Pon coughed painfully while blinking dust from his eyes. "Sem?"
"Here." Semmi's voice sounded from nearby. "I'm okay. Fajii is freeing us."
The old mage squinted in the darkness; he could see the dim glow surrounding the Scorched Earth mage. "Should I melt my way out?"
/Alpha: Wind: Please don't. This place has been shifting and collapsing constantly.
/Alpha: Semmi: Fajii is strengthening the area around us. How long, Fajii?
/Alpha: Fajii: Half an hour.
/Alpha: Pon: How are any of us still alive?
/Alpha: Semmi: If I were to guess, I'd say the Bone hardening we were awarded. Alfie said it would make even you stouter.
/Inferno: Fey: Alpha team?
/Inferno: Semmi: We're trapped, but Fajii will free us.
/Inferno: Fey: We'll continue rescue operations then. Let me know if you require help.
/Alpha: Pon: Fey is running things?
/Alpha: Wind: Guess so. Just about everyone else is down.
/Inferno: Nix: We're back!
/Inferno: Pon: Punk Bastard! Did you get him?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: