
Kiss of love

Ah Hai was shocked at his own whimsical thinking.The girl was 13 years younger than him.It would be cradle robbery!But she was indeed special.He gave her his ring and promised easily because he knew that this was just a passing crush which she will have forgotten in a few days but after what he has heard it had also been a possobility that it wpuld scar her.He did not want her to have any sad memories of these few days.His eldest brother had gone to great lengths to make his guests happy and comfortable.

His leg ached where it had been a hurt a few weeks earlier.He'd been trying to hide it but he was pretty sure Neil had noticed.It was hard hiding anything from his brothers.Ah Hai was the youngest and had three big brothers.Though the age gap between them was wide,he was close to all of them.His 1st bro was his idol.Ah Hai had been 8 when their parents had passed away and Ryu Long 18 years..Ah Hai remembered how some distant cousins had claimed relation to him and tried to take him away from his brother. Ryu Long had fought tooth and nail to keep him with them.And Ah Hai had paid them back in the worst way possible!And just like that he was bound to crush the little girl's heart.She asked him to wait but the truth was he had no hope for survival.Every mission he went to was a death warrant!So maybe he had been selfish and wanted someone to remember only good things about him.Shaking away the melancholy thoughts,Ah Hai brought him back to the present.His sister in law was bound to know what was wrong.His thoughts turned to his sister in law-Alicia Lu.

When he had come back from the mission,he had been shot multiple times and the wound had been infected by the time they got medical aid.He had been out of it for a few days and the next few had been spent on debriefing and figuring out the traitor.The only good thing in the entire fiasco was that they had gleaned a lot of information and a lead as to who the traitor could be.He had been sent on a compulsory medical leave and he had been set to go home when he received the message that his had been about to marry soon.

He remembered that he had been royally pi**ed.His brother had already suffered in the first marriage and now he was set to make another mistake by marrying someone for the sake of Ru!He had come with the intention of stopping his brother but the deed had been done!He had hated the woman on sight.But now after observing them for a while,he knew that she was perfect for his brother.

Ah Hai did not remember much about his parents' relationship and what he did was very foggy in his mind.But he remembered another relationship that had been full of love and hope before he had ruined it for his second bro...

shaking away his thoughts again,he scolded himself.Nobody was allowed to be sad at his first bro's wedding!Not even him!

Getting up from his place,he went towards the hotel.There was someone else who was bound to know.Auntie Wu!She was the coordinator and the one handling the children.Looking at the time,Ah Hai thought it to be pretty late so he decided to speak to her tomorrow at the earliest.And he needed to teach a certain naughty boy a lesson as well for making a little girl cry! Just then his cell phone rang and seeing the display he thought he might as well answer it.Or Shot was going to call during the night and disturb him!The moment he answered a booming voice of his TL said,"Hey Knight!How are you doing?"

"Shot,you asked me the same thing this morning!"

"Yes,but did you answer?"

"I told you that it was fine."

"I meant you did not tell the truth!So that answer is not counted!"

"Fine Shot!I am in pain and want to kick someone the pain is so unbearable!Is that answer acceptable?"

"Yes!Finally!So what were you doing?I called you earlier but you did not answer."

"Is this an interrogation?"

"Of course not!I am just catching up with you!So what were you doing?

"I was getting engaged!"

Lots of sputtering and coughing noises could be heard on the phone before the now hoarse voice asked,"What did you say?I thought I heard you say that you got engaged!Who did you get engaged with and how?"

"You heard me right!I got engaged to a girl of course.Where?In a garden.How?By giving her a ring."

Ah Hai had no intention of telling Shot that he was joking!Ha!the man had been calling him up since the start of the leave ad checking up on him like a mother hen!Let him suffer for a bit.In fact he decided to drop another bomb while at it,"In fact she proposed to me and said that I have the kindest eyes."

After that the moment,the phone was disconnected on its own as the caller on the other side had been struck dumb!Just who was the mad girl that thought that the man with the coldest and the deadliest gaze in the world had kind eyes!If Knight's eyes were kind then Shot would believe in the existence of God!

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