
A knock that meant only one thing.

Wraith got out his red chalk and wrote out in broad strokes the vox inferno spell on the cold concrete wall of his warehouse.

"Boss, you know as soon as he gets a chance the devil will back stab you. He can't help himself, it's in his nature." Hex said as he looked the spell over. "Nice work on the Latin though."

Wraith gave him a half hearted grunt of a laugh and said. "Good grammar reflects a good soul or at least that's what I've heard."

"What will you tell him?" Hex asked.

"I'm not fully sure Hex. Last time we spoke I had the feeling he was telling me the truth." Wraith finished the last of the spell. "Either way it needs to be done."

The call was now made. Since his visit with his mother Wraith felt more focused. He felt like he could think straight. The panic had left him.

They waited and waited but nothing happened. Wraith checked and rechecked the spell, it was correct.

"Bloody devil. He begs for help then drops you." Hex shook his head in disgust. "He's probably switched sides or it was just one big fat lie."

Wraith gave a shrug of the shoulders, walked over to the wall and smudged the chalk markings out and broke the call off. "Come on." He said. "Let's go. It's late and..."

From the warehouse Wraith could hear his front door knocking. It was a knock of a stranger, a knock that meant only one thing.

Hex glanced at Wraith. Wraith looked at Hex. They both walked back to the house.

Wraith opened his front door and was met with a man with half his face smashed in with a steering wheel sticking out of his chest.

"Sorry it was the only thing I could find." The devil said apologetically. "Car crash half mile down the road. The pregnant wife is still alive so it's not all bad hey." The devil gave a crooked smile through smashed teeth as Wraith glared at him.

"Why did you ignore my call and decided to call at my home." Wraith then said matter of factly. He didn't feel angry he felt something far worse, he felt disdain.

The devil looked embarrassed. "I thought we'd made up or at least were on better talking terms." He gave a slow cruel grin. "And besides you can't trust anyone down below not to listen in."

Wraith walked out of his front door and down the street. The devil hobbled behind him. Hex waited and kept a careful look for any traps or demons or for anything else that might feel like a trap.

He hated the devil with a passion. 500 years before he had nearly wiped out the hellhounds because one had bit him. He had hung hundreds of them from hook chains and ordered the damned to eat them alive.

"Why are we going back to the car crash Wraith?" The devil was limping badly. "It was murder getting to your place to start with."

"Because dead bodies don't go missing from car crash scenes and seeing it's such a lovely evening I thought we might chat a while. Clear the air as it were." Wraith replied.

"You're going to help me, yes?" The devil sounded hopeful.

Wraith knew he had to be very cautious by what he said to him. The devil was, after all, a master of tricking people.

Many a soul burnt eternal after agreeing to his terms.

Thank you for reading Wraith Macabre. There will be a chapter every Tuesday and Friday, with more spooky adventures of the occult detective as he tries to solve weird and wonderful cases!!

This is a novel by David Thomas, the writer of Avatara the manga series. Read Avatara webnovel based on David's manga script, written by novelist Domnic Obi:


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