
The Trip to Peru Part 1

        Zachary couldn't make her stop crying. Andy left fifteen minutes ago and Zendaya has been crying after she saw her mother left. It's heartbreaking. This is the part that he doesn't want to deal with.

She looked up at him.

"Mommy is going to come home soon." But still, she cried and cried throwing tantrums. She can't talk yet but Andromeda taught her few things and their baby is so advanced.

"Mama!" She shouted and throw her toys away. Zachary stopped. Did she just talk? She's just ten months and this is the first time that she speaks a word and it's calling her mother.

"Did you just say 'mama'?" He asked and pulled her into his lap. He wiped her tears away and she kept crying. "Princess,"

"Mama!" She screamed that it could be heard from the hallway.

"I'm sorry, baby." He kissed her forehead. She hugged his neck and then she stopped. "Do you want milk?"

"Mama…��� She mumbled.

"I know, Love. Mommy needs to go."

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