
The Fabulous Han Da

"Hello, Miss Ling. Thank you for taking me in and letting me stay here for some time. I will be sure to repay this kindness in the future." Bo Ling looked at Lin Xiaoxiao who was sitting in a wheelchair and smiled. Right as Bo Ling was about to reply, Little Bo cut in with an angry look on her face and said: "Repay this repay that! All you keep saying is, thank you and that you will repay people! Xiaoxiao listen here! As of now, you are my sister whether you like it or not and family does not repay family for helping each other out! " With a "Humph" Little Bo crossed her arms across her chest acting as if she had just won a war.

Hearing Little Bo's words Lin Xiaoxiao did not know whether to laugh or cry. But she did feel warmth in her heart. Lin Xiaoxiao felt very lucky to meet such kind people who went out of their way to help her in her time of need. She could not imagine her life if she was dragged back to the Lin house. Now that she is free she would work hard at her rehabilitation and get back on her feet. She knew of many spots that talent agencies roamed looking for new talents. She also knew how to find out about auditions without needing to go through a company. Once she was healed she would do what she does best and climb her way back to the top as A Countries top female actress. She will claim her rightful place that belongs to her and her only.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked up at Little Bo gave her a smile and said: "Then I won't say anything about paying anyone back or say thank you anymore. Since we are sisters~" Lin Xiaoxiao gave Little Bo a sly smile before continuing. "I will make you massage my legs three hours a day and feed me every time it's time to eat."

"Three hours!? Xiaoxiao you're a devil! My arms would fall off if I had to massage anyone for three hours! Not to mention you can move your arms so you don't even need anyone to feed you!" Little Bo started to pout and put on a, "You have wronged me face", which made everyone laugh.

As if on cue, a gurgling sound could be heard. Everyone turned their heads towards where the sound was coming from and Lin Xiaoxiao's face turned bright red. Qin Mei laughed as she said: "Shall we all go in and eat, I bought some take out for us all."

The first night out of the hospital in her new body was very relaxing, Little Bo and Bo Ling treated Lin Xiaoxiao just like family. Little Bo even gave in and massaged Lin Xiaoxiao's legs for her. After all the excitement of the day, Lin Xiaoxiao was very exhausted. Her body did not have much stamina due to the coma it had been in for two years. That night Lin Xiaoxiao slept very well.

The next morning Lin Xiaoxiao woke up to Little Bo shaking her violently. "Xiaoxiao, wake up you have to get ready."

Slowly opening her eyes and letting them adjust to the morning light. Lin Xiaoxiao looked up at Little Bo who was standing next to the bed. "Get ready? For what?"

"Qin Mei is here to bring you to rehab and it is not early anymore it's almost ten in the morning." In her past life, the one thing Lin Xiaoxiao loved was sleep. So even though she had just woken up from a coma and in a new body, Lin Xiaoxiao was not scared to go back to sleep right away as she did. Her old manager always made her get up early even on her days off using, "keeping your body on a schedule", as an excuse. This was actually the first time she had gotten to sleep in but she did not realize she would sleep almost fifteen hours! She could only blame her current condition for sleeping so long. "Okay, but I will need your help and a set of clothes."

"Already on it, I have pants and a shirt and some underwear. I did not get you a bra because I don't think mine would fit nor do I think you have a need for one anyway." Little Bo's gaze fell on the washboard chest that Lin Xiaoxiao was currently sporting.

Lin Xiaoxiao really wanted to curse at Little Bo, but she held back because she was afraid of losing the clothes she was lending her. Instead, she just said in a very quiet voice: "They are still growing..." This was a point about this new body that Lin Xiaoxiao was somewhat sad about she went from her beautiful b-cups to the sad two bumps on her chest. It was so sad that she as a seventeen-year-old girl really only needed a training bra or at most a sports bra. Lin Xiaoxiao figured she would just go with the sports bra to ward off the shame of wearing a training bra.

After the struggle of getting dressed Little Bo helped Lin Xiaoxiao out of the bedroom and met up with Qin Mei outside. Qin Mei saw the two coming and quickly opened the door to the back seat. "Thanks for your trouble, Little Bo. Are you sure you want to come with us?"

"Yes, Miss Qin! I want to stay with my new sister! Plus I can walk around window shopping when she's busy." The rehabilitation center they were going to was located in a shopping district. Which had many brand name shops around.

"Okay just stay out of trouble then. I will be dropping you all off and heading to work from there. Xiaoxiao you will be there for most of the day. The physiatrist name is Han Da, She will drop the two of you off after you are finished there. " Qin Mei said as she motioned for Little Bo to get into the car.

The drive to the Physiatrist only took ten minutes. Qin Mei was very happy because she was already borderline late for work. They got lucky and hit all green lights on the way over. They pulled up in front of a full windowed storefront. But you were not able to see inside due to all the Venetian blinds being drawn closed.

There was however a man no maybe a woman dressed in a hot pink jogging outfit waiting out front. Lin Xiaoxio really could not tell if it was a man or woman until she saw the scruffy unshaven beard on their face. She knew immediately that this man had 'weird' taste. Qin Mei was the first one to exit the car and upon seeing the man a big smile appeared on her face as she said: "Sister Da! It has been a while! Thank you so much for helping me out with this." Everyone was stunned. Not just Lin Xiaoxiao but also Little Bo. They could not figure out if they had just heard Qin Mei right. 'Sister Da!?'

"Oh, Meimei~ How faaaabulous~ to see you again~! We are sisters so how can I not accept a request from you. Now let's see here who is the little princess that needs my expertise~." Han Da stared at Lin Xiaoxiao as he or she stepped forward and picked up Lin Xiaoxiao from the back seat into a princess carry as he or she said: "Oh my! Oh my! Are you not just the light one! You see this Meimei this Queen~ is now carrying the princess~ inside. Meimei you head to work now hun before you are late. I will take care of things here."

"Thanks, Sister Da. Contact me if anything happens. Otherwise, I will contact you later. Little Bo, Xiaoxiao, stay out of trouble I will see the both of you later." Qin Mei nodded at the two before she got into the car and drove off

Han Da then turned to Little Bo and said: "You must be Little Bo~ I have heard all about you from Meimei. Can you be a darling and grab the wheelchair hun I will carry our princess~ for today inside." Little Bo who was still in a daze just nodded and absentmindedly pushed the wheelchair inside. As for Lin Xiaoxiao who was forcefully being carried around like a princess was really panicking right now! 'Little Bo and I did not just get sold off right!? This isn't human trafficking right!? Why is he or she so muscular!?'

I have a new web novel out called Rebirth Of Feng Xi out! It's set in an alternate but modern China. Please give it a read and let me know what you think.

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