

A bright blue sky is seen overhead with countless fluffy clouds overhead, Fidel proudly patrols the Prince grounds undisturbed. In the distance at the edge of the woodlands is a stream, where countless small magical creatures roam about and where Rowan and Severus used to play in their younger years. As the two of them grew older and older, they no longer played in the stream, but rather cooled their feet in the stream, while they sat in the shade and read or a book or simply just napped. It had a brief, but blissful time in their lives.

In which case, it was a rather unusual sight to see Rowan sitting in the shade and numbly staring at the stream as she subconsciously rubs with one hand at the thin claw-like scars on the back of her neck. She had been rather distracted and disturbed ever since that night not too long ago that she found herself unable to read nor study or much less research. And not to mention dueling as she had lost every single bout since that night up to the point where her grandfather had even grown concerned and had finally given her and Severus the afternoon off.

However, ever since that night, Rowan had found herself filled with an emotion that she had not felt in many years, fear. And she had every right to be afraid as the startling realization of the truly terrifying future that lay before her that was finally being engraved into her very bones.

A bitter laugh escapes from Rowan as she clutches her hair hands to her face. Once with pride, she had believed herself better than Albus Dumbledore, and yet, here she was sitting afraid. They both seemed to share that common trait, and she knew exactly how that story ends.

Feeling a tugging on her hair, Rowan peers through her fingers to see a tiny green stick-like figure peeking in concern at her. A faint smile appears on her face as she drops her hands from her face and gently holds out a finger to the curious Bowtruckle. The Bowtruckle happily climbs onto her finger and swings there in play.

Rowan's face softens in bittersweet emotions as she recalls their arrival at Prince manor and all wonders that they encountered that year. And she had been lying to herself and everyone else all these years. Yes, she wanted to desperately act, and she had. However, another part of her wished to desperately protect the last bit of innocence she had. But that too was almost gone, and all that was left was that of Severus's.

"Severus," Rowan whispered almost painfully out loud. She had done so much to change fate, and yet their destiny seemed so very much set in stone. Severus had not won over Lily's heart, the war was still to come, and victory against her foe seemed impossible. One could argue that she was being pessimistic, but she was only too aware of her weaknesses and failing. And especially more so, after that night not so long ago.

Her hand trembles at the memory causing the Bowtruckle to almost fall. The Bowtruckle unhappily pokes at her causing Rowan to apologetically settle the Bowtruckle in her hair to play. Much happier, the Bowtruckle begins to play hide and seek in her hair.

It was not that Rowan was afraid of dying because she was, but she was more afraid of failure above anything else. And that illusion of hope that she had created for herself had violently burst before her very eyes leveling everything in its path. Because how could she hope to compete with something that had lived for hundreds or even thousands of years? And even know she wasn't certain exactly what she was competing with, but that did not matter as her enemy had an impossible number of lives.

Strangely, a memory of last year's summer came to Rowan's mind unbidden that seemed so long ago. An entire lifetime.

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.'

"So, do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Rowan's lips twitch with bittersweet mirth. She could continue to sit here and continue to mope, or she could get up and do. She was a Slytherin for heaven's sake! And if that didn't work, well, she still had some Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in her. And by golly, Gryffindor's had bravery in spades and Hufflepuff's the determination to put their mind to the pedal!

Gently reaching up to her hair, Rowan tenderly finds and removes the playful bowtruckle out of her hair. With care, she rises to her feet and places the Bowtruckle up in its tree as it's companion's happily scurry around the returned Bowtruckle. Seeing the heartwarming scene, she mutters to herself, "Even if my chances of victory are null, there is no such thing as zero in improbability theory."

Turning away with firm determination in her footsteps, Rowan crosses the wide, green expanse of the Prince manor grounds. On her way, she crosses paths with Fidel, who was in the middle of crying out to only choke mid-cry. Flashing the arrogant bird, a smirk, Rowan passes Fidel by and makes her way inside the manor to the upstairs wing.

Severus, who had been quietly reading in his room glances up at seeing Rowan heading towards her bedroom. Not one to usually ask about what was on his twin sister's mind, but he had been worried as of late despite his own recent heartbreak. "Er, is everything alright with you, Rowan?"

Rowan paused at the doorway of her bedroom and glanced over her shoulder at him. "I am now," she replied, before entering her bedroom and closes the door shut.

Severus blinks and warily shakes his head, before turning to glance at his large brown Great Horned Owl, Owny. "What do you make of that, Owny? Girls, am I right?"

Owny sleepily cracks an eye open and lets out a hoot, before covering his face with his wing. He liked his two-legged human, but he was most bothersome at times. He preferred the two-legged sister of his human. She was nice if not bossy. But that was fine with him because female owls generally were. And if not, who knows, how a nest would be built?!

Not that Owny was thinking of building a nest with a certain enchanting, female Great Horned OWL. Well, not yet at least, he was still properly courting her and had not been told yes as of yet. But someday in the future, there would certainly be a shared nest, and hopefully hatchlings.

Time for another awful Halloween Joke.

"I threw a boomerang at a ghost the other day.

I knew it would come back to haunt me." - Author Unknown

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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