

With December moving rapidly along, the ground of Hogwarts is simply covered in piles of snow. Hagrid and Professor Kettleburn had taken to literally cutting paths into the snow with magic for the students to reach Herbology, and other places across the grounds. The black lake had all but frozen completely cover except for in the deepest portions of the lake. Students were oftentimes seen skating on the frozen lake or playing or being buried in the snow piles along the banks. Large impressive snow forts had been constructed by the younger Slytherins as Rowan had gained the idea of having them burn their energy in this manner. The goal was to successfully capture the flag of their enemy without any magic except for the use of physical exertion.

Rowan's plot had been a little too successful as quickly the other first years were pulled into the fray and then the older years. In the end, Rowan was forced to create teams by years and have them compete against each other. Thankfully Professor Murphy and Professor Buchanan became involved and took over each age bracket. In the end, there would even be a prize won for the winning team which only fueled the competitive spirit of those participating.

It wasn't as though things became easier as there was an avalanche of homework for the 5th year's with exams at the end of the semester just before the winter holidays. If that wasn't onerous enough the Hogsmeade trip was coming up, thankfully, Rowan wouldn't be patrolling, but rather Severus would be. Rowan could have been charitable and kindly warned Severus, but since, he was presently a love-struck fool dreaming about going on a romantic date with Lily, she thought it would serve him right to suffer for his carelessness.

Every spare minute not spent in fulfilling her prefect duties, Rowan typically spent it in her usual corner of the library studying as much as humanely possible. The sky beyond the library windows is gray and overcast again suggesting that another snowstorm will soon be on the horizon. The last stragglers playing on the grounds hurry inside cold and hungry with dinner shortly about to be served.

Rowan lets out a sigh and puts down her quill as she looks at her written list of tasks. She stops to glance up from her work to gaze at the empty seat across from her that of James Potter. James had been off as of late, flinching, and even withdrawn as if stricken with unimaginable guilt. But James hadn't said or done anything wrong to her nor Pettigrew or anyone else for that matter. As a friend, it concerned her, but she simply didn't seem to find the time to find James and speak to him alone.

That was the least of her troubles as even more gazes seemed to be fixated on Rowan as of late. None of the boys at Hogwarts were courageous to ask her if she would have selected a partner to escort her during her official presentation. Some of the more intrepid girls had asked on behalf of their friends and family members if Rowan had a partner for the Presentation Ball.

Rowan had politely answered that her grandfather had selected her partner already for her, a pureblood. Her words were true since her grandfather had told her as much in a brief letter. She just didn't know who her escort was since her grandfather had not told her. She understood that this was her grandfather's way of telling her that he was still irked with her for withholding information from him. And had decided to repay her with the same card by not informing her, who would be escorting her.

As for the boys who had been courageous enough to ask, they had looked a bit disappointed at Rowan's answer. It would have been a great honor for their family to be escorted and would have very improved their status in society. Still, the pureblood populace very much approved at learning that at least one of the Prince twins be escorted by one of their own. No one whispered about the fact that Severus had asked Lily as his escort as it was common knowledge at Hogwarts. It wasn't so much that Severus's choice for escort approved since Lily was a muggleborn witch, but rather no one wanted to be uninvited if any member of the Prince family took offense at their remarks. As such in a rare turn of events, there were no whispered side remarks concerning Severus's choice.

The sound of footsteps causes Rowan to glance at the bookshelves to see the tall, handsome dark-haired figure of Sirius emerge. Sirius had fair skin without a trace of a tan despite being the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and was flying at all hours of the day. There was a casual elegance about him, a willful resistance that made the girl swoon over him. His gray eyes were striking as they came to rest upon Rowan.

"Rowan," Sirius teasingly said as he leisurely sat down next to her. "So, what have you been up to?" He playfully asked batting his long eyelashes at her.

Rowan snorts at Sirius's antics. Sirius was a charmer all right, thankfully, he wasn't her type. But still, she could see why so many girls were into him. Although just not the one, he wanted.

A smug grin appears on Rowan's face at her last thought as she turns to eye Sirius with an assessing expression. "Sirius, what are you doing tomorrow for the Hogsmeade trip?"

Sirius blinks rather startled and narrows his gray eyes at his sly, Slytherin friend. "Why do you ask?" He cautiously inquired and stepped away from her. "You never ask, Rowan."

"Ah, well, it has been noted by the rumor mill that you have not been seen in the company of a young lady since before Halloween," Rowan casually said. "And being the good friend that I am, I have noted that there is a certain young lady whom your gaze tends to linger upon. A certain mutual friend of ours."

Sirius flushes a rather rosy color and shyly glances away in a very maiden-like, coy fashion. Rowan barely refrains from smirking as Sirius bashfully asks, "How did you know? I haven't told anyone, Rowan, not even the rest of the gang!"

"I have my ways," Rowan cheerfully replied as it just had been a matter of paying attention more than anything else. "So, that being said, I have a favor to ask."

Sirius's face grows less pink and more indignant. "Of course, you would," he drily grumbled. "Well, what is that you want?"

"I want you to run some errands for me tomorrow," Rowan honestly said as she handed over the written list to him. "Severus is on patrol duty at Hogsmeade tomorrow and frankly with his head in the clouds right now, I wouldn't trust him with anything including our prefect duties."

Sirius nods his head in understanding as he begins to read the list of tasks. It was picking up crates of candy from Honeydukes. An order from Gladrags Wizardwear, Dominic Maestro's Magic Shop, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, Spintwitches Sporting Needs, Tomes and Scrolls, and Devish and Banges. "Why so many orders?" He finally asked with blatant curiosity as he glanced up from the errand list.

"If you must know, the candy is for all the younger years," Rowan admitted. "I wanted to ensure that they all at least a gift before the holidays. And as for the rest, they are all gifts for all of you, lot. They have already been paid for but need to be picked up."

Sirius perks up and glances down at the list, before saying, "Then can I safely guess that my and peter's gift will likely be coming from Spintwitches Sporting Needs?"

"That is a fair and accurate assessment," Rowan drily answered neither confirming nor denying the statement.

"Then I won't mind doing you the favor, Rowan," Sirius said with a charming grin, before neatly folding it and putting away on his person.

A bit of flush returns to his face as Sirius glances down at his twisting hands. "So, do you think I have a shot?" He hesitantly asked as he peeked up hopefully at Rowan's face.

Rowan indigo, midnight black eyes gaze solemnly at him for a moment, before a genuine smile appears on her face. "Mm, you are kind, and you see, Tiffany for who she truly is. She would be lucky to have you. And it certainly does not hurt that you happen to be the pureblood heir to the Black Family, her parents most assuredly will not disapprove nor will your parents."

"You think so?!" Sirius eagerly asked, before frowning and losing a bit of wind from his sails. "I mean with those brats calling her a Bride of Death, I don't want her to feel that I like her only because she's being called that. She's pretty, and funny, and brave!" He said the last part with a stupid, silly grin on his face.

Rowan barely refrains from rolling her eyes at the sudden lovestruck atmosphere visibly before her. Letting out a loud sniff, she glances down at her nails for a moment, before returning to glance at the nervous face of Sirius. "Actions speak louder than words, Sirius. If you want Tiffany to know your feelings, you will have to show her. She's already had one terrible fiancé, Vasco Vespucci, and who might I point out was a cheating scum from Gryffindor. And you don't exactly have a stellar reputation with the female population. Don't get me wrong, you're popular alright, but you're a complete arse."

"Right," Sirius weakly said shrinking down in his chair. "So, what do you suggest I do, Rowan?"

Rowan eyes Sirius for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "I will deny ever saying this should anyone ask, but you are sweet in your own loud way. You are loyal and sincere, but that counts for more than you would think. So, just be yourself, Sirius, and you will win Tiffany over."

"Aw, you do care, Rowan," Sirius teasingly said.

Rowan's face darkened and she turned away from ignoring the annoying brat! See if she ever helped him out again! It was the last time EVER!

Ah, young love.

It's October, you guys! I love the Fall, and it's my favorite time of the year! Please look forward to a couple of a few extra chapters this month! Just three, but still!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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