
Wind-up Ⅲ

Seeing the time, Albus swiftly gives out assignments, before dismissing the Order. The group members depart in groups of two and three with Elphias Doge being accompanied by Alastor Moody. The cottage falls entirely silent with the exception of Albus and Abeforth, who remained behind the two-story cottage.

Albus and Aberforth both share a look before they depart for another room with the cottage. The two brothers each drew their wand and cast a series of spells over the chamber, before closing the door behind them to not be listened to. "You noticed it as well, Albus," Aberforth pointedly said.

"I did," Albus unenthusiastically admitted.

"Less than a handful of individuals know that Reginald Prince's daughter, Eileen Prince still lived under another name after having been disinherited. In fact, I can count the number on one hand if we exclude the Prince's."

"I am aware of that, Aberforth."

The two brothers slip into silence, before Aberforth says, "Either way, we should not linger. We have our own prior engagements to attend too."

"Ah, that is right, I had almost forgotten," Albus said with a twinkle in his child-like blue eyes. "The reminder is much appreciated."

Aberforth refrains from sneering at his older brother and grumpily slams the door as he moves past Albus. Albus beams at his younger brother's vigor and gamely follows. The two of them carefully lock the door behind them, before trotting down the path and out the gates. They trod through the darkness past the wards, before apparating away.

The two of them arrive in London, before apparating away again, and trotting down a street, and apparating thrice, before finally arriving at their destination, the Society for the Support of Squibs. Ever since, the generous and anonymous donation (by Reginald Prince), the location of the Society for the Support of Squibs had been greatly improved. Why there was even a gorgeous flower garden on the grounds with a flowing magical water fountain (despite the dead of winter)!

Albus cheerfully went up the steps, while Aberforth grimaced at the sickly scent of flowers, but softens at spotting Ariana's favorite flowers among them. Albus did not miss the gentle expression passing over his younger brother's face. His eyes fill with age-old sorrow and guilt behind his half-moon spectacles. He had miserable failed his younger siblings in their youths, but this time he wouldn't miss what was before him. He wouldn't let this second chance slip away from his fingers. He would firmly cling to this last and final chance with all his might.

The two of them arrive at the door, but before Albus can raise his hand to knock, the door swings open. Irma Wright, the passionate chairman of the Society for Support of Squibs beams at the two of them. "Welcome, you must be here for the meeting of the Whisperers of the Meow!"

For once in his life, Albus looks completely bewildered causing Aberforth to loudly snicker until he too is pulled into the madness. "Here, I have a pin for each of you," Irma happily remarked as she pinned an enchanted badge with a moving cat, who at present was curled up sound asleep.

"There is food and drinks," the witch cheerfully indicated before pushing the two tall, elderly wizards forward. "Please don't be shy! We won't scratch!" She gently teased, before moving to greet various other members in attendance.

Albus and Aberforth were immediately surrounded by fervent members that by the time the two brothers came to their senses, they had an assortment of gifts in their arms, and a headband with cat ears on top of their heads. For once even Albus was too stunned by the tumultuous events to even crack a joke.

Turning towards his brother, Aberforth chokes back a loud guffaw at spotting a pair of fluffy orange cat ears on top of Albus's head. Yet instantly Aberforth's face darkened at seeing Albus glance up at his head which sported a matching pair of fluffy orange cat ears. "Don't you dare say a word, Albus," Aberforth growled in a genuine promise of committing fratricide!

Albus coughs loudly to cover his mirth, before cheerfully tucking the gifts into his pocket. "Most curious," he muttered to himself as he summoned a mirror to study his reflection, especially the ears on top of his head, before letting out a loud pleased chuckle. "An orange tabby, I believe," he proclaimed with a beaming smile that only caused Aberforth's face to grow sullen.

"Here," Aberforth grunted shoving all the gifts into Albus's arms, who more than happily accepted them.

"Thank you, Aberforth," Albus genuinely said causing Aberforth to scowl even more fiercely.

"I don't see her," Aberforth barked irritably scanning the crowd to cover his embarrassment at being thanked by his brother.

"I'm sure she's here," Albus frankly muttered knowing full well that the elderly widow possessed nearly a dozen cats of her own. "Pardon me, young lady," he called out to a golden-haired teenage girl with brilliant blue eyes and a pair of orange short tufted Persian cat ears. "But we are looking for Arabella Fig, you wouldn't have happened to have seen her?"

"Ah, yes," the nearly seventeen-year-old girl replied with a beaming, white-toothed smile. She paused abruptly and furrowed her brow. "You wouldn't happen to be Professor Dumbledore, would you?"

"Why yes," Albus innocently replied causing Abeforth to sigh in exasperation. And people wondered why he thought that Albus would make a terrible spy…

"I thought so," Pauline Lockhart replied in excitement. "My younger brother, Gilderoy Lockhart started Hogwarts this year and during the winter holidays he brought back home several Chocolate Frogs cards with your picture on them."

"An excitable Hufflepuff," Albus tactfully commented remembering the talkative first-year boy.

"Yup, that would be Gildie," Pauline fondly said knowing full well what a chatter-mouth her younger brother was. Spotting the growing dark expression on the companion of Professor Dumbledore, she quickly says, "I best be going Professor, but if you just head down the hallway and take a right, Mrs. Fig was resting near the fireplace. She said her old bones aren't what they used to be."

"Thank you, Miss-," Albus purposefully trailed off waiting for a name.

"Pauline Lockhart," the teenage girl cheekily flashed a smile identical to that of her younger brother, Gilderoy Lockhart. "Have a good evening, Professor," she firmly said, before darting into the crowd towards other young adults waiting for her on the opposite end of the room.

"What a lovely lass," Albus commented causing Aberforth to the vein on his temple to being to pulse.

"C'mon," Aberforth snarled reminding Albus of their pressing duty, before setting down the hallway and taking a right. At this rate, they'd never leave. And knowing Albus, Aberforth would be dragged into the madness of the Whispers of the Meow! It was a risk that he simply could not afford to take!

Heh, the Whisperers of the Meow is not for the faint of the heart.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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