
9 Prophecy

Aldrin looked at Raliz with a serious face. He felt dark force in Raliz's body. He became wary of her.

Raliz raised her head and turned. She saw Aldrin looking at her. She whispered his name,"Aldrin... ."

Aldrin heard it and his heart begins to beat fast.

He began to walk closer at Raliz but he hesitate at every step. He wanted to help her but that dark energy around Raliz making him cautious.

He stopped three-meter away from Raliz. He pulled out his sword and then...


Throne Room.

The Queen, The Oracle,The Wizard, the Black Knight, Harry, Vanessa, and Serpent are still looking at the shining crystal ball.

A moment later, letters are popping and appearing on the Crystal Ball. The Letters leaved the Crystal Ball and floated in the air.

The letters became words and arranged themselves.

They became sentences!

"The God of Order will give its new rule, tonight and The Dark Lord will rise! But, the Dark Lord could be stop by slaying him with his own blood and flesh! The one that will kill the Dark Lord will become a god. " said the Oracle.

Only the Oracle could read this sentences. No one ever could unless that someone will be the next Oracle.

Oracle is one of the very special and rarest class. An Oracle and Seers have the same powers but differentiate in how they use it. Like the Oracle, Seers are also a rare class.

Seers could see the future in their dreams or in their visions while Oracles uses an item.

Oracles are most powerful than Seers. Oracle could see what Seers couldn't see like a Prophecy. Also, Oracles could see future more clearly and accurately than Seers.

But there is only one Oracle should live in this World. It is because of the rule of the God of Order.

The people who heard what the Oracle said was startled.

When the light started to fade off, their senses got back.

Harry noticed that Aldrin was gone. He was just by his side that time and then he was gone?

The Queen also noticed her Daughter, Vanessa. "Vanessa why are you here? Leave now!" The Queen ordered.

"Mom, wait! Mom, please let me go. I want to go and explore. Let me have freedom. I want to discover things, please!" Vanessa begged her Mother, the Queen.

"No! We've talked about this! You can't go! It's too dangerous. And besides, you're still young. You'll die out there. And I won't let it happen." Her mother said with strict tone at every word.

Vanessa's eyes started crying. Tears dropped on the ground.

The Queen ordered everyone to leave except from Vanessa.

Vanessa said, "Mom. I just want..." Vanessa was still crying and was about to say something but she stopped.

"Vanessa, I just want to protect you-" The Queen was about to speak but Vanessa spoke first.

"I hate you!" Vanessa shouted.

"Why won't you want me to find my father?! Why are you hiding him from me? I just want to find my father. Mom, do you even know what I felt everytime I see children outside this gates with their fathers? They have perfect families but I don't . I felt so jealous! Every ritual of the Witch Day, I am always the Best Witch but I felt I'm the saddest Witch. Because you are not there to congratulate me. Because of your meetings. You don't have time for me anymore. If just father was here, he would be the one to cover all of your mistakes. But he isn't. Mother, please let me find my father..." Vanessa heartily said while tears still pouring down.

The Queen was moved. She'd recalled everything. She understood. She suddenly appeared in front of Vanessa. She hugged Vanessa and tears fell down.

"Vanessa, there, there. Don't cry. Vanessa, please forgive me." The Queen apologized.

"Alright, I'm letting you go. But promise me one thing, you'll always be careful."

When the Queen said those words, Vanessa's face became vibrant.

"Really!? You're letting me go? Aren't you supposed to tell me who's my father is?" Vanessa said in disbelief and asked about his father.

Her mother laughed, "That's the mystery that I want you to find out. Now, go. Before I change my mind"

Vanessa smiled and hugged her mother tight.

"Thank you, Mom." Her Mom hugged he back.

When she was about to leave het mother stopped her for a second," Vanessa, Wait! I love you! Please, Come back to me safely, okay? "

"I will, I promise. I love you too, mom!" Vanessa promised and bid farewell.


"Tell me, who are you? Are you Dark Lord's minion?" Aldrin said with a cold voice and while pointing her sword at Raliz.

Raliz was shocked in Aldrin's actions.

Raliz brushed away her shocked emotion on her face and changed it into a very cold one.

It's like battle of the coldest stare of all. Both sides have the cold stares that could probably freeze someone.

"Who you calling Dark Lord's Minion? Me? I'm totally normal..." Raliz said still competing in Aldrin's cold stare.

The atmosphere dropped its temperature.

It's getting intense!

But suddenly, The Dark Energy around Raliz disappeared and that confused Aldrin and his cold stare changed into confusion.

"Yes, he gave up. I thought we'll be stuck like that forever." Raliz thought in relief.

Aldrin put away his sword. "Maybe I was just mistaken to think it was her. Maybe this because what happened earlier in that duel." Aldrin thought this things up.

He turned back at Raliz and was about to leave when Raliz spoke.

"Uhmmm... is that it?" Raliz suddenly asked. She was shocked when she knew that she said that. ' Oh my god! Mouth and Emotions, You traitors!'

"What? Do you expect me to do something to you? Or do you expect me to kiss you?" Aldrin said with a little bit of [Seduce] spell.

Raliz's heart skipped a beat.

"Of course not! What do you think of me, a pimp?!" Raliz was irritated.

Aldrin walked away and when he was nowhere to be seen, a voice spoke.

"Are you flirting again with that Knight?" Serpent asked.

"Waaahhh! Serpent! You scared me to death! And no I'm not flirting with that jerk" Raliz was surprised by Serpent's sudden appearance. She denied Serpent's point of view.

She got up and asked Serpent what happened there. Serpent told Raliz everything happened back there. Serpent also asked her that why did Raliz went away and Raliz explained everything especially that time with Aldrin.

Serpent's don't want to think something bad right now but Raliz descriptions all leads to being one of the Darkness. Sensitive in light? Some people are, yes. Some people don't want to see light or an intense radiation because it'll hurt their eyes. Some people can get rashes or burns.

But that light in that Crystal Ball was no ordinary light, It was Holy Light. Anyone who would be dampen in Holy Light will get energized and will be given temporary protection from Dark Creatures.

But Raliz said she felt burning sensation. It's like she was being cooked alive or being thrown in hell to suffer the eternal fire there.

Serpent saw Raliz's skin that doesn't even showed signs of burns. Serpent thought maybe Raliz just imagined those things.

But Serpent still made a guesses. Raliz might have Dark Blood and the person who's going to slay the Dark Lord in the Prophecy.

Raliz might be Dark Lord's flesh and blood!

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