

March 21, 2015, 10:37am- Mazraea, Airstrip

Page stares out the plane window as she tries to ignore how shaky the plane is. Taking public transportation to an island in the middle of the ocean is no the most comfortable thing. Norton wanted to make sure that if Jacob was on the island, that he'd have no idea that Terrasave had found him, so arriving in any sort of private vehicle was a no go. As Page looks out over the endless ocean, she catches her reflection, seeing her reddish-orange hair which is almost impossible to see with all sunlight.

I dyed my hair shortly after he was sent on his last mission, I wonder how he'll respond. I would have been killed in the army had I done it than, and I didn't feel like I could do it at Terrasave until I was no longer a rookie. When Jacob had been sent off I felt that it was the perfect time to do it since I know he probably would have made fun of me to the point where I would have changed my mind about it.

Page instinctively holds onto her chair as the plane starts to drop altitude, the shaking growing a bit more violence. With a hard bump the plane lands on the runway and with a hard jerk, comes to a stop. The captain comes on the intercom telling them what she can only guess is that they have landed. Page is relieved to see the door in the front left of the plane open and people getting out of their seats to leave.

She takes her duffle bag from the overhead compartment and heads out when its her turn, though the people behind her are rather pushy. Stepping out onto the stairs, she's assaulted by the humid air which hits her like a brick wall. As she's walking down the stairs she gets a good look of the, "Airport" and "Runway". Nothing but just a giant slab of cement surrounded by a short fence that an adult could easily walk over, there's a short call tower and an even shorter building where nothing more than tickets are probably bought.

As she's looking around she's surprised to see a man holding up a sign with her name on it. The man is in a loosened up grey shortsleeve, brown scarf around his neck, faded blue jeans and well-worn black sneakers. A pair of shades cover his eyes, and his combed dark brown hair is the most well kempt part about him. His beard makes it hard to make out the overall shape of his face. He has a gentle smile on his face as she continues to glance at him in under confusion and slight discomfort. As she follows the other people to a small gate in the fence leading to a large flea market surrounded by several small buildings, the man turns to face her.

Secretly making sure her taser in her pocket, Page cautiously approaches the man as he lowers his sign.

"Welcome to Mazraea," The man says kindly with a spanish accent, "I'm Pablo," He says holding out a hand. Page just glances down at it before looking back up at him, "Uh, you're probably wondering how I know you, right?"

"Yeah…" Page replies as she nods.

"I'm a close friend to Jacob, he's been waiting for your arrival ever since he found out you got here...fuckers been making me stand out here all morning while he sleeps," Pablo says with an annoyed tone.

"Oh," Page says, Pablo's answer catching her interest, "So, you know where he lives?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I could take you to his place right now if you want," He says as he scratches his beard.

"That'd be great, thank you,"

"Right this way," Pablo says, leaving the sign on the ground as the two walk into the large flea market, "I'm parked on the outskirt, so watch out for any, pies, on the ground," Pablo comments as he guides her through the busy crowds of people. As the two are walking through the market, various smells, some good, some bad, some fowl, all fill the air. Cows, pigs, goats, and chickens can all be heard. As she glances at some of the nearby stands she sees someone whose face just seems to stand out of the crowd for some odd reason. As fast as she saw them, they blend right back in with all the others.

Reaching the outskirts, the two walk up to a dirt-stained, orange moped. Page is caught off guard by this.

"Want me to hold onto your bag while we drive?" Pablo asks her.

"...Sure," Page replies, handing the bag to him. He puts the bag's strap over his shoulder and tightens it before getting onto the moped. As she sits down behind him he turns it on. The two take off down the long dirt trail leading to large open fields just as a sick man stumbles into the market.

Passing through the golden fields, a trail of dust kicks up from under the tires as the two approach a single story house with a small fenced off yard. The gate's already open and they drive up to the house's garage. They park in front of the garage door and get off the scooter.

As Pablo stands up he places a hand on his beard and tears it off.

"Son of a fuck!" He shouts in a much more familiar voice, the accent completely gone. He chucks the beard onto the ground before taking off his shades and putting them in his pants pocket.

"Jacob?" Page asks, visibly baffled.

"Yeah," He says, rubbing his five o'clock shadow, the skin all red with irritation, "Can't believe shades, a beard and an accent was all it took to trick you,"

Page just stares at him before pulling her gun out.

"Jacob, you're under arrest for the murder of two Terrasave agents and the murder of an innocent civilian," She states firmly, trying her best to not shake.

Jacob is a bit surprised, taking a couple seconds to react.

"It's been over a year and this is how you wanna say hi? Not to mention, I'm sure your handcuffs are in this bag," He pulls the strap to adjust it so it's not chaffing his shoulder as much. She stands her ground. Jacob just shrugs.

"We both know you're not going to shoot," He says walking up to her. He places a hand on the gun and slowly lowers it, "So how about you come inside for a drink while I tell you what really happened, okay?" With that he goes to the front door and walks inside, leaving the door wide open. Page watches as he goes into a side room before looking down at her gun. She lets out a defeated sigh before putting it back in its holster and heading inside.

"So, what really happened?" Page asks as she steps inside the house, entering a living room that has only a couch and a coffee table, the ceiling fan sits idle, "And how did you know I was coming?"

"You'd be surprised how easy it is to hack into Terrasave's databanks," Jacob answers with the closing of a fridge door. He walks into the living room with two cans of soda in his hands, "Want one?"

"No thanks,"

Jacob just shrugs and places one on the table before opening the other and taking a sip.

"What was I gonna say? Oh yeah, do you remember Zane from our first mission in Africa?"

"Y-Yeah, I think so,"

"He was the, innocent civilian, Terrasave had sent me to get. Terrasave was trying to get Uroboros,"

Sorry for the late chapter, I was spending the weekend spending some time with my family that had come o visit. I won't be doing any mass release for this as I make my stories only a couple chapters at a time. I'm currently working on some artwork for the monsters and characters, including Derek's new look, so you can check my Instagram every once in awhile to check out those when I finish them. My IG is the same name as my webnovel. Thank you guys for being patient and be sure to leave any comments you have! :)

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