
What a Fool!

Because Xiao Tian did not want his underling to keep getting beaten up by Ming Zu, he immediately spoke, "Shadow Moon Records, tenth article." 

Xiao Tian made Shadow Moon Records yesterday. He did this to help his underlings in defeating their opponents easier.

Sure, his underlings were stronger now, but they still needed tactics to defeat their opponents faster and easier.

Xiao Tian's underlings, who heard Xiao Tian's words, instantly took one step back.

[Shadow Moon Records, tenth article = If you can't defeat your enemy in a fair fight, use dirty methods.]

Each of Xiao Tian's underlings took a small bamboo before placing it in their mouths and blowing on it.


Ten needles flew towards Ming Zu.

Two of the needles landed on Ming Zu's right arm. Five of them hit his chest, and three of them landed on his neck. 

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