

The weekend arrived with the much-anticipated quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Among the crowd, Sirius loudly cheers for his younger brother. The match is not a long one with Regulus catching the snitch within ten minutes of the start of the game. The crowd goes wild, especially Slytherin, who finally won the coveted Quidditch House Cup.

The Slytherin Quidditch team gathers around Regulus to pound him on the back and give him a hug. Regulus happily accepts a hug from his two best friends in Slytherin since his first year at Hogwarts, the nearly identical cousin and Slytherin team Chasers, Florinda and Flortentia Champlain. Not that Barty Crouch Jr., Letitica Bones, and Dirk Creswell didn't count, but they were just not in Slytherin.

Standing nearby is one of the team Beater's, Felton Graham, a curly, auburn-haired 5th year lets out loud 'woot!' The other team beater, a hard-faced 7th year, Parsley Parkinson openly sports a wide grin. He isn't the only one as the gaunt-faced 7th year, Keeper, Delilah Pizzaro wrinkles her crooked nose in delight shaking her chopped short hair from side to side.

In the corner of the stands, Head Boy, Darcy Travers is seen handsomely smiling at the victory. He shakes hands with Head Girl, Matilda Madley, a Hufflepuff. Head Girl Matilda Madley shakes her head ruefully and leans over to press a quick kiss to Travers' cheek as if in jest. Travers stares rather wide-eyed at her before with mischief in his eyes he leans forward to return the peck on the cheek.

Abruptly the crowd surges shoving Madley forward, their lips softly meeting. Their lips remain pressed together for a second too long before they both pull away. Flushed, the two glance away unable to hide their turbulent emotions at their startling shared kiss. A kiss that is full of sudden possibilities.

Standing several stands further away, Rowan catches the scene in time. However, out of her peripheral view, she spots Barret Boone standing near the edge of the stands. From her vantage point, she can't quite make out Barrett Boone's expression. However, she sees him abruptly turn away and vanish into the crowd.

Rowan's gaze lingers on the crowd, but she does not catch another glimpse of Barrett Boone. She knew the two boys romantically cared for each other, but they are purebloods. They are each expected by their families to marry to continue their family lines. That does not mean, they cannot have a catamite on the side or continue their affair with the utmost discretion. They would not be able to openly share their affection in public.

Normally, Rowan would have ignored Darcy Traver's actions, but his genuine reaction to Matilda Madley's kiss seemed to hold a measure of genuine attraction. Perchance, Darcy Travers leans even towards witches. Bi-sexual so to speak. Then again perhaps Matilda Madley could be the only exception. From what she understood Darcy Travers had never spent much time in the company of witches until this year. The Head Boy and Head Girl did almost everything today. The two of them had become close friends.

Then again it is Beltane (or May Day), the beginning when flora and fauna flourish. The fertility of the land awakens in the spiral of life. A tiny spark could become a blazing inferno.

Yet at the same time, Rowan knew Barrett Boone is hurting. The two boys can only ever show their affections in secret. They are not meant to be together; their families would never permit it. Sooner or later the two of them will marry a witch of good breeding and have a family of their own. This is only the first of the many complications to come. A mess of tangled feelings and emotions.

Rowan is distracted by loud shouts turning her attention to the forefront. Out on the field, Regulus is tossed up in the air, before being triumphantly carried off by a mob of devoted Slytherin quidditch fanatics. Tagging close behind are Tiffany and Sylvia along with Terry. They wave goodbye to Rowan and Severus, who remain behind.

As the Slytherin Prefects, Rowan and Severus must shepherd and corral all the snakelings back to Hogwarts. There is always a couple of snakelings who decide to use this opportunity where everyone is distracted to sneak off towards the Forbidden Forest. Baby snakes are curious little predators who do not always know when to stop.

Catching two wandering first-years, Rowan firmly shoos them back to the castle. The sound of rustling bushes behind her alerted Rowan causing her to turn around with her wand held in hand to counterattack. An enormous boarhound erupts out of the forest wagging his tail. Fang eagerly bounds over to Rowan trying to licker her face and slobbering all over her.

"Down, Fang!" Rowan sternly ordered causing the large boarhound to drop down with a sad whine. Suppressing a faint smile, she gently scratches the large dog behind his ears. Fang half-closed his eyes and lets out a happy chuff drooling all over the front of Rowan's robes.

Large footsteps are heard as the tall, rugged, muscular form of Rubeus Hagrid emerges from the Forbidden Forest. With his beard and hair neatly trimmed, his hair is naturally shiny and glossy. Overall, the suave, ruggedly handsome, Caretakers of Hogwarts is a prominent member of many dream fantasies for a good portion of the student population.

"Why hello, Rowan!" Hagrid happily beamed. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Yes, I was rounding up to curious snakeling's," Rowan answered with a rueful expression.

A booming laugh erupted from Hagrid's chest. "That they are," before glancing around to lean over to whisper in a normal tone of voice. "Firenze said you are invited to visit the village tonight."

"Ah, I see," Rowan murmured. "I have Prefect duties to attend to but thank you for delivering the message. I shall come to visit later." She waved goodbye heading back to the castle

"See that you do, Rowan," Hagrid happily called out before grabbing a stick and throwing it into the air. Fang happily barks and bounds ahead chasing the stick.

This is the happiest Hagrid has ever been. He has his wand back and is now apprenticed to Professor Kettleburn in Care of Magical Creatures. His mum is staying nearby with her family, and he is engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world, his Olympe. He felt mighty bad about refusing to join Professor Dumbledore's secret order, but he had his family to think of. However, he still promised Professor Dumbledore to help out when he could. Professor Dumbledore had done so much for him when he lost his Da and was expelled from Hogwarts. It was the least he could do.

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