
Unexpected Visitor Ⅱ

After a long day's work at the shop, the figure of Roderic Filch can be seen closing his shop. It was a small shop at the edge of Diagon Alley, but one that he was proud to own. And with the A.P.D. always patrolling Diagon Alley now, there was never anything to fear anymore. In fact, he wasn't the only shopkeeper, who kept later hours now, and some even until very late. But not him, goodness no, he had a family, so he only kept it open one or two hours later than usual. He'd probably cut back once winter started, but for now, he would be fine.

The middle-aged wizard is of medium build with rather broad shoulders. He has a fair complexation with a slightly crooked nose, and a head full of salt-peppered hair. Roderic would tease his older brother, Argus, that he was the older one and that Argus was the younger brother out of the two of them. It would always cause Argus to flush and chortle with laughter.

Pulling on his cloak, Roderic locks the front door with a large bronze key and waves to his neighbor's, before apparating home. With a small pop, Roderic landed at the edge of his home and took in a deep breath of the fresh country air. Smiling warmly, his eyes come to rest upon the warmly lit home, before making his way up the stone path.

Hungry and tired after a long day's work, Roderic opens the door and says, "I'm home!" Before he can even close the door behind him, the pitter-patter of his son can be heard as he screams in excitement, "Da!" The dark-haired toddler throws himself into his father's arms, who nimbly catches him and tosses him into the air, before catching him.

"Rodney, were you a good boy for mum?" Roderic asked his son.

"Yis!" The toddler happily babbled back.

"Good boy," Roderic said to his son as he pulled out a shiny foiled treat from his pocket for his son to have.

Rodney lets out a happy squeal as Roderic makes a shushing motion with his finger, and the tired loudly makes a shushing motion back. Trying to be quiet the toddler covers his mouth as Roderic slowly peels the chocolate foil back and gives the chocolate candy to his son. His son happily eats the sweet, before he is placed on his feet.

Closing the door behind him, Roderic hangs his cloak on the cloak racks against the wall, before picking up his toddler, who is happily making a mess of himself. Carrying his son, he walks into the kitchen to find his wife, Eileen staring rather daze out the window as if in a trance. She does not even hear enter the kitchen until he says, "Is everything alright, love?"

Eileen is startled out of her thoughts and turns around before she lets out a loud squawk. "Roderic! I know that Rodney is our son, but sugar before bedtime makes him unable to sleep at bedtime!" She reprimanded him as she grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe the face and hands clean of her son.

Roderic lets out a sheepish grin and says, "It was only a small truffle this time, hon. And I promise that I'll put Rodney to bed tonight, I swear by Rowena's head."

Eileen sighs, before staring firmly at him. "I am holding you to your word, Roderic."

"Good," Roderic said, before sitting down at the kitchen table. "What's for dinner, hon?"

"The same old," Eileen muttered as she served her husband a plate and sat down to listen to her husband chat about his day. All too soon, dinner is gone and done with, and she is cleaning up in the kitchen. Upstairs, her husband is giving Rodney a bedtime bath, before reading him a story to finally get the little boy to sleep.

It was later in the evening when the couple finally had time for themselves as they sat in the kitchen enjoying a pot of tea, and one last final snack. Unlike most days, Eileen is rather quiet and distant, rather preoccupied with her own thoughts. Seeing his wife in such a manner, Roderic finally asks, "What is wrong, hon? You just don't seem like yourself at all."

Eileen flinches and clasps her hands tightly under the table. "I-, I have something to tell you, Roderic," Eileen stammered. "I know that you are going to be so dreadfully ashamed and disappointed with me, but we can't keep going on like this."

"What's wrong, Eileen?" Roderic worriedly asked as he reached over to tilt the chin of his wife towards him, but she moved her head away ducking his hand.

Closing her eyes, Eileen says, "I lied to you, Roderic."

"About what?" Roderic asked in confusion. "You told me that you were divorced, hon. Did you just not want to tell me that the bastard was still alive? If so, I figured that out ages ago. There is nothing to be ashamed of, hon. It happens to the best of us."

"I-," Eileen paused to lick her dry lips as she tried to formulate her thoughts, before taking a deep breath. "I have a son and a daughter. Twins, actually."

There is a long silence in the kitchen as Roderic seems genuinely stunned by the news, before gulping down some of his warm tea to recompose his thoughts. "Why is there something wrong with them, hon? Is that why you didn't tell me about them?"

Eileen looks guilt-stricken as she says, "My marriage surname was Snape, and my two children were born Rowan and Severus Snape. However, after I returned home to my father and mother, they became Rowan and Severus Prince."

Roderic is stumped as he takes another gulp of tea, and another until he finds that his teacup is empty. Unsure of what to do, he dumbly stares at the teacup as he recalls his brother, Argus calling him a fool. Of course, he was a fool. And of course, the old Prince had been furious after his wife's funeral. His daughter had in fact not been in attendance.

Roderic recall's the tall, slender girl with pale skin and pitch black, indigo-colored hair and matching eyes. The girl had sharp features and thin lips and in retrospect, she looked all too much like his wife, Eileen. He for certain had thought the girl a bastard of the Old Prince, but no, she was the legitimate granddaughter of Reginald Prince and daughter of his wife, Eileen.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Roderic finally asked in a hoarse voice. "Were you ashamed of me because I did not come from old money? Or did you think I would turn you away because of your children?"

Eileen flinches again, before quietly replying, "I was foolishly afraid that I would be turned away. I-, I know that does not make sense, but it did at the time."

"So, why now?" Roderic croaked. "Why are you telling me all of this now?"

Eileen flushes with even more guilt and shame. "My twins are to be presented into wizarding society, and I would like to at least be present for their godparent ceremony. I know that my father nor my aunt will not allow me anything more, but still, I wish to be present at such an important milestone in their lives. And I know that I am a wretched mother, who has only failed them time and time again, but still, I wish to make amends as best as I can even if that is only at a distance."

Roderic sighs and pours himself a cup of tea, before drinking it while it is still hot even if it scaled his tongue. After a gulp, he looks at his wife with a mix of anger, sadness, and disappointment. "By no means is everything right between us, Eileen," Roderic said. "But I won't be leaving you because of this, and we will have more words regarding this topic. However, for now, this will suffice."

Eileen almost crumbles in her chair in relief as the two of them remain in the kitchen in silence until late into the night. Her husband was not leaving her, nor their child. And that was more than enough for her for everything else could be discussed and would come in due time.

Eileen is a coward, yes, but she loves her children in her own way. I don't excuse her actions, but she does have a habit of running away from her problems, and habits like those are hard to break. She is at least still trying, which shows her conviction. That and she finally told the truth to her husband, so that is something. And doing something is always better than do nothing. I will admit she is dislikable at times, but I feel that she reflects that weak, bitter, cowardly part of ourselves that we all hate. Who hasn't in the past ever hurt a friend or a loved one? Or worse, never apologized for that slight? We have all done terrible things, and the same viceaversa.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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