
Khaos Brigade Arrival

After this Rias guided us to a Room in different space. There everyone took seats as all the Leaders sit around a large table While me and others girls with Vali, Griselda, Mittelt, Kalawarner sit on the sofas on side. Gabriel also sit with me and Girls. She always agree with Michael so Michael is doing the Conference.

After this Michael and Others started discussing the Terms of Peace Treaty. While they were talking I moved to Gabriel and put a sound barrier around us as I don't want others to hear us. Then I said

Issei :"So Gabriel what did Griselda told you about me."

Gabriel was going to say something but was stopped by Griselda as she put her hand on her mouth and said

Griselda :"I just told her that you gave me that ability."

Issei :"Oh so why are you stopping Gabriel?"

Then Griselda became quite a bit flustered and Gabriel suddenly moved a bit removing Griselda's hand and said to Griselda

Gabriel :"Griselda, It's not good to hide truth."

Then she turns to me and said

Gabriel :"She talked how you both spar sometimes and also says that she likes to talk with you and wants to meet you more. "

Gabriel :"She always look happy talking about you."

Griselda became a little embarrassed as Gabriel released her secrets without even knowing what these words really mean to me. I also can't imagine that Griselda already has started liking me.

I am also a bit happy hearing all this as I and Griselda had already became good friends but I didn't take things far thinking it will affect our friendship. After she finished exposing Griselda. I looked towards Griselda who is beet red now. I just smiled towards her and got close to her and said

Issei :"So you know I was going to ask this to you after We have spent some more time together."

Issei :"But I don't think I will be able to stop myself hearing all this from Gabriel. "

Issei :"So Griselda will you become my girlfriend."

Hearing my sudden confession she red face started becoming more red as she said

Griselda :"Y-yes, I-I will be your g-girlfriend."

When she said this I took her left hands in my hand and kissed it's back as I said

Issei :"So from today you are mine, My Griselda."

Griselda :"yes Issei. "

While saying this she was looking at me smiling. Seeing us like this and Griselda looking happy Gabriel spoke.

Gabriel :"Griselda how do you become his?"

she said this while looking a bit confused. I didn't expected her to be this naive and Innocent. I think in reality her brothers(Michael and other Seraphs) really have made her too innocent to not fall as she can't even understand this. Hearing her Question Griselda again become red while I said

Issei :"Gabriel, it means she loves me and I also love her and now she will be with me."

Gabriel :"But-But won't that means she will not be with me! "

Saying this she looked a bit sad. Then a thought passed my mind as I said

Issei :"So why not you also be with us?"

Hearing me Gabriel's face instantly lit up but Griselda has a scary look on her face as she looked towards me. Seeing her face a gulp escaped from my mouth. She was going to say something but it was interupted as Gabriel spoke up first

Gabriel :"Ok I will be with you and Griselda."

Griselda :"No Gabriel you don't need to it's not like I will be separated from you. "

Hearing this Griselda didn't spoke to her further but turns to me and said

Griselda :"So Issei, I think we will have a nice long talk after this huh."

Seeing her devilish smile that looked more scary from before sweat started appearing on my face but then a thought crossed my mind. I pulled her by her hand in my embrace spoke in her ear.

Issei :"I also think we need a 'long' time after this."

Hearing me Griselda's scary face turn into a blushed one as she knew what I meant. But then Gabriel spoke again

Gabriel :"I also want to be with you in that 'long' time."

This time hearing her Griselda doesn't know what to do on her behaviour as she was too innocent to understand my words. After this I released Griselda and also removed the sound barrier and went back to Rias and others.

After few minutes they completed their discussions as Azazel asked

Azazel :"I think the Two of the Heavenly Dragons host won't have any pronlvlems with this treaty."

Vali :"No, I just want to fight stronger opponents that's all. "

Issei :"I also don't have any problem with it."

Azazel :"So This Peace Treaty will be signed between The Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils."

Sirzechs :"We will name this Kuoh Treaty as it took place in Kuoh Academy."

Michael :"So let's go now."

After this we all got out of the Conference Room in the other dimension As we did, Many figures appeared in the sky. They are mainly magicians, Katerea Leviathan, the descendant of Original Satan Leviathan. When they appeared Katerea said

Katerea :"So Now the Three Factions are playing peace. "

Sirzechs :"Why are you all here? "

Katerea :"We are from the Khaos Brigade, Who opposes this peace Treaty. and I am The Original Descendant of The Satan Leviathan."

Azazel :"You think you will be able to defeat us with these magicians only."

Katerea :"Who said only we are going to fight you."

After she said this Vali also moved to her side when Azazel sees this He said

Azazel :"Vali What is the meaning of this? "

Vali :"I don't like this peace treaty. I only want to fight stronger peoples and this will only put restrictions on my fighting."

Azazel understood what Vali was saying after which a few Portals appeared more from which few figures ce They are Bikou the descendant of the first Monkey king Sun Wukong, Arthur pendragon And Le fay pendragon The descendant of King Arthur and Morgan Le fay.

In anime they didn't appear at this time and Magicians also attacked at ORC to use Gasper but it's a bit different here. I think it's because they know that gasper can control his Sacred Gear and due to my presence. They still haven't noticed Ophis due to her looks a bit different as her hairs have been done by Rose and she is talking with her .

After this I said

Issei :"Vali I think we also have a fight remaining."

Vali :"Yes I also want to see what you can do. "

After this I turned to Azazel who was going to fight Katerea as I said

Issei :"Don't kill her as I need her for something."

Azazel :"I will try. "

After this I turned to Sirzechs, Serafall and Others while Michael is with Griselda and Gabriel. Seeing me. they nodded as they understood that it will be quite a problem to kill those who appeared last as they are descendant of some big families in different mythologies. Then we proceeded to our opponents.

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