
Chapter Forty-Five


*Warning* Author's note contains some spoilers* Warning again this chapter contains lemon 🍋* To be completely honest, I didn't want to release this chapter until I had someone read it first and tell me if it's total crap... I don't think it is, but it's my first one. If anyone doesn't want to read lemon scene then read until argument then skip to the --- and it will be over.


It had been a long day and Ben was back at Gwen's one-bedroom apartment. It was Friday and in spite of being here for going on two weeks, he has finally made progress and found employment. All the work Xavier and Henry had done to build him an identity was completely worthless in another dimension.

Pulling open the refrigerator he took out a beer, popping the tab on the top he smelled a heady alcoholic wave hit his nose. Many things on this Earth were very similar to the reality he knew, making him almost forget about the dimension-hopping issue, but then he would come across something that made him realize how foreign the world around him actually was.

Taking a sip of the beer he made a sour face, the harsher taste made him spit it back out again. "Damn, that is nasty!" he said aloud. Well, beer was out of the question for the time being.

He'd managed to get a part-time job at the Bugle today as a freelance photographer, he'd questioned why he chose such a similar profession as Peter, but the answer was very simple. Photography is something he knew very well because he held Peter's memories.

Today he made a whopping sixty dollars from a photo of Fisk and his sidekick Murdock. The photo wasn't anything illegal but Robby the editor of the Bugle in this world had liked it enough to pay for the series. Assisting with; food, bills and whatever else was a responsibility he knew he had while he was here.

Ben planned to take Gwen out tonight he figured twenty bucks would get some food from a taco truck or what's called on this earth a 'Rolling bodega' (the difference if he had to find one was these trucks also sold wine) then they'll see where the night would take them from there.

Leaving the strong-smelling beer on the counter he made his way into the shower to get ready for whatever they would do that night.


Gwen was having a rough day. She had been late for her morning class due to a mugging situation she had run across on her way to school, and her professor wasn't really an understanding fella. After promising him for the fourth time she wouldn't let it happen again she somehow managed to step in gum!

…Really, gum! What was this second grade?! Who just spits their gum out on the ground? Attempting to scrape the gum away from her favorite blue shoes she was approached by a tall dark and handsome boy she had recently gotten to know.

Randy Robinson was a guy she had been crushing on prior to Ben landing here a week and a half ago. He had an easy-going personality and whit that could keep her entertained all day. He had offered to become the Mary Jane's manager when he realized they were just depending on Glory and Em-Jay to land gigs between classes. She had brought up the idea to the band but it was not really something she could decide, she doubted Glory would pass up the idea but wasn't sure what the holdup was.

"Hey, Gwenny." He said sitting in the seat beside her.

"Randy." She replied nodding her head.

"How's life treating my favorite girl at Empire University?" He asked casually.

Not really seeing the harm in talking with him she continued the conversation well into the lesson. Gwen was infatuated with Ben more so than Robby, but she wasn't going to snub him just because Ben came along. She wanted a relationship with Ben… Even if he went back to his reality. With the dimension watch, she and he could be a portal away from each other. She would prefer him staying in her own world but wouldn't hold it against him if he needed to go back at some point.

As for Randy if he still had ideas about her, she would let him down softly, she still liked him as a friend and they had fun together… But when she met Ben there wasn't really anyone else, she'd consider dating.

After the class Randy followed behind her, he seemed like he wanted to tell her something. Since he might very well become the band's manager, she decided to see what he had to say.

"Hey Gwenny, you got a moment?"

"Sure" did she sound too excited? She really didn't want to lead him on…

Her internal ramblings were cut short when she saw how shy he was looking and the beautiful pink rose he was holding in his hands. 'Oh god! Why did he have to be so sweet?!' She thought internally. It was going to make it all the harder to let him down easy.

Then something unexpected happened at that exact moment. From a distance she spotted Ben's lone form, she normally wouldn't have seen anyone at that distance but maybe because he had been on her mind at that moment, she easily picked him out of the crowd. The expression on his face seemed lost, hurt even.

Cursing internally, she wondered why in times like this her spider-sense was completely absent.

"Gwen, I know we just met but…" Randy didn't get his words out before Gwen ran past him dashing to catch up with the quickly disappearing man.

This was stupid. Ben shook his head as he walked away, he hated the fact that he was angry right now. He wanted to go down the hall and punch that guy's lights out… But that was irrational and idiotic not to mention absolutely insane. Gwen is a person. No one owns her. He doesn't belong here… Just another life he can't call his own.

"Ben wait!" He heard a voice call out behind him.

Dammit, she must have seen him; he didn't intend to interfere… Maybe if he walked faster, he can get out of sight and when he shows up later, he can pretend not to have noticed her calling…

Feeling a hand on his shoulder he knew he wasn't fast enough. With a sigh, he turned around.

"Don't let me get in the way Gwen, go back and…" Rubbing the back of his neck Ben felt embarrassed to be causing a scene.

"No Ben, you are misunderstand…" She tried to explain but he interrupted her with his own ramblings.

"It's obvious that I'm just extra everywhere I go. So, no worries I can get another place to stay…" Feeling frustrated that he wasn't listening to her, Gwen did the only thing she could think of to get his attention… She closed his mouth with her own.

When she had kissed him Ben's emotions were all over the place, but somewhere in the middle of this kiss he just stopped caring. He had obviously read the situation wrong back there when she was talking to the large guy with the rose. Maybe it was just out of a sense of inferiority but it appeared he had overreacted.

Things escalated quickly; the pair of spiders didn't talk much after the initial kiss. Before either of them knew it, they were back at Gwen's apartment, and their clothes were crumpled in piles on the floor.

There was a hunger between the two that they had been ignoring since they had met, and the kiss outside of the university had broken any restraint they were holding on to.

Gwen was down to her bra and panties as she looked back at him with a provoking expression, ripping off Ben's shirt she threw it over her shoulder carelessly. Tracing the defined muscles on Ben's chest Gwen looked deeply into his dark brown eyes, playfully nipped his chin with her teeth she then ran kisses up his jawline.

She was starting to drive him crazy with her teasing. Growling, he pushed her down on the bed and ripped her panties off in one quick motion.

Gwen was surprised at his reaction, it was almost feral in nature, but she was almost just as surprised at how excited it had made her.

Noticing a small amount of wetness around her lower lips, Ben smiled up at Gwen's beautiful face before his next actions. Without saying a word, he bent down and started to tease her clit with his tongue, moaning in response she pressed his head closer into herself.

Ben had read once that spelling the alphabet with your tong while preforming this particular act was very pleasurable. When he started with the letter 'A' he knew this was an ideal response. Once he had gotten to the letter 'P' in the alphabet Gwen's legs trapped his head between them in a vice grip and she let out an earth-shaking scream of pleasure.

"P huh well isn't that a coincidence," Ben said smiling devilishly.

Looking down at a very relaxed Gwen she met his gaze with a small amount of confusion. After briefly explaining the alphabet research he had done Gwen seemed to take that as a challenge.

Flipping him on his back Gwen performed a similar action on him…

Any plans of taking her out that night were quickly forgotten as they spent the rest of the afternoon in bed.


Ben flipped through a few pictures, "Yeah you're Matt Murdock and mine are polar opposites. Mine is the hero of Hell's kitchen, yours is a scum bag lawyer for Fisk." Ben said sitting in Gwen's living room going through his findings from earlier that day.

After their match in the bedroom was over Gwen had ordered a box of pizza (thankfully exactly it was the same style of food he was used to on his own earth.) And they sat down having light conversation until he pulled out the photos, he'd taken that day.

Gwen sensed a rise in anger from Ben, kissing the back of his neck she felt him calm under her touch. It had been nearly three weeks since he had gotten here, and she couldn't remember a time she felt happier since she had been bitten by that spider. Ben had spent his day photographing the public appearances of Matt Murdock, and she told him a little of what she had to deal with regarding the lawyer. Quickly Ben's mood soured and she had finally managed to calm him a little.

Gwen had got a new job a few days ago as a Barista at a street corner coffee stand, and she managed to get work out a schedule between work, school and patrol duties. Now that there were two people to swing through the city it wasn't so much trouble keeping a level of normalcy. She had noticed that most of her coffee consumers were cops including her most regular customer her dad.

Her dad still wasn't too keen on her being Spider-woman, but he was just glad to have Gwen back in his life to protest too much... and the feeling was mutual. It appeared that her holding down a steady job made George feel more at ease, and their relationship had recovered a little. He still didn't know about Ben but Gwen really didn't want to overwhelm the man too much.

Ben shook his head, "This guy was a great friend, and he's damn good at what he does. He'll give our Spider Sense's a run for its money. On my earth he has the same red glasses and same cane, it's probably safe to assume the same powers too."

"Powers? Wait powers?" Gwen questioned. She had been too busy thinking about her simi-repaired relationship with her father when she heard something that brought her back to their earlier conversation.

"Well, I'm not sure if these counts, but he is like a ninja trained fighter, and has wicked assassin skills. Powers include super senses such as hearing, smell, touch, probably taste too. Hmm never thought about it. I wonder how the air of New York tastes; I know he used to complain about how much Castle bathed." Ben snickered.

"I believe he told me he saw the world in red or something. He never really gave me a play by play of his abilities, but it's safe to say one spider would be hard-pressed to make a dent on him."

"He sounds tough," Gwen responded feeling a little overwhelmed.

Smiling Ben approached her and gave her a quick kiss on her soft lips, "But there are two of us now. You've got me and I've got you."

"He's good though, Pete back in my world sold pictures for a few years of Spider-man and every once in awhile someone would try to put the pieces together…. but Murdock pulled it off at the first try."

Whistling Gwen picked up one of his Web shooters he had laying on the table, "So you actually made these? That is so cool. You gotta tell me how you switch from stream to balls."

"It's the type of nozzle, once install one it's as simple as just point and shoot," Ben answered as two web balls hit the wall and splurged all over it.

Laughing Ben fell back into the chair behind him. The surprised look on her face was priceless and he wished at that moment he had his camera ready.

Suddenly the police scanner started to say something about a chase in progress. Apparently, large delivery van was speeding through the city while shots were already fired at the cruiser behind.

Hearing her dad's voice on the speaker Gwen was on a web-line out the window before Ben could blink.

Grabbing his discarded web shooter and freshly stocked belt of fluids he followed as closely as possible behind the rushing woman.

Taking near twenty minutes to reach the chase, they spotted the delivery van in the middle of the street and they were currently having a shootout between them.

Spidey senses going nuts, Gwen forced herself to focus. Three of the suspects stood with fully automatic Uzi's with military body armor, they had managed to push the police blockade back. When spotting Spider-woman, they started to point and yell, "We give up. You all are witnesses. Don't kill us like the Parker kid. You all saw we gave up!"

Puzzled at their reaction, Ben watched Gwen from his perch on top of a street light. He didn't believe for a moment Gwen was even capable of killing anyone, but the accusation seemed to hurt her. It was only his guess, but he believed this was their intention in the first place.

"Go to hell" Spider-Woman growled. Before she could say anything else, a thunderous sound pervaded the surroundings. Looking around in an attempt to locate the noise everyone seemed to be confused. Without warning, the largest man Gwen had ever seen ripped a hole through the concrete wall beside her and grabbed her in a vise-like grip before she realized what was happening.

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