
Diao Chan is Pregnant

Yun returned to the mansion with Dian Wei when he finds Qing playing Chess with Wei Yan. Yun smiled seeing them as they were almost at the same age with Wei Yan being two years older.

'If my student dares to touch my little sister I am going to show him real hell,' thinks Yun as he passed them.

He entered the mansion and finds Diao Chan surrounded by the Tigers. They were surrounding her as if they tried to protect her from danger when Yun approaches her with Dian Wei.

They see Yun and make way and Diao Chan smiles brightly at him while saying, "You have returned early today."

"I have, but why are the Tigers all around you?" asks Yun confused as Diao Chan didn't know the reason herself.

"I don't know but it began three days ago that they followed me everywhere I go. Only when I leave the mansion they separated from me and stay at the entrance waiting for me to return," says Diao Chan holding her chin to think why they would do that.

Yun began to think as well when he realized something and says, "What if they know something we don't know yet."

"What do you mean?" asks Diao Chan as Yun walked forwards and kisses his wife.

"When was the last time you menstruated?" asks Yun as Diao Chan looked at him confused.

"The last time you bleed downstairs," says Yun making her realize what Yun was hinting at.

"One and a half week before we married. Do you think I am...," says Diao Chan as Yun smiles at her excitedly.

"Time will tell us. It is still too early for us to be sure of it. It can also just be me overreacting and your menstruation is just late," says Yun as he was excited about this matter.

He could become the father of a child next year if Diao Chan was really expecting a child but for that more time needed to pass.

"This conversation won't leave this room until it is confirmed. Do you understand, Dian Wei?" says Yun as Dian Wei nods.

"Of course, my lord," says Dian Wei who was happy for Yun and Diao Chan.

"Maybe you should go out there Dian Wei and find yourself a wife," says Yun as Dian Wei was surprised by Yun suggestion that.

"I don't have time to meddle with random women," says Dian Wei wanting to dodge this bullet when Yun smiles.

"Maybe you should ask Tang Shi. He could introduce you to some women," says Yun as he sat down beside Diao Chan.

"My Lord, I am fine with the current state of my relationship with women," says Dian Wei as Yun smiles at him.

"I was just suggesting it. You don't have to follow what I just told you. But can you leave us both alone for a moment," says Yun as Dian Wei nods and leaves the room.

Yun looked at Diao Chan and caresses her left cheek while asking, "What do you want, a boy or a girl?"

Diao Chan didn't even need to think about that as she says, "A boy if he inherits the best of our look and your strength he will have all the girls on his knees."

"I was hoping for a girl, but if you want a boy so be it," says Yun as he didn't mind having a girl or a boy as long as it is healthy.

Yun then laid down on the floor with Diao Chan as he hugs her and says, "I just want you and the child to be happy by my side even after everything that I will do."

He kisses her and whispers, "I won't lie and say that I will always be there but I will try to be around you and the child as much as possible."

"I know that you will have to go to war to protect the nation just return safe and sound as you always do," says Diao Chan as she got nearer to Yun having her head against his chest.

She hears Yun heartbeat rise as she smiles and says, "It seems I still can make you feel nervous."

"Always," says Yun as he kissed her hair.

Months pass and time revealed that Diao Chan was pregnant with Yun's child which made the Zhao Family happy especially Madam Su who was awaiting her first grandchild with excitement making Diao Chan eat more than needed that Yun had to interfere.

The medicine man was sure that Diao Chan was blessed with two children which made the situation take a worse turn since at those time giving birth to two children at the same time could kill a woman.

Yun wasn't scared of it as he was confident that Diao Chan would be able to survive the delivery. Wei Ru was preparing Diao Chan for what she would need to do once she broke water.

Yun was on the training ground as he saw Pang Tong observing the training studying the formation that Yun implemented when Yun says, "It seems you have been studying the formations."

"As your strategist, I need to adjust my strategies to the formations. I heard that your brother went to Liang to get horses for a cheaper price than here in the middle plain," says Pang Tong as Yun nods.

"Yes, it has been two weeks now. But I think if we handled the Xiongnu and take their horses we could save money but for that to happen we would need to be ordered to the border which He Jin doesn't want," says Yun as He Jin didn't want Yun to grow bigger at the moment.

He Jin wanted to hold Yun as a five-thousand-man General so Yun doesn't gather more power than needed since the rumors around Yun's strength got out of proportion compared to his real strength.

"You want to fight the Xiongnu?" asks Pang Tong surprised as he knows that the Xiongnu were a threat at the border.

"Yes, they should be a worthy opponent to our troops that still need to be baptized by fire," says Yun with a dangerous glance in his eyes.

"So you don't see the practice skirmishes as a real battle," says Pang Tong as Yun nods.

"Yes, they are good for training but everyone knows that they won't die if they make a mistake. But on the battlefield, one mistake can cost you your life and that is what I want them to understand," says Yun as he looked at his men training.

"Also most of them never killed a person which can become a problem the longer this goes on," says Yun looking at Pang Tong.

"So you are afraid that they won't be able to kill a person. Once they stand in front of their enemy," says Pang Tong as Yun nods.

"Yes, they might be trained to be soldiers over the months but that isn't the same as standing on the battlefield and breathing the reek of blood through your nose or having your armor sullied by blood. Once on the battlefield, you know who is made for this and who isn't," says Yun as turned to his men that were training by pushing themselves using the shields.

"What if we ask Lu Bu if he needs our help. You might not be sent to the border the normal way but you could go as reinforcement," says Pang Tong as Yun smiled at him.

"I like you, Pang Tong. Keep up the great work," says Yun as Pang Tong gave him the perfect excuse to disobey He Jin's orders.

Yun then walked back to the mansion where he finds Wei Yan training with the spear. Yun spies on him to see how far his student has gone since he started training him.

Wei Yan was full of sweat which showed his effort in learning the way of the spear making Yun smile as he walks forward and says, "You are doing good in your skills with the spear."

Wei Yan stopped when he heard Yun's praise and says excitedly, "Master!"

"But how is your Qi training going on?" asks Yun as Wei Yan had an affinity for Fire and Earth.

Yun taught him how to increase his Qi and control it after he awakened Wei Yan's Qi as Athena helped him awaken his Qi.

"I am not that good at it yet. Dian Wei is far better than me," says Wei Yan who trains with Dian Wei sometimes as both have the Earth affinity and Dian Wei can control it partly now.

He would be an adept at Earth Qi while a beginner like Wei Yan when it comes to his second affinity which he still couldn't bring out.

"Then how about we meditate for an hour together before I join the Madam," says Yun as he sat down on the dirt and signalized Wei Yan to sit across from him.

Wei Yan does that as always and connects his palms with Yun's before concentrating. Yun circulated his Fire and Earth Qi through his and Wei Yan's body.

He instructs Wei Yan on how to effectively manage the circulations and how to increase the Qi slowly since increasing it too fast can break his body and make him a cripple.

After an hour of meditating, Wei Yan felt that his body was getting stronger and felt happy that his master didn't neglect him with everything that was going on in the mansion.

"Thank you, Master," says Wei Yan as Yun snaps his index finger lightly at Wei Yan's forehead.

Wei Yan was holding his forehead as Yun says, "You can thank me the moment you can produce a decent flame in your hands. Until then I will increase your Qi training and shorten the physical training that you love so much."

"Please don't Master. I love to swing the spear," says Wei Yan as Yun smiles at him.

"Then it will be time for you to produce a flame. I will give you till next week," says Yun as he wanted to motivate Wei Yan by punishing him.

"I will produce one ending this week," says Wei Yan as he returned to meditating instead of swinging his spear.

"Good," says Yun with a smile on his face seeing his student motivated enough to train his Qi.

Yun entered the mansion and walks directly towards the main bedroom where he finds Wei Ru, Ren, and Madam Su watching over his wife.

Hope you like it.

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