hold his wife and his newborn baby. He wanted to play with his children.

"You think that his Generals will betray him?" asks Gan Ning suspiciously as Yun looked at him and nods.

"Yes, the most dangerous enemy is not the enemy that you can see but the one unseen until the last moment," says Yun seriously as his eyes began to shine in an intenser blue.

"He trusts his men to follow his commands but what if they betray him and hand him over to us without much of a fight. It would change many things," says Pang Tong thinking about how to reel them to their side.

"I don't want such people in my army," says Yun seriously making Pang Tong stop his planning while Xu Shu was confused with Yun saying that.

"Why shouldn't we take them into our army?" asks Xu Shu wanting to know why Yun rejected them before even seeing them.

"They are men that will betray their Lord. If they do it once they will do it again just to save their hides," says Yun angrily just thinking of having such scum in his army.

"But what if we facilitate them to join Cao Cao's army?" asks Xu Shu as Yun looked at him while the intensity of his blue eyes fades turning back to normal.

"We could do as Xu Shu said. We would win this war and evade in recruiting them into our army by shoveling them toward Cao Cao," says Pang Tong seriously as Yun throws himself back to lie on the ground to think over it.

"Let's hope that Cao Cao arrives soon. He is taking far too long if you ask me," says Yun seriously since Cao Cao had to arrive at least by last month but he still hasn't shown himself until now.

"He might be stalling his arrival so Lu Bu and you kill each other leaving him with clean hands," says Pang Tong hinting at something that everyone was thinking about when it came to Cao Cao.

"I was thinking the same lately but let us move to the next topic which will be Liu Bei's punishment for losing our rations," says Yun as he lifts his upper body back up before touching his ring and a sack of rice appears in his hands.

"How much have you stored inside of the ring?" asks Pang Tong curiously as Yun began to think hard about it.

"We should have enough to survive until our next supplies arrive," says Yun since he had enough rations to survive a month with his army if the worst-case scenario were to happen and they were cut off the supply line.

He would always place every month half of the rest over into his ring while the other half was stored in his mansion to be used in difficult times for example when a drought or a plague arrived at their doorstep.

"Anyway, let us go back to Liu Bei," says Yun as he looks at Dian Wei and continues, "Bring him before me. But don't use too much strength. We don't want you to kill him."

"Understood," says Dian Wei before leaving to get Liu Bei.

"So what will be his punishment?" asks Gan Ning since losing their supplies would be a grave loss to them if Yun hadn't stored supplies in his ring beforehand.

"He will re-," says Yun when he notices that the sky was dark because of the dark clouds.

"What is going on?" asks Yun himself as he stands up continuing to look at the sky.

He was feeling goosebumps crawling all over his body while the rest was feeling the same with Pang Tong even losing his footing as well as Xu Shu.

Rain began to fall, lightning and thunder could be seen and heard all over the place terrifying not only the soldiers but also Gan Ning who fell to the ground holding himself to calm down.

Yun was on one knee holding himself together as he looked east seeing that it was worse over there when he thinks, 'It must be a God or an Immortal that is causing this.'

In the meantime in Puyang, a man in strange armor holding a hammer was standing before the Zhao Manor when he says to himself, "Father said that she was hiding here."

The clouds over Puyang turned dark and began to spread over China bringing rain, lightning, and thunder while an inhumane pressure spread under those clouds.

The man walked into the manor and was met by a band of tigers that were baring their claws and teeth at him. He saw a boy sitting on one of the tigers.

The man takes a closer look and says surprised, "I am quite surprised."

The man moves his hand towards the boy and places his index finger on the boy's forehead before putting some Qi inside of the boy and sealing it so it wouldn't hurt the boy.

"Take it as a gift for what I am about to do to you and your family," says the man in a grim voice to the boy who was out cold on the tiger.

The tigers were backing away feeling fear because of the man who entered the manor without fear. The man walked through the halls as if he was at home when he arrived before an old man who was barely standing before him.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" asks the old man when the man stopped before the old man.

"You remind me of my old man," says the man when he puts his hand on the old man's shoulder removing the pressure he was feeling from standing before him.

"I am Thor Odinson," says Thor standing before the old man when he continues, "And I am here so I can retrieve a woman that shouldn't be here from the beginning."

Thor looked at the old man and puts his hand over his eyes making the old man sleep before looking at the two children behind the old man.

They were barely conscient when Thor looked at them sitting on the ground when Thor crouches before them and puts his index fingers against their forehead putting Qi into them before sealing it again as he did before with the other boy.

Then he turns to the door the children were staring at. He opened the door and entered the room finding a lot of women helping a woman who is about to give birth.

Thor walked toward the woman that was giving birth when Darkness begins to form between Thor and the woman.

"Where we found out by him?" asks Thor himself scarred when a woman steps out of the Darkness making him sigh in relief.

"I thought for a moment that the Judge would come out of it to punish me and her. But it makes sense that you would appear since you are friends," says Thor as the woman completely manifests.

She has long black hair and eyes while her skin is pale. The robes she is wearing were black and the aura was completely oppressing Thor.

"She just wanted to be here," says the woman seriously as a giant scythe appears out of the Darkness.

"We both know that it will bring Asgard trouble if he finds out who she is," says Thor pointing at the woman that was giving birth.

The woman turned to the other woman and looked at her worried before saying, "She is under my protection. But you are right. She needs to return before my husband finds out."

"Then let me take her back," says Thor seriously since they can't stay there for a long time when suddenly a more oppressing aura appears in the mansion making everyone nervous.

"We are too late," says Thor scared as a man stepped out of the Darkness.

The Darkness manifests completely and Shura looked at both his wife and Thor when he says in a scary tone, "My own wife went against our laws."

He stretches his hand out and a sword covered in Darkness appears in his hand and points it at the woman behind his wife and Thor when he says, "I will look away only today but once the child is born you will have to leave with Thor."

"I... I will do so," says the woman in a hopeless tone when Shura places his sword on his shoulder.

"Good, I looked away longer than I should because of your situation but it ends today," says Shura seriously at the woman when he turns to Thor and says, "She will be escorted by my wife back to Asgard. You can go back to Asgard and tell your father not to mingle in the affairs of this mortal if he doesn't want to be punished."

"I will tell him that," says Thor before leaving the mansion using the window because he wanted to escape the scene as fast as possible.

Shura then looks at his wife and says, "Lorena, you deal with her. The day after her child is born she shall be in Asgard."

Then he turns to the woman and says, "I am not a heartless monster or I would have sent you back the moment I have touched you on your wedding night with Arthur."

"Thank you for letting me stay this long," says the woman as Shura disappears into Darkness leaving only Lorena and the woman behind.

"I am sorry that I can't help you any further," says Lorena hugging the woman, feeling sorry for her.

"I had a longer time with him than I expected. But I think it is time for me to return to the place I really belong to before I get you in a more serious problem," says the woman when she begins to feel pain.

"The child is coming," says the woman in pain and Lorena removes the pressure from the air making the women in the room move again.

They were fearful of her but they needed to bring the child to this world making them work fast to make sure the child was born safe and sound while stealing a stare at her once in a while.

The boy was born and the woman was holding it in her arms when she says, "I am sorry Zhao Yang. I wished to see you grow up beside your siblings but I won't be there to see it."

Then she turns to the women in the room and says, "From today onwards I died from childbirth. Tell that to Yun. I don't want him to go to war against his Godfather or Asgard. He would die a pointless death."

Everyone was looking at her nervous when Madam Su says seriously, "You heard my daughter-in-law. She died today while giving birth to her fourth and last child. You won't talk to anyone about what happened here today even if Yun threatens you to tell him."

"Understood," say the women feeling the conviction behind Madam Su's words when Madam Su walked toward her grandson.

"They will all miss you and this one more than anyone since he won't be able to feel your warmth," says Madam Su caressing her daughter-in-law's cheek.

"I am sorry, mother. I hope that Qing can take care of him while Yun is away," says Diao Chan to Madam Su almost crying when Madam Su cried as well.

"She will," says Madam Su sad to Diao Chan as they wept knowing that Diao Chan would have to leave tomorrow.

Hope you like it.

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