
The End

Michael have officially dated Lenni, it took a week for her friend to not glare at him anymore, it seems Lenni said about the sex.

Of course Michael with no worries in his mind anymore looked more deeply into the changes in the world, there is a weird part in this parallel world, on to people's viewpoint of this 'Helping Each Other' there is two views, there is always two who oppose each other in everything.

The 'Pure One' faction is the faction that regard the purity of whole body as important so if a girl have give her mouth virginity, anal virginity, or her real virginity as long two of her virginity is still intact, she is still considered their group it apply to the men too, but they are treated like a criminal that is already rehabilitated.

Then there is the 'Helping Each Other' faction, if not by the name it's obvious the I will explain, this faction promotes 'Helping Each Other', mainly consistent of male, sexist, rich, and so.

Basically, the former group is extremist while the later one is sexist which is equally bad in Michael's eye, after searching the internet for any information of it, Michael concluded that this changes didn't really alter anything in this world except it itself, the social structure is still the same, while the male one is still dominant but the gender equality or feminist is rising, the history is still the same, Hitler lost. All the same, even the big news Michael faintly remembered a month ago is still the same from the one before.

A week ago, just a day after Michael graduated from his virginity.

Michael sat at the laundry waiting room, then his number is called, he handed over his flazz card and it is confirmed that he thankfully still have some quota in his card.

Michael pulled out his towel first, then his handkerchief, and some cloth, lastly he pulled out his bed cover.

The lady who is registering it took his things from the weighting basket, the lady who didn't even flinch in the smell of a shirt full of sweat that is left alone for a week, an underwear that is worn for 3 days before leaved alone for another week, flinched before the smell of the towel and the small red stain in the orange towel, the lady looked at Michael like she knew where the stain came from and looked anticipatedly at the basket.

She then pulled out Michael's bed cover and smelled it a bit before looking at the stain that seems redder than the rest before saying "I Think you shouldn't wash this one, you should save it and reminisce about it in old days, you can even embarrass your girlfriend, or is she your fiancé of wife?" the lady asked, after all they are already 18 years old, the minimum age for marriage it's not really surprising to find someone who already have a wife here.

"I think she wouldn't like it, even though she probably would look cute when embarrassed." Michael said.

"Yeah, my husband did that but he got happier the madder I am." The lady replied.

The two of them gossiped and talked for a while before the lady's co-worker noticed and scolded her so she went on her job.

The next seven days, the relationship between Michael and Lenni became stronger, turns out they are a rare pair of people who never had a girlfriend or boyfriend even for a second in their entire 18 years of life.

They admitted that they both are newbie, Michael even blabbered about his inferiority complex, overactive imagination, over-pessimistic mind, easyly scared, and other complex and weakness, and Lenni did too like she think she is not really pretty so she wore a pink jacket to make people think she is feminine? Michael even put a question mark when repeating it in his mind.

Anyway they know most of their secret, blabbered about it, talked about their ex-crush which seems to be a taboo topic among couples from what Michael read but maybe because he never in relationship before both of them is cool with it, they even praised each other ex-crush saying, no wonder that his/her darling fallen for him/her.

This relationship have a really good effect on Michael, who usually is too lazy to try hard on something to troublesome like learning more about programming at home when he is supposed to because he can survive collage without it, it makes him work hard for his future and her's.

Michael's masturbation addiction was fully curbed, his collection that he really really has been hesitating to delete is deleted, the libido that he thought endless was easily restrained when Lenni just asked for a cuddle which satisfied him.

Because of Lenni, who seems to be a better human in the world than Michael, he got to attend various party, gathering or so, previously if it weren't his friend inviting him (which is very rare) to go out he won't take initiative and just lay lazily in his room.

You could say he changed 100o from his previous self, why not 180O, it's because his addiction to novel, anime, manga, and such only got stronger as he got more fun from it watching together with Lenni warped under the blanker, hugging her from behind while having her sitting on his lap.

To him 6 weeks ago, life is probably boring with only the novel, manga, anime brightening his world, the real world seems to be so hard, it's so hard to identify who his friend and not, does introducing yourself to each other count? Does just by greeting each other sometimes count? Did they think badly of me? Michael used to view real life relationship negatively, he wanting to have a girlfriend in the first place is because of his curiosity and youthfulness.

Deep inside he already predicted how it would turns out, he would get bored from having to deal with her, to petty to go to mall with her, or so but it turns out to be great at least it's because they didn't break up and they never will.

see less than 10 chap i already said it before but damn yesterday i was in a very high fever that i can't watch anime and read novel much less write one so i didn't post.

MF_THE_BOTHcreators' thoughts
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