
A Goodbye

Late into the evening, Ella sat in front of the television munching on her popcorn as her mother worked in the other room. Even though she was watching her favorite disney movie, Frozen, her face was set in a pout. She had already said goodbye to her prince, but she was missing him greatly. She looked up and wanted to ask God why he could not send her a permanent prince. Aunt An was in the kitchen preparing dinner and she was already bored out of her mind. Ella looked longingly at the back door wanting to go out to the lake but Matt had made her promise him that she would not go there alone again. And the beady eyes from.last night also scared her.

Bored, she turned off the television and was about to go to her mom and complain or even beg her for her phone so that she could talk to Matt when she heard a few voice outside. Running to the window, she saw a few men walking towards their house with big bats in their hands. Scared, her eyes widening, she rang towards her mama's bedroom and called,"Mama! There are a few scary men out there!"

Normally, Quan Qian would have assumed that Ella was pranking her but as she heard these words, the mayor's threat from the morning echoed in her ears. Moving her wheel chair hurriedly, Qian Qian ordered,"Ella, hide in the closet and you will not come out until you hear me say it is ok to come out!Do you understand? No matter what you hear, don't come out."

With that, Qian Qian moved her wheel chair out of the room and straight towards the kitchen. She needed to send Aunt An to safety also.

Outside, Aunt An had also seen a few suspected goons and was already calling the police. Seeing Qian Qian come out she said,"Don't worry. Maybe they are not coming here. They are just gathering on the opposite side of the road. Maybe they are going towards the lake. You know how mischief makes always like to gather there. But until the police comes here, go to your little kid and I will turn off the lights. Even if they come here, let them stumble a bit as they look for us!

While the two women turned off the lights and readied a few weapons to hold off the goons until the police arrived, the little girl had already dialed the number of the person she trusted.

Crying, she whispered into the phone, "Matt? There are a few bad people who have come here with big bats! Mama and Aunt An are outside. Matt I am feeling scared!" It was only after she heard Matt's reassuring voice telling her that he would be there in thirty minutes did she stop crying and peeped from her hiding place from the closet. But it was all dark.outside so she closed her eyes and started to pray desperately in order to be saved..

Matt had been fighting himself as he drove the rental car towards the city limits. He did not know why felt as if he was leaving behind something important. Unable to control himself, he had even turned back the car several times before hardening his heart and turning towards home. It was because of this that when Ella called he had only reached a few miles.

Abruptly turning back the car, he called the person whom he had contacted to handle the mayor and barked into the phone, "I told you to handle the mayor! Then how was he able to arrange the goons."

The other party shivered in fright as he heard the voice and rued the day when he was stuck between the Long brothers. Hoping that Matt Long would not kill him or Neil Long would save him if such a time came, the man said, "The mayor also pulled some strings. It is why what you said is a bit delayed. But don't worry. I will handle everything soon. And you said he hired goons? This is vey dangerous, Matt! He had an entire army of unemployed troublemakers at his disposal. I will try and rush the police to go and save the people. You also try to get as much help as you can!"

Hearing this, Matt threw aside his cell phone and pressed on the accelerator, speeding up.. Nothing was going to happen to Ella on his watch!

End of mass release! If you say a person sitting somewhere with their fingers frozen, please know that you have seen the author!

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