

Hi my name is Logan I'm 18 and in collage fresh outta high school I was rely happy when i got the acceptance letter into HardRock University of science and technology, you may be wondering what the title is for well.... lets start from 5 hours ago at my house *woowowoowoowoowoowoo*

*pun* *pun* *pun*

*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*

Angela:"Logan wake up you got mail from that university you wanted to go to"

Logan:"ugg save it for later i'm still tired let me sleep"



Logan:"WTH!! is wrong with you why did you hit me with a pan!?"



Logan:"ok fine ill get up and be down in a minute damn"

Angela:"good o breakfast is ready too"

Logan after being beaten by his mom with a frying pan starts to get dressed in a casual white T-shirt and shorts and does his daily routine of brushing his teeth eating breakfast and doing his daily exercises, that consist of push-ups sit-ups and a light run of 4 miles when done he takes a shower.

but this time there was a dramatic change.

Logan:"I'll be back in a few"

Angela:"ok stay safe and be back before your dad is home"


Logan starts his 4 mile jog from the time he steps out of the door all they way to the park that is nearby its about 2 miles form his house were he does his sti-ups and push-ups he does 40 of each every morning then sprints back to his house 1 mile from his house he dicides to stop by 20/11 to get some water.

*Bingbong* *Bingbong*


*pak pak* *pak pak*

'hmm moosearko or doosani or maybe mineral this time' Logan thought to himself for 5 minutes

the he heard a commotion out side the store


" Jonny you better behave or i'm gonna take your toys when we get home!"

"stupid!! i'm running away and will never see you again!!" the little 6 year old sticks his tongue out at his mom and runs across the street without looking his mom looks horrified as she sees a truck speeding down the road.

"JONNYYYYYY!!!!!!"the woman screams her hardest Logan in a daze snaps out of it and proceeds to sprint to save the little boy

*SCREEEEEECH!!* *BANG* all-tho Logan managed to push the boy out of the way he wasn't so luck his body was sent majestically through the air and hit the ground with a *Thud* blood splattering in a 3 meter radius around him as his vision gets blurry he hears someone say "for your deeds you will be reborn to a world/universe of your choosing"

Logan surrounded by darkness tries to move his body while thinking about the voice he heard "huh what was that voice just now why is it so dark did i die!?"

out of nowhere Logan hears a Mighty voice "yes that's right you were hit by a truck rescuing a kid"

"damn that sucks and just when i was about to go to collage soon DAMNIT!!"

"hahahha boy calm down whats done is done"

"well can i be revived or something i mean i still want to go to collage?"

"no your death was witnessed by the masses and has been confirmed"

"!!" "then its hopeless what happens now do am i just stuck here?"

"no i will grant you 3 wishes and let you be reborn in a world of your choosing from this list"

*poof* a white list pops up out of thin air

"lets see..." Logan starts browsing the list of universes he can be reborn to




Knight's and magic

Jojo's bizarre adventures


"hmm.. lets go with dragonball iv always wanted to be a saiyan"

"so it shall be what are your 3 wishes"the god said in with his thunderous voice

"wish 1 i wanna be a legendary-ancient saiyan"


"whoa realy neet!!" Logan thought for a while and thought of his last 2 wishes

"okay wish 2 i want to be a peerless beauty and for my 3rd wish i wanna be a girl" Logan said the third on sarcastically because peerless beauty's are normally female.

"your second wish has been granted tho your third wish conflicts with the second, what is your third wish"

"!?" "what how does the 2nd and 3rd conflict?" Logan thought for a bit and came up with something

"okay for my 3rd wish i want some sort of cheat system" Logan desided on getting a system to help him on his adventures in his new life

"granted" *DONG!*

[World deifying system initializing]

"enjoy your new life now be off"

suddenly a huge white beam hit Logan and he blacked out before he could say what was on his mind.


to be continued..

looking for suggestions for female saiyan names

ShadowFlux1909creators' thoughts
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