
Addition to the Order of the Phoenix Ⅲ

Wanting to get to the point of the matter, Frank Longbottom swiftly interjects, "And what of the Death Eaters? There have not been any reports of raids or attacks ever since their defeat at Hogsmeade."

The enter Order of the Phoenix exchange glances with each other. The primary reason why they are all wary is that nothing good ever came from the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters becoming quiet and maintaining a low profile. Evil plans were afoot.

"Riddle is always planning something," Moody bristled with a Scottish brogue. "It is never good." There are several murmurs of agreement because that is nothing less than the truth.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was the handler for the Ministry's Death Eater spy, but it was only known to three people within the Ministry of Magic. Despite being part of the Order, he knew that he could not betray his personally recruited spy. However, that didn't mean he couldn't drop nuggets of information.

"As mentioned, Riddle has gone aground," Kingsley Shacklebolt testified. "The intent is to gather and regain strength before their next move. And what their final plans may be there are countless speculations from another surprise attack to an alliance with the acolytes or other dark allies."

"Vampires are a possibility," Dorcas Meadows abruptly interrupted to the vast annoyance of Elphias Doge.

"We know, Auror Meadows," Elphias Doge snapped. "As it has been previously mentioned, there are no signs that the vampiric covens are gathering in secret, nor have they secluded themselves from the blood houses."

"Yet what if as the intent?" Dorcas desperately pleaded with her eyes. "I fear that we will be unprepared should an unexpected attack occur so soon after."

Elphias Doge opens his mouth to speak, but Alice Yates interrupts "Now, that would be a well-thought-out move to unexpectedly attack when our defenses are down."

"No, Alice is right," Frank Longbottom twisted his lips in thought. "With the war with the giants over, the permission from the Ministry of Magic is slowly being withdrawn. There are no longer hag flying patrols and the trolls have already been withdrawn by the goblins. It is only a matter of days or perhaps hours until the alliance is fully dismantled. What better time to attack when the opponent has fully let their guard down!"

"My point exactly," Alicia beamed at her fiancé, before turning to smile at Dorcas Meadows. "Excellent deduction, Dorcas," she grinned at the older Hufflepuff girl, whom she fondly remembered from her time at Hogwarts.

"Thanks, Alice," Dorcas grinned, before quieting down and glancing at her lap. She didn't mean to push her agenda, but she no longer trusted the rules and regulations that governed magical creatures.

The rest of the evening is filled with discussing planned movements and details to follow up on the various topics until Albus says, "The evening hour is growing late, and we must depart, but before there is a matter to discuss."

"After ample discussion for those that are not Aurors and working at the Ministry of Magic, Moody and I have determined as a precaution to have you travel in pairs when and to from the Order," Albus Dumbledore said to the surprise of those in attendance.

"Dearborn and Fetwick being well-known friends at the Ministry of Magic are not out of place when traveling together," Albus said as Benjy grinned at Caradoc, who sighed in relief at being paired with his friend.

"I have no need of a companion," Elphias Doge loudly protested, before sneezing into a hankie. "I may be old, Albus, but I still have teeth," he irritably barked.

"I had no intention of saying otherwise, old friend," Albus readily said, "Edgar and Jaques already travel together as it is. There is no need to assign others together except for Miss Bones and Mr. Weasley."

Ronell Weasley's gray eyes meet those of Amelia Bones, who arches her chin at him. It seemed as though they were off to a good start. Or not.

With the final matter concluded, the members of the Order of the Phoenix begin to depart in groups of two or three as needed except for Elphias Doge, who to make a point left alone. "Dogbreath is going to get himself killed," Aberforth huffed under his breath.

"Aberforth," Albus warningly muttered under his breath not to be overheard.

The rest of the members of the Order departed except for Edgar and Jaques Bones. The expressions of the two men are like stone. "Why is Amelia here!" Jaques roared. "You promised that Amelia would not be accepted as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore!" He held up his finger in an accusing fashion.

Aberforth is unable to hide his amusement at his older brother being yelled at and tactfully turns away to face the wall. Naturally, he didn't forget to cock his ear in the right direction. He wasn't about to miss Albus being scolded by their younger compatriot.

"I can assure you I did no such thing, gentlemen," Albus explained. "I did not readily extend an invitation to Amelia rather it was Mr. Fetwick, who personally extended the invitation to her. I was not informed until the last minute."

Jaques feels murderous but comes too upon feeling the grip of his older brother, Edgar holding him back. "We will accept that for now, Dumbledore, but I warn you if anything should occur to Amelia," Edgar vehemently vowed, "we will personally hold you accountable." The two men turn on their heels and depart slamming the door behind them.

With the Potter cottage empty, Albus turns toward his brother only to see the shoulders of Aberforth shaking with laughter. "This is not a laughing matter, Aberforth," Albus gruffly huffed.

"Pft," Aberforth loudly guffawed. "Of course, it is Albus. It's not every day, you see the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizardry being readily threatened."

Laughing even louder at the sulking expression on Albus's face, Aberforth wheezes and holds his sides. He even sheds a tear or two while Albus pointedly ignores his younger brother. Yet this only made Aberforth chuckle more because it was so very rare to witness his brother's feathers being ruffled.

Breathless with his sides aching, Aberforth finds Albus smiling kindly at him. Out of sorts, he quickly straightens up. "What?!" He grumbled uncertainly.

"I had forgotten what it was like to see you genuinely fall over in laughter, Aber," Albus nostalgically murmured with something akin to moisture in his eyes.

Aberforth freezes at being called a childhood nickname that had not come out of Albus's mouth since Ariana had died. Pulling himself together, he gruffly says, "Well, that puffed-up turkey of yours certainly doesn't help," he loudly huffs in indignation upon recalling the overly affectionate phoenix and is unable to hide the red flush creeping up his face.

"Fawkes merely wishes for you to be part of the flock, Abeforth," Albus warmly retorted with a twinkle in his eye.

Aberforth rolled his eyes in exasperation. He held no desire nor intent to be part of the flock! He just wished to be left in peace!

Briskly changing the subject, Aberforth says, "So what do Arabella Fig and our little rat have to report?"

"Dorcas Meadows was seen in the company of Villem Selwyn."

"Villem Selwyn is a bigoted pureblood purist, but that does not mean he is a Death Eater."

"Yet Villem Selwyn was seen in the company of Gibbons."

"Ah, a well-known Death Eater sympathizer if not one himself," Aberforth declared with a pensive frown. "Villem Selwyn is a member of the 28 Sacred Families. He has ample power with great wealth and a bloodthirsty character if the mysterious violent deaths of two wives are any indication. He won't be easy to touch," he matter-of-factly concluded.

"Indeed," Albus admitted, before soberly turning to his younger brother. "I will be occupied with the upcoming emergency session, Aberforth. I will need your help to keep an eye on things."

"Don't I always!" Aberforth grumbled with no ill intention, before changing the subject. "Though that Master Marwah, how was he able to enter the Chamber of Secrets?" He sharply said. "You never did say, Albus?"

"Oh, it must have slipped my mind," Albus cheekily replied. "Master Marwah is a parselmouth, of course."

"Some slip of the mind," Aberforth grimaced. "A parselmouth, you say?"

"Naturally, and a highly skilled botanist as well."

"He would have to be," Aberforth muttered, before eyeing his innocent-looking brother. It was always the child-like blue eyes that disarmed others into thinking Albus was pure of heart. Albus was anything but naïve. He never was not even as a child.

"Mm," Albus hummed, "but we truly ought to be going, Aber, otherwise I am sure Fawkes might let Butters out again."

Despite the lack of use over the years, Aberforth still responded to his childhood nickname. "Never again," he swore under his breath and hurried out the door with Albus trailing after his younger brother with an unusually cheery smile.

Now and again, Albus just liked to tweak Aberforth's tail. It was a sight that would have simply been unimaginable not that long ago. A nostalgic sight that warmed the cockles of Albus' heart again to see Aberforth laughing in front of him again. Something he had thought he would never witness in this life again. A cherished sign that they were brothers again.

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