
Lu Bu arrives at Zhending

Two days after they arrived at Zhending, Yun was in his room laying his head on Diao Chan's thighs thinking about which Sima it was who gifted him the Mansion that was built in Zhending.

'It is either Sima Fang or Sima Lang but I tend to think it is Sima Lang. Sima Fang is too serious to do such a thing,' thinks Yun hard over this matter as Diao Chan noticed it.

"Still thinking who gifted you this mansion we are living in?" asks Diao Chan as Yun nods.

"Yes, I went through all the rooms and found nothing out of order making it even more suspicious but if I have to pick one it would be Sima Lang who gifted me this mansion without his father's awareness," says Yun as he looked at the document that confirmed the legitimacy of him owning this mansion.

The mansion itself was big enough to house the whole Zhao Household and all the servants and generals that are under Yun and there would still be enough space in it.

Yun also had to invite He Jin since he made everything possible as he made him a General. He also sends one to the Emperor knowing that he wouldn't come but he had to show him face for everything the Emperor has done for him.

He Jin would also not come since he couldn't leave the Imperial Capital or the Eunuchs would gain an upper hand but he sent Yun a gift in form of money.

"You will find out on the day of our wedding who gifted you the mansion. So how about you relax a bit since your friend is coming tomorrow," says Diao Chan passing her fingers over Yun's face.

"You are right. Maybe Lu Bu can help me calm down once he is here. I heard he will come with his wife and one of his friends," says Yun as he lifts his hand towards Diao Chan's cheek and caresses it.

"Are you nervous about our wedding?" asks Diao Chan as Yun smiles at her.

"I am not. You are my first choice between all the women I have met you are the one I fell for in one glance," says Yun as he moved his head up and kissed Diao Chan before laying down again.

A week passes and the wedding day was approaching when Lu Bu arrived with his wife, Wei Mei, and his friend, Zhang Liao. They entered Zhending from the West Gate.

Wei Mei, mostly called Madam Wei, is a woman with beautiful long black hair that seems to shine. She has black eyes in which you could lose yourself and was quite a catch for Lu Bu.

"It seems they are preparing for the wedding," says Lu Bu seeing the people cleaning the streets.

"We should ask for the way. It is the first time we are in Zhending," says Madam Wei as Lu Bu and Zhang Liao nod their heads.

They turn to a person that was cleaning the street and Zhang Liao asks, "My friend, where can we find the Zhao Household?"

"Just follow the street further in you should find the manor with a plate hanging over the gate," says the person as Lu Bu and Zhang Liao began to guide their horses through the city while Madam Wei was sitting on her husband's horse.

They arrived at the Zhao mansion and Lu Bu found the gate open when he enters it with his Zhang Liao when a servant comes towards them.

"What can I do for you?" asks the servant as he knew that they must be guests for the wedding.

"Is Zhao Yun in the manor, I am Lu Bu and was invited by him to the wedding," says Lu Bu as the servant nods and walks outside.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao were confused that the servant was leaving the manor when they hear him say, "Zhao Yun doesn't live in the manor any longer. He has his own house just some streets down. You can't miss it since it is the biggest house in Zhending."

"He bought the biggest house in Zhending?" asks Lu Bu as the servant shakes his head.

"No, it was gifted to him of the Sima Clan. The young master is quite tense lately thinking about why they would gift him the mansion they newly constructed in Zhending," says the servant as Lu Bu was confused about this as well.

"They might want to gain his favor it isn't something unusual that a merchant clan that has ties to the military to want some ties with a rising general. Remember how He Jin tried to get Zhao Yun's favor by making him a general," says Zhang Liao as Lu Bu remembers it since Yun overtook him out of nowhere.

They arrived at the mansion where they find a boy swinging a wooden stick which was far too long for him with Yun beside him swinging his spear. The boy was following his moves as Yun was moving slowly so he could follow.

"Young Master, you have guests," says the servant as Yun turned around and sees Lu Bu.

Yun then looks at Wei Yan and says, "It seems our training is over for today. How about you join Huang Xu, Gan Ning, and Dian Wei in their training."

"Yes, teacher," says Wei Yan as he leaves while Yun rams his spear into the ground with the blunt end getting stuck in the ground.

Wei Yan leaves while Yun walks forward and cups his hands together while saying, "It is nice to see you again, Lu Bu. Who have you brought with you?"

"My wife, Wei Mei, and my friend and subordinate, Zhang Liao. He met you before when he accompanied my father in the capital," says Lu Bu as he cupped his hands as well showing Yun the same respect.

"How about we get your horses into the stable," says Yun with a smile as he guided them.

They arrived at the stable and find some horses inside when Lu Bu sees Huntress and says, "Is that the horse the Emperor gifted you?"

"Yes, quite a beauty. I gifted it to my wife since I have Thunder," says Yun as he petted Huntress's head.

"You gifted your wife a warhorse. Shouldn't you gift it to one of your subordinates?" asks Wei Mei seeing that Huntress was quite big to be a domestic horse.

"I would rather keep her in the family since I want to breed Thunder with her," says Yun as Lu Bu was quite excited to find out what a monster would come out of that breeding.

"Can we see Thunder?" asks Zhang Liao as he heard from Lu Bu that this horse was quite special and wanted to see Thunder himself.

Yun was thinking for a moment as he says, "We will go near him to see how he is today. If he isn't in a good mood you won't see him until the day of the wedding."

"Is he in a bad mood lately?" asks Lu Bu concerned as Yun nods.

"Yes, I don't allow him to leave the city until the wedding is over since he would stroll around and return after some days but the wedding is in five days which makes me put this restriction on him," says Yun as Lu Bu felt once how threatening Thunder could be.

Yun approached Thunder's stable and gives a signal for the others to approach seeing that Thunder seemed in a good mood as he was eating his food.

Zhang Liao and Wei Mei saw Thunder for the first time and now knew why Yun preferred Thunder over Huntress.

"How can you feed such a beast?" asks Wei Mei making Yun smile.

"I don't feed him. He feeds himself when he goes out. That's why he is sometimes in a bad mood because he can't go hunt his own food as he would normally do," says Yun explaining that Thunder normally isn't fed by them.

"And you aren't afraid of someone stealing him from you?" asks Zhang Liao which made Yun and Lu Bu laugh out loud.

"Liao, you only saw him in his good mood let me tell you that the time I saw him he radiated an aura that made me go tense. I thought I entered a battlefield but it was only the horse warning me to not get a wrong idea," says Lu Bu as he remembered that day vividly since he felt fear that day.

"When Thunder arrived at my household he almost killed a servant with one kick just because he touched him. All the servants know that they have to keep his stable door open so he can come and go as he pleases," says Yun telling them about what happened the day he was born.

"How could you tame him then?" asks Zhang Liao as Yun smiles.

"I have an affinity with animals as you will find out soon," says Yun as he guided them into the mansion after putting the horses into the stables.

They passed a courtyard in which they find the boy with three other young men training while an old man was instructing them.

"Who are they?" asks Lu Bu as he was curious.

"My future commanders and my student. I recruited them while traveling with Diao Chan. They are Dian Wei, Gan Ning, Huang Xu, and Wei Yan, while the instructor is Huang Zhong. They are all capable of carrying their weight," says Yun as they entered the main hall when suddenly a White Tiger jumped at Yun.

Zhang Liao wanted to pull his sword out but was stopped by Lu Bu, while Wei Mei closed her eyes and screamed out of fear. Zhang Liao then realized that the Tiger wasn't attacking Yun but licking his face.

Yun suddenly throws him to the ground and began to pet its belly which made Zhang Liao have a confused expression on his face when Wei Mei opened her eyes to see what was going on.

"Yun adopted a young tiger kitten before reporting to He Jin about Lu Zhi's unjust suspicion of treason. I met the kitten when I was eating with him and his future wife in the inn," says Lu Bu when suddenly three other kittens ran towards Yun.

"You got more?" asks Lu Bu as he saw the other kittens.

"Yes, I had to kill a man-eating tiger near Xiangyang when I went to recruit Huang Zhong. They are her kittens. My little sister has one of them while we kept the rest since Diao Chan didn't want to give them away," says Yun as Lu Bu looked at Snowflake who has grown a lot since he last met him.

"Don't worry they don't attack except you attack them. They are quite calm and playful," says Yun as he opened Snowflake's mouth and placed his head between his fangs.

"See nothing happens," says Yun as Wei Mei was nervous for a moment.

"How about this," says Yun as he picked a kitten up and places it on Wei Mei's hands who felt how soft the kitten was.

"Sometimes to lose your fear you need to face it directly. And what would be better than a kitten that can't do much to lose your nervousness," says Yun as Wei Mei was petting the kitten.

"Don't flirt with my wife," says Lu Bu jokingly as Yun smiles.

"We should meet Diao Chan. She should be with my mother, sister, and her two personal servants outside in the rear courtyard enjoying the day," says Yun as he guides them through the mansion.

They arrived at the rear courtyard and find them there as Yun told them. They were drinking tea and talking about the wedding when they notice the tigers coming towards them while one tiger was sitting on the lap of the youngest woman.

"Commander Lu, it is nice to meet you again," says Diao Chan recognizing Lu Bu.

"It is nice to meet you as well Diao Chan," says Lu Bu as he cupped his hands together.

"And who is your company?" asks Diao Chan curious as she saw that she was petting one of the kittens seeing that Yun used the same treatment on her as on everyone in the mansion that was afraid of tigers.

Lu Bu presents them to the group when Ru walks away to get another chair for Wei Mei while Diao Chan stood up to welcome Wei Mei.

Diao Chan was warm and open-minded as she hugged Wei Mei without thinking about it because she was too excited about her wedding when Yun says, "I will take the men with me then. You should enjoy your time together."

They leave and Lu Bu asks, "The girl with the tiger on her lap is your sister right?"

"Yes, she wanted one since I brought back Snowflake. She wasn't happy that hers wasn't white but a tiger is a tiger so she accepted her pet," says Yun as Shadow landed on his shoulder.

Shadow had a response for him from Tang Shi and Yun took it from her claws and read it and Yun closed his eyes as he sighs.

"Is something wrong?" asks Lu Bu seeing him sigh.

"Just the voluntary troops under Liu Bei that are making trouble," says Yun as he was happy that they will be leaving soon since once the Emperor dies he can just throw them out.

"Ah, the one impersonating a member of the Imperial Family?" asks Lu Bu as he heard of that matter from his father.

"Exactly him. But it isn't he who is making me trouble but his youngest sworn-brother. He drinks and makes trouble everywhere. I think it is time for me to discipline him instead of just warning him the whole time," says Yun as Zhang Fei was trouble since they arrived in Zhending.

"Do you need some help? It could be fun," says Lu Bu as he was bored from not moving his body.

"I want one of my new commanders to take care of this but we will be watching it," says Yun with a smile as he leads the way towards the side courtyard where the others were training.

Hope you like it.

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