
Chapter 16

Jin's pov

It has been two days since everything happened. I sigh and got up from Jimin's room, he won't listen to me. I think now both Jimin's and Jungkook's life has been fair. First when Jane left, Jungkook closed the door and now Jimin did. Even though Jungkook didn't left him but he certainly gave a beautiful pain.

pain you cant endure

is the pain you influence on others

so before starting anew

let that pain leave its place

only then you can let someone in

without hurting them

I wandered over the kitchen to make something as I'm sure everyone would be hungry. I thought of making Kimchi rice. I took out the ingredients and started making it

I started to hum a random tune and my thoughts drifted to Jungkook and Jimin again. Jimin is isolating himself and not eating properly. I hope this chaos doesn't effect his health.

I sigh

I felt hand on my waist

"Ahhh!" I screamed but a hand on my mouth stopped me

I turned around and saw the one who gave the heart attack

Kim Namjoon!

I hit him on his arm . He removed his hand from my mouth

"Next time you do that, I'll hit you with a spatula" I hissed

"Do whatever you want, I'm yours anyways"

"So cheesy. Now go away I have to make dinner" I turned around

"Why did you look sad when I came here" he asked as he kept his head on my shoulder

"Oh! it is..........about Jimin and Jungkook" I sigh again

"You know they are mature enough to solve it themselves"

"They maybe mature but right now they are behaving like brats. Jimin is not eating and locking his door and Jungkook is not trying" I turned around to face him

"Baby, they are trying to solve this in their own way. Give them same time"

"But i can't stop myself from worrying"

"I know, I'm the leader of the group Jin. Don't you think I haven't thought what those two idiots are doing"

"I know--"

"Can we talk about anything else"

"Okay" I couldn't look him in his eyes. It's like he is frustrated from me

"Jin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude" he pleaded

"I know..........." I still didnt look up

"Then why are you not looking at me" he lifted my chin

I shook my head because I know my voice will break


"A-are you bo-bored of m--me. W-will y--you le-leave m--me" I burst into full tears

"Jin! How could you think that!. How many times I have told you I love you. and when I say it I mean it. I'm not leaving you ever. I was a little frustrated and it came out on you. Shit! I'm sorry. Please don't cry" he embraced me

He ran his fingers through my hair and it calmed me down. I looked up when I was sure I can talk without stuttering

"I like you too. Please don't leave me. I'm nothing without you. I'll be a goner" I hugged him again

"I'm never gonna leave you, ever. It's a promise." he hug me back

He lifted my chin and caress my cheeks. He pressed my forehead against his

"I love you. Remember it. Whenever you have a doubt. I love you and only you....till someone else came in my life"

"Yeah!. And I will kill you if you lay a finger on someone else" I chuckled against his head

We stayed like that for a few minutes until a question came to my mind

"Who would you love more than me" I narrowed my eyes, his hands still on my waist

"Mmm.......our children" he winked at me


"Joonie? ha"


"What are we gonna name our children........"

"Yeah! stop it!" I hide my flushed face in his chest

He laughed

He lifted my chin, making me look at him. I searched his eyes for any kind of naughtiness but found none at the moment. Just pure love

He pressed his lips against mine and I kissed him back passionately. It's like he sealed his promise with his kiss.

"I. Love. You. Never. Forget. That" he kissed me after each word

how did i deserve him

I blushed under his intense look. I couldn't look at him

Hey! what happened to you

From when did you became so submissive?

"I'm dominant here baby" he whispered in my ear

Did I say that aloud?

"Of course you did baby" he nibbled on my ear lobe making me moan

"N-Namjoon" I breath out as he continued to make love bites over my neck. I clenched his t-shirt

"Yes baby" his voice low

"W-what are yo-you d-doing. W-we are in t-the ki-kitchen" I tried pushing him

"I'm making what's mine"

I moaned loudly when he sucked my sweet spot. I felt him smirk against my skin. He sucked on that spot repeatedly making me weak at knees. If it wasn't for him holding me, I would have fallen already

After a while of him 'marking me' and me moaning in his hold. He finally stopped

he smiled proudly at his work.

"Now you are mine" he said

"Did I belong to someone else earlier?" I asked him

"Nope! because they won't stand a chance"

"Shit! what if others see this you fool" I hissed

"They will know you are mine"

"Yeah! Kim Namjoon. We decided not to let them know"

"Ouch!! Okay fine."

I move away to go to my room but he caught my hand

"Where are you going?" he asked

"Just a moment. Stay" he nodded

I went to my room and took out a turtle neck t-shirt to cover all the hickies he made

I went to the bathroom, only to gasp at my appearance, my neck have all red marks and some turning to purple and my lips swollen

he will be the death of me

I quickly washed my face, changed my clothes and went to the kitchen

He was standing against the counter. He looked at me and grinned . I rolled my eyes at him though there was a smile on my face

"You know, I loved seeing those marks on you" he smirked

"Yeah! Namjoon. Now move your ass up and go. I have to make dinner" I scolded him

I turned towards the stove and started minding my own business. I felt his hand grabbing my waist again, but I won't give in easily

take a grip, Seokjin!

"Joonie......I have work. Go do your work, I'll call you when the food is ready" I said him

"I'm working" he said back

"I can't see though"

"I'm holding and looking at you, that's my work from now on"

"Since when did you become so cheesy. Which cringy movie did you saw?"

He didnt say anything and kept his head on my shoulder and nuzzle my neck. I continued my work just like that.

"Joonie....why did you suddenly thought of marking me?" I asked curiously

"It was your punishment for thinking I would ever leave you. If that thought ever came in your mind. Then next time these love bites will be all over your body baby" he whispered in low and dangerous voice making me shiver down the spine

"So.........I have to do something like that to make out with you" I teased him

"Are you challenging me, kitten" he tighten his hold on my waist

"No! Joonie, not now, I'm cooking" I tried to grasp away from his hold

"Okay, but don't think you can escape from me tonight. I'm sleeping with you." he smirked

"W-who said I'm s--sleeping with y-you" I blushed

"Oh! baby, should I repeat myself what I said a few moments ago" I was confused

"I'm the dominant one here baby. You can't deny me" I blushed at his words

I turned around and kissed him on his lips. He kissed back passionately. We part away from kiss and look at each other smilingly. I turned to my cooking and he returned to his previous position

He and his dominant nature......aahh.......

What are you doing to me Namjoon. Am I really falling in love with you or I already did?!

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