
Chapter 101

When she came out of her thoughts, Shreya was sitting there on her office couch with her hands stretched on either side of her and her legs popped up on the table in the front.

The injury on her arm had bled on to the couch giving the white leather a taste of red. But the bleeding had stopped now and the blood had dried up. So she did not bother with it. She just took her phone and called herself a ride. She was not sure she could ride the bike in this state.

When she reached the lobby, there was a car waiting for her and a man was standing beside it respectfully.

"Hey, Vicky…" She greeted the driver and got behind. All her drivers were well trained. They were actually bodyguards in the disguise of sorts.

Vicky was alarmed seeing her bloodied hands but was too afraid to voice his concerns.

She leaned behind her seats and closed her eyes.

"Where to Shreya..??" Vicky asked politely.

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