
'Dream' to be Hokage

I then smile and say to an anxious Tsunade.

Me:" Well of course I want to become their leader."

Then Tsunade breaks the sake cup in her hand. Then she angrily stands, bangs on the table and says.

Tsunade:" Are you kidding me brat, you think that it's that easy to become hokage, that you can just waltz up and say that. Squirts like you always die young."

Well then we just broke any secrecy we had. And some people are even looking towards us. I then just smile and tell her.

Me:" Of course Tsunade, who will fulfil your ideas if not your lovely student."

Then she looks angry and sad at the same time and then just gets up from the table, walks away and gets out of the restaurant.

I just look at her back and think.

Well she got angrier than expected, I guess I reminded her to much of her brother. Well anyway my plan didn't go to much of rails. But I don't like surprises so I will just have to make my plans more efficient next time.

Then the waitress comes and I pay .....

What an expensive meal holy sh*t Tsunade might be way richer than I thought just one meal cost 30000 ryo, that is crazy. I know the food is really good and all that and most of the customers here are nobles that come to visit Konoha but still, this expensive are you kidding me.

That is like around 3000$ for a meal for two. Anyway I go home and go to sleep after taking a shower.

-Time Skip- (1 month later)

Well Tsunade didn't talk to me for 3 days after that encounter and even then we didn't talk about it anymore.

I mean Dan probably already expressed his wish to be hokage. But she thinks that he is an adult and Tsunade probably thinks he has the power to survive having that dream. Huuum also Asuntori's death might have made her become more against the types of kids wanting to be hokage... I mean both him and Nawaki died. She might think it's my turn.

This month I was learning Rasengan and I almost have it mastered, I believe this week I will master it.

It took me so long cause I don't make shadow clones to master it faster and

I am learning to make it with one hand, I also didn't have anything new to do after I wasted almost all my chakra, so I just started making explosive tags and different seals for when I go to the battlefield.

My and Tsunade's relationship hasn't developed any more... but I don't regret what I said in the restaurant. I need her to take me seriously like an adult, sure that won't make her see me as an adult immediately, but you know what they say the 1000 mile journey starts with the first step.

The Rasengan is the first A rank jusu I will learn. Tsunade has offered me to give me the summoning contract for Katsyu but I refused. I know Katsyu is a top rank summoning but I don't think she is the right for me, sure I would get a gigantic summoning and be able to fight stronger opponents. She is also able to heal others, but I don't really care to heal others, what I want is a stronger summoning that can help me in the fight even against something like perfect sausano.

Obviously not to fight with the perfect susano directly but give me support.

I want the kind of summoning that even to someone with end game Naruto power, it will be useful to them.

-Time Skip- (1 month latter)

Tsunade is trying to convince me to not become hokage by saying stuff like all the paperwork I will have to do, long meetings and all that.

But she doesn't understand me, imagine all the forbidden techniques you will be able to learn without sneaking around.

By the way my stealth is way better than academy Naruto.... but I am 99% sure that it isn't that easy to take a forbidden scroll. It has to be harder, Naruto made it look so easy. If it was so easy everyone would know those techniques and every spy would give his life to get them.

Did an Uzumaki make the security seals around it and allowed people with the Uzumaki blood to be able to get in? Or is it because Naruto is a previous hokage's kid and the seals maybe allow a hokage's family to get in.... well no use worrying about it, in no way am I going to risk it for some techniques that I can't even use well, and most of them I can't even use.

I also need to do more research in the 8 gates technique, but I am not exactly comfortable doing so if I am not in my best shape, after all you know... an 8 gate beserk individual is not something I want to deal even if I am at 100%.

In the anime when Sakura was learning 100 Strength Seal technique her power didn't really drop drastically like me because she didn't have big reserves and it took her 3 years to complete it.... and you can't really get weaker than Sakura at that time.

Still have 4 months left to complete the technique.

I am keeping an eye on Kushina because my plan to get the final Uzumaki books is at the most important phase right now. If I can't get them now I don't know if I will be able to get the chance again.

Then I pet my ninken Shiro who is sleeping in my lap and think...

time for you to grow bigger little guy.

Then as I am in my backyard petting Shiro and watching Tsume training, by the way she is 7 years old now, still in the academy, she wants to graduate faster so she can show her strength on the war but I sternly 'advised' her against that, after all I am already aware of some butterflies I am making in the world and she could die out there together with her ninken, I think she has the same ninken as canon... even though I think I have a pretty good memory I am not sure if she had 1 or 3 ninken...

the one with the 3 ninken might have been her daughter Hana.

It seems I am forgetting some insignificant information about Naruto, but it doesn't matter after all the things I need to know are the main plot and the characters powers, I am sure I won't forget that.

I am not writing anything down about my future knowledge or anything about my first life. After all Kabuto deciphered something that is only readable with the sharingan and Mongekyo sharingan. To read it completely I believe you need to have the Rinnegan, what I am talking about is the Uchiha stone tablet,

I bet he could do the same about some foreign language even easier.

I won't underestimate anyone in this world, I will fight and think of everyone smarter and stronger than me. If I let my guard down in the slightest I would be killed by someone.

I am going to be honest with my self I am afraid... that if I love and trust someone in this world one day the one I love and trust would be put under a genjutsu like Kotoamatsukami and would stab me in the back. Ahhhh everything used to be so much simple and safer in my last life I would just surround myself with my 'friends' put up a dumb leader figurehead in my group of 'friends' and just climb higher in the society ladder. After all I was always a true underdog in my last life not like anime 'underdog' with Naruto *cough* has a 9 tailed fox, Izuku Midoria *boom* One for All... it's just so ridiculous.

For a true underdog to raise higher it is impossible without getting his hands dirty. Anyone who says they got at the top clean is a liar.

Ahh I had so much plans in my last life to get to the top...

Ah look at me I am getting nostalgic...

But it would also be a lie if I told you I hate this world... it makes it possible for me to achieve a dream I had buried deep in my heart.

And... and it's so exciting sometimes it is so unpredictable, unfathomable I kind of hate it, but I also like the adventure.


Hey bros, today a guy was reading the story and he left a lot of hating comments in every other chapter... and I kinda got a little salty.. and he kinda got a little salty... so we had

an otaku boxing match (insulting eachother in the internet).

But we ended things on a good terms because of the greater evil.... Boruto.

And we will end up as friends after he answers my question: Milfs or Lolis.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts
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