

Southern Zilla

"Huh! What girl can resist my son? Clearly, he has taken his dating lessons from you. Starting tomorrow morning, I will teach him the fool-proof way of ensnaring a catch and never letting it off the hook," she said with confidence.

Harshvardhan threw his head back and laughed, "You mean the one you used to bait me with? Look, I am still hooked and happily, so."

Capital, Royal Palace

Prithvi had come visiting Rani Samyukta officially today regarding the competition.

"So, these are the basic designs of the different stages of the contest which I have drawn. Let me know if you wish me make any modifications here," he said respectfully.

The queen nodded and said, "Leave them here with me and I will come back with suggestions."

Indrani came there and invited Prithvi to the foodhall as he was about to take his leave.

"I don't eat…" he started.

"I am well aware that you only eat fruits outside. We have arranged for fresh fruits, specially selected from the queen's garden. Please grace us with your presence," Indrani said with twinkling eyes.

Prithvi followed the Queen as they made their way to the dining room. Since the weather was turning cooler, the windows which overlooked massive lawns on both sides, were shut. The dining hall had a citrus smell prevalent inside and Prithvi noticed that dried peels of oranges were floating in the oil in big diyas* lit and kept on both sides of the door.

"There are some changes in the blueprint from the last time that we discussed. But I won't bother you with the details," Prithvi said quietly.

Rani Samyukta was mindful of curious eyes and ears around.

She nodded and said, "I will leave the detailed charting of the competition entirely on your shoulders. I am quite busy with the ministers on the annual budget planning and would be relieved if you could continue giving your 100% to this task."

Prithvi nodded respectfully and took a slice of melon from the platter.


Shaurya was staying in a lodge which was next to a brothel. This was done as per the instructions of his mentor, of course. All spies in Suraksha Chakra knew how vast and interlinked the brothels in the neighboring countries and the information network was. But the details of the moles in these brothels were given out on a need to know basis.

When Ratansingh had first been posted here, he had been put in link with Chandragarh's mole in this very brothel who had helped him set up his base. But unknown to both of them, there were couple of more people who were a part of this establishment and had kept an eye on the new spy and the mole.

In every country where the information network had been set up by Chandragarh, there was a person in the front who in most cases was a recent recruit, maybe a resident of that country and bribed or coerced to shift loyalties. The information of such a person was shared freely with all spies within the system of Suraksha Chakra.

But there was a separate list of people who had been sent to these neighbouring countries many years ago and who, along with their descendants had been living there but still remained loyal to their motherland, Chandragarh. These were the people who formed the second line of informants and contacts. This list remained only with the zilla heads along with the chief, Prithvi and not shared with anyone else unless a situation arose as it had in Saptsindhu.

The information about Ratansingh turning rogue had been provided by the older link in this very brothel and that's why Shaurya had not contacted the 'official contact' at the brothel and interacted with the other woman instead. He knew that Ratansingh and his cronies must be keeping an eye on him and he needed to be extremely careful about his actions.

In the past couple of years, he had made it a habit to visit the brothel as did all other spies but, in his case, he spent most of the night there, instead of slipping out once his work was done. He had managed to create an impression of him having a penchant for sleeping with these prostitutes and he hoped that Ratansingh would be aware of it. In fact, he was counting on it.

The prostitute was older than him but possessed a timeless beauty, making her age an irrelevant issue. The face though serene, seemed to hold many stories on it. Pacing in the room of the woman right now, Shaurya was waiting impatiently for the eagle to arrive. It was the window of this room from where he had been sending and receiving communications. His lodge was too visible and risky.

"Are you sure that you don't wish to distract yourself pleasurably till the bird arrives?" the woman's words were uttered in a teasing tone.

Shaurya halted and then bowed with utmost respect, "I am humbled by the offer but I can't afford any distractions right now though the loss is completely mine."

His voice held the right amount of rue for her not to think that he was being flippant.

Staring at him, she said, "You are quite a charmer, aren't you? I am sure that young girls chase you all the time."

He looked at her and suddenly the face of that adorable creature flashed in front of his eyes.

With a shake of his head, he replied, "You are the only kind one who has said so. I don't think anyone else in the recent past has thought of me in that vein."

Saying so, he turned to gaze out of the window, ruthlessly putting the woman in the room and the one in his heart, out of his mind. He needed to stay focused.

*Diya – earthen or metal lamps with wicks

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