
It's Time...

Age 1991

"Oh, crap..." Heather and the Scientist both said. 

They started in horror as the three men entered the room.

Jester let out a small hum as his eyes glazed over the several people in the room. He somehow floated off of the ground standing on air. His arms were folded behind his back and an aura of power rolled off of him. His cold eyes could be seen coming out of the pair of holes in his creepy smiling mask. The eyes slowly landed on Heather then slowly looked down at the small remote in her hands.

"Ahh..." He spoke slowly. Agonizingly slow. Each word was done in such a way to draw it out. To let you know that you had until he was done speaking... "So that is the device... And it is only one button? I guess that means Coin lied to me..."

"That's right!" The scientist announced. "Okane had us build it! Just a single push of the button."


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