
The First Chain Breaks

The summer came and Yun was marching with the banner of Xiahou Dun instead of his own leading the men of the injured General with Pang Tong beside him.

"Do you think we will be ambushed on the way?" asks Yun knowing that it might happen but he wanted to hear it from someone's else mouth.

"Most likely, Lu Bu won't just let us march towards Xiapi easily just so we can lay siege on him," says Pang Tong as he was looking at the soldiers he would need to plan his strategies for since they were trained differently compared to Yun's men.

"He won't, I can imagine that once we enter the border of the Xiapi Commandery we will be attacked continuously by Lu Bu and his men," says Yun as he looked ahead trying to find some clues that can tell him that the enemies are nearby.

They continued to march until the sky turned red making Yun stop his troops since it won't help them to continue marching until it turns dark since they don't know from where the enemy would attack them once it is dark while now that they still have light they could see it.

But Liu Bei had another idea taking his men to continue to march forward, thinking that Yun was stalling their advance. Yun didn't give a damn about Liu Bei and his troops leaving him to continue to march if that is what he wants to do.

Yun was rather worried about his supply line since Lu Bu could ambush their supplies if the vanguard is too far away from the main army since the vanguard was plowing the path for everyone behind them.

They are making sure that nothing is on their way as Yun sends two small groups of five out to scout the surroundings to make sure that they don't get surrounded by the enemy while they are preparing for the night.

"What do we do about Liu Bei?" asks Gan Ning seriously not liking the guts Liu Bei was showing since it will only lead to trouble.

"Leave him be," says Yun calm as he looked at Xiahou's men before he continues, "Our mission is to get to Xiapi and lay siege on it not to look out for Liu Bei and his brothers."

Gan Ning ignited the campfire and they sat down when Yun says coldly, "If Liu Bei wants to run blindly into a trap then let him but he shouldn't dare to complain to me."

The night fell over them and both groups returned with no information on the enemy making Yun release his tense shoulders.

Yun was sleeping leaning against a tree holding his sword with one hand between his legs when he hears fighting noises in the middle of the night which awakens him.

He opens his eyes and sees that the fight wasn't taking place in his camp as he stood up and tried to pinpoint from where the noise was coming from if it came from behind them or before them.

He looked towards the east and knew that it wasn't his supply line that was being attacked at the moment but Liu Bei who continued marching forward.

Gan Ning and Dian Wei were woken up by the noise as well when Gan Ning asks, "Do we let them to their fate?"

"Dian Wei, Gan Ning, saddle up we three are going first. Even if I hate his guts we can't lose him yet," says Yun coldly as he walked toward Pang Tong who was still sleeping while Gan Ning and Dian Wei gave a bow before moving.

Yun kicks lightly Pang Tong's foot waking him up enraged from his beauty sleep when he asks "Why have you woken me up?"

Pang Tong hasn't even heard the noises until a moment later. He stood up thinking it was their camp that was under attack before he realized that it wasn't theirs.

"Prepare the men to march we need to make sure that Liu Bei's men reach Xiapi even if Liu Bei does today," says Yun coldly making Pang Tong smile at him madly.

"Are you finally killing the bastard?" asks Pang Tong with his evil smirk on his face.

"If he is alone, maybe," says Yun coldly with an evil smirk himself since accidents happen on the battlefield.

Gan Ning and Dian Wei arrive on their horses when Yun whistles calling Thunder before he says, "I and the others will go now catch up as fast as possible."

"We will be on your tail," says Pang Tong as he begins to move toward Xu Shu to wake him up while Thunder arrived and Yun mounted him in one motion before moving out right away.

Yun leads the charge of three as he grabs his spear which was suggested to the saddle while Dian Wei pulled one of his pikes out while Gan Ning was holding a sword that has a chain attached to it with a flail on the end of the chain.

They ride for an hour when they reach the current battlefield seeing that Liu Bei's troops were overrun in their sleep going by their corpses having their eyes closed.

Yun saw the soldiers with a green bandage around their left arm fighting against people without them making it easy for Yun to differentiate between Liu Bei's men and Lu Bu's men.

Yun infuses Qi into his spear before he throws it at the enemy piercing three men with it before it hit the ground. Yun stretches his other hand out and his sword shoots out of its sheath into his hand.

Dian Wei slashes with his Earth Qi infused pike the enemy apart while Gan Ning throws his sword at the enemy killing them before pulling on the chain to get the sword out of the enemy.

Thunder trambled over the enemy while Yun used his sword before a halberd engulfed in soft blue Qi surprised Yun and hits him in the chest which throws him off Thunder's back. Lu Bu's men rushed at Yun who had an unconsciously smile on his face.

They surrounded him only to find out that it was a mortal mistake as Yun was coated in ravaging blue Qi before he slashes his sword breaking the earth with the force behind the sword.

Everyone dropped dead and Yun was covered in blood before he looked in the direction from where the halberd came from seeing Zhang Liao covered in soft blue Qi holding a second halberd in his hand.

"I can see that you have reached the same level as Lu Bu, Zhang Liao. And you must be thinking that you can overpower me because you could go toe to toe with Lu Bu," says Yun when he stretches his free hand out and his spear flies toward him.

Yun's eyes turned red as his Qi changed into raging red Yun showed an exciting smile which showed his teeth while a Black Dragon appears behind him. Zhang Liao froze for a second as Yun looked at him like a beast would look at its prey.

In the meantime inside Yun's mindscape, Yun was looking at the Black Dragons that were chained when he notices that one was missing.

"You did us a great favor collecting all that blood freeing one of us," says the Black Dragon that always talks to Yun which was still chained in place.

"Where is that Wyrm?" asks Yun coldly when the Black Dragon pounced at him from behind.

Yun spins his spear trying to deflect the pouncing Dragon only to have to evade the incoming Dragon who didn't stop but continued to attack Yun.

Yun was slowly cornered by the Dragon when he begins to laugh and he dropped his spear confusing every Dragon that was seeing that.

"Have you gone crazy after being cornered," says the Dragon when Yun suddenly glared at the Dragon.

"I really didn't want to show you this since I thought we could cooperate with each other but it seems I am wrong," says Yun seriously before suddenly he released all of his seals that were restricting his Qi and he says coldly, "It seems that Shura was right from the beginning. You can't negotiate with Dragons. If you want them to listen to you, you need to tame them by force."

Before Arthur was reincarnated as Zhao Yun inside the Warrior's Realm, Arthur was training when Shura sees some of Arthur's blood fall upon the armor.

"I can see that you are trying to awaken the armor but it doesn't work with your blood since you are its owner," says Shura to Arthur who sighs because he didn't know that he was wasting time the whole time by doing that.

"Anyway, let me give you some advice," says Shura looking at Arthur seriously before saying coldly, "You don't negotiate with Dragons. If you want them to follow your lead you need to tame them through force."

Arthur felt shivers pass his back from hearing Shura say that without knowing why Shura was telling him that.

Back to the present, Yun released all of his Qi which slowly turned into an aura that looked like Arthur with piercing blue eyes which interlocked with the red eyes of the Dragon who slowly felt fear crawling under its scales when Yun takes a step forward.

He looks at the Dragon and says, "I am done negotiating with you Dragons."

His hands suddenly were engulfed in dark blue Qi when the aura behind Yun changed and Baldr was standing behind Yun when Yun forms a fist and says, "Baldr Art Arthur-Style: The Lightbringer's Tyrant Fist!"

Yun canalizes all of his Qi into his fist before punching the Dragon directly making it fly through his mindscape as if it was a punching bag before stopping it with his palm and Yun looks at it coldly.

"Either you serve me willingly or I will end your existence," says Yun to the Dragon as behind Yun suddenly ten figures appeared behind him.

Those figures were his teachers with Arthur standing over the ten figures, and behind Arthur was standing another person which every Dragon knew since it was the person that used their souls to forge those weapons and armor.

"I will serve," says the Dragon betraying the other Dragons that cursed before it entered Yun's body.

In the meantime outside, Yun was slaughtering his enemies and allies without discrimination while Zhang Liao, as well as Dian Wei and Gan Ning, were trying to stop him only to find out that Yun was an unstoppable force of nature.

Gan Ning used his chain to immobilize Yun's right arm while Dian Wei was immobilizing his left arm trying to stop him when Yun's eyes turned back from red to blue as the Black Dragon that was behind Yun disappeared and Arthur replaced it.

Yun was back as he dissolves his Qi and the aura behind him disappeared before Zhang Liao called for a retreat since Yun was distracted at the moment.

Yun looked around the battlefield seeing the corpses of Lu Bu's and Liu Bei's men scattered around him when he notices that someone was immobilizing his arms.

He looked to his right seeing Gan Ning before looking to his left and seeing Dian Wei noticing that both have a worried expression on their face when Yun says, "It seems the Wyrm went crazy."

This confused both his Generals before Yun says warmly, "It is over, I defeated the Wyrm. I shouldn't suffer such an episode in a long time."

They let go of him and found out that it was true Yun was rational again making Gan Ning and Dian Wei sigh in relief because Yun was back.

Hope you like it.

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