
Party Dress

It is said,that to a greedy person,if you give an inch they will take a mile.This was the case for Yao Yao.Once she had received Shi Ai's agreement to be the pretend host,Yao Yao was unsatisfied with Shi Ai's clothes.She looked at the plain white shirt that had only a button open near the collarbone and jeans that covered every inch of skin.It would be difficult for Shi Ai to gain a bad reputation if she went inside looking like this.Narrowing her eyes,Yao Yao opened the top two buttons of the shirt with nimble fingers even before Shi Ai could assess what was happening.The two opened buttons exposed the top of her chest,changing the look of the simple shirt.Shi Ai frowned at this and moved to close the buttons but Yao Yao just frowned at her making Shi Ai leave the shirt as is.

Next Yao Yao tried to open the lower buttons to turn the shirt into a knotted one but this time Shi Ai escaped and shook her head,"No this is enough.Come on.Let us go now."

With that Shi Ai dragged Yao Yao out of the restroom and towards the Vip room.The place was sound proof and as they moved through the corridors,Shi Ai could here nothing but some songs and laughter if a door was open.So she was shocked when the door to their room was opened.The room was filled with more than a hundred people who were all drinking and dancing..No Karaoke..But dirnking!They were under age!She turned to scold Yao Yao only to see that the girl had disappeared.

Shi Ai was now angry and decided to leave the immediately but before she could turn,Clara and Miao Miao caught sight over to her and surrounded her on both sides,"Shi Ai!You have organized an awesome party!But tell us is there a special reason for the party or what!And where is Senior Brother?Don't tell us all our efforts to make this a happening party and all us girls have dressed up in vain!You cannot do that!Tell us when is senior brother coming?",asked Clara,shouting into Shi Ai's ears.The two dragged her inside to a table of other senior boys and girls.

Shi Ai looked around atthe unexpected scene and wanted to kill Yao Yao.This was supposed to be a karaoke night not a wild party.The girls here were all dressed skimpily and the boys were all drinking.She wondered if she should file a complaint about the serving of alcohol to under age teenagers but then thought better of it,in case Yao Yao got into more trouble.Shi Ai felt that Yao Yao had been behaving very weirdly these days and she didn't understand why.But Shi Ai did not get much time to think about this as she was soon made to sit in the middle seat of the circular table and other scantily clad girls stared at her accusingly for not bringing along their coveted senior brother.

Shi Ai was getting extremely uncomfortable under these stares and she could feel the gaze of the older boys on her as well.Many were openly and directly staring at her chest..She had the urge to button up but she could not do it in front of everyone without the fear of attracting more attention.Soon a drink was placed in front of her and Miao Miao urged her to have a drink as it was a custom for a host.But Shi Ai knew when to be firm..Last few years,she has studied deeply her heart sickness deeply and knew that any alcohol was not good for her heart and her medicines could react with any unknown drug.So she dare not let herself be pressured and firmly refused to drink anything even after everyone repeatedly assured her that she could get a non alcoholic drink.She ordered herself a bottled water and took a few sips from that.

What Shi Ai  was unaware of was that her stubbornness mixed with the high alcohol content into the drinks and hormones of young teenage boys was like a siren's call.Every boy here wanted to conquer her and make her submit making her the number one prey of all the boys.

Happy New Year Everyone!I hope you all have an awesome new year and spend it with your loved ones..like this author here..Lots of love to you all..

har_kcreators' thoughts
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