
Deep Dive

Gathered in Hunter Shin's library, he, Eun Ha and Chang Mi consulted some books that the older fairy placed on the table.

Eun Ha read aloud,

"I found something here about damn music. 'Few mundane objects, that is, that were not specifically made for the purpose of being magical, can be instilled '. They must be naturally imbued with exceptional brute magical strength, derived from human expression and also of excellent quality in their manufacture. These criteria include works of art or products of human skill, such as paintings, sculptures, musical and singing pieces, poetry and handicrafts of great artistic value. Such 'cursed' or 'blessed' works can be instilled, becoming objects of magic.'" After reading, she asked,

"But I thought only objects made specifically to be instilled could withstand more addition of magic. And how can a 'song' store magic?"

"Some can," said Shin.

"But how can a song become 'cursed'? it was Chang Mi's doubt.

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