
Sona's Loss and Getting Many Girls At Once

Now me and Sona are sitting on two sides of a table with a chess board and pieces in between us

I am having black pieces while sona has white ones.

Sona :"Can we start now"

Issei :"Ok"

then Sona moved one of her pawn in front after this I also moved one of my pawns, Then sona moved her knight. After a bit of thinking I decided to move one of my pawn After thinking for few seconds sona moved her bishop. then I also moved one of my bishop.After this she took one of my pawns with her knight and then I again moved one of my pawns seeing my move sona thought for a while before moving another of her.

After an hour I only have my King, Queen, one of my knight and a rook and a pawn while Sona has her King, Queen, one Knight, One bishop And two pawns.

and seeing the position of them a smile is curled on her face while rias is having a worried face while I have a neutral face. She move her knight and said

Sona :"check"

Then I moved my king back seeing this as if she expected it from before she immediately moved her queen saying

Sona :"check"

Seeing this I used my put my knight in previous position of my king which was immediately killed by her knight. and after few moves she moved her bishop killing my pawn and I moved my rook after which she moved one of her pawns while having a happy face as she can see she is going to win innext move but then I moved my queen piece diagonally and said

Issei :"Checkmate"

Hearing this she was shocked and saw the chessboard with disbelieve then said

Sona :"You let me killed your pawn and knight deliberately!"

Issei :"of course I had to make you believe that you are winning till the last moment and also let you think that I am weaker than you"

Sona :"Sigh, It's my fault for underestimating you"

Hearing this I was a bit happy as I have beaten her even if it wasn't my moves As I was Using Jen, my Omni System to play this game as jen wanted to play chess with Sona but it doesn't matter as only I have her to me and Jen also was being happy to have a chess game, she wasn't using all her abilities as then it would have ended very easy but she wanted it to be fun.

Issei :"Now do you agree to be my girlfriend "

Sona :" Yes, I agree but..."

When she said this she was a bit happy that now she is with someone who can be her opponent in chess but remembered something and hesitate hesitated but seeing her like this I bent a little forward and kissed her cheeks feeling this she blushed and said

Sona :" you -you can't do this, I-I have a sister who will kill you if she hears about it "

Hearing this I moved towards her through table while making that part of my body go through table as now I can have half of my body merged with space seeing this others were shocked except who knows about it like Rias, Kuroka, Akeno, Rose.

When I fully passed through table and reached in front of her and then lift her from her waist and hugged her while saying in her ear.

Issei :"Don't worry no one can kill me and I promise I can handle your sister."

Saying this I looked her in her eyes and closed our distance then I placed my lips on hers her froze for a second but didn't pushed me back and also kissed me back.Seeing this her peerage was shocked that their cold president was now kissing back someone. Rias had a conflicted expression on her face while Rose, Kuroka, Akeno were smiling as They now had one more sister while Koneko was eating chocolate with a smile thinking of something.

After we ended our kiss then suddenly Tsubaki pulled me towards her and kissed me fiercly I know why she did this as she also love Sona from the very moment when she met her. After kissing me for a while and releasing me She said while having a red face

Tsubaki :"If-if my king wants to be with you then I will also be with you only"

While she said this it was like something exploded inside her other peerage as they said

Tsubasa/Momo/Tomoe/Reya :"We also want to be yours Issei."

Hearing them I was happy as I have already expected this coming because they all loved Sona very much. Saji was having the worst day of his life as Sona now had a boyfriend and on top of that all her peerage members now chose the same man.

Issei :"If you all don't have a problem with me then I am always happy to have you beautiful girls as my girlfriends"

Saying this I smiled andmoved towards Tsubasa first and kissed her after that it was Momo's turn she took our kiss a little forward as she sucked on my lips then Reya didn't backdown either when me and momo finished she pulled me and kissed me while sucking on my lips putting her hands towards my neck. Tomoe also kissed me while tasting my lips which tasted other of her peerage girls and her king, Sona. After we finished Rose said

Rose :"Congratulations Darling you got yourself 6 new girlfriends on your first day at school"

Kuroka :"Nya~, Darling~you are quite a Lady-killer"

Rias didn't say anything but just smiled towards her while this was happening Saji already had exited from the Club. After then when I sat down and Akeno was going to take her seat, Koneko sprinted forward and took half of Akeno's seat on my laps Saying

Koneko :"Nya ~ issei I have also decided to be yours as now I am also strong like my sister Nya~"

Seeing this I just smiled and petted her head to which she 'purred' and Akeno put her head on my chest while Rose and Kuroka smiled seeing koneko and put their head on my shoulder. After this we all talked to each other and after this I went to my house while Rose and Kuroka went with Rias for something.

After reaching to house I told everything to Akari Shuri and Sara to which they just giggled thinking how many more sisters they are going to get.Then we started our 'night activities' filling whole room to our moans and liquid.

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