
My Birthday

I look at myself in the mirror.

I'm wearing a long black dress with navy flats. My hair is up; sticking to my head with pins.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" Draco yells, somewhere downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back, exiting my room.

While I walk down the stairs, I see Theo and Pansy waiting for me.

"About time you got here! What are you wearing? Who died?" Theo jests, watching me.

"Oh hush, Theodore! At least she looks good!" Pansy says.

Theodore gasps.

"How dare you! I look ravishing!"

I snicker and grab Pansy's arm.

"Cone on, you two. Can't be late to my own party!" I say, dragging them to dining room.

I throw the doors open, and sashay in.

(I learned it from Draco and Lucius.)

"Hello everyone! Welcome to my birthday party!" I yell.

The only people there are Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise Zabini(couldn't be bothered to come to Draco's party), Lucius, Narcissa, Me, Pansy, Theo, and Daphne Greengrass.

I immediately headed towards the refreshment table.

I got myself a spiked drink and waited for Theo and Pansy to catch up.

"You-huff-walk-pant-so damn fast!" Theo pants, standing next to me.

"Oh please. Pansy's in heels and she didn't break a sweat," I say.

All of a sudden, Daphne walks over to me.

"Hey Felicity. Happy Birthday," she says, checking Draco out(which is gross).

"What do want, Greengrass?" I ask, exasperated.

"I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" She says, eyes on Draco.

"Just go, Daphne. I know you aren't here for my birthday," I say, dismissing her.

Pansy snickers with Theo.

Daphne gasps.

"Fine!" She says, whirling around in her minidress.

After Greengrass leaves, they start to sing.

When I'm done blowing out my candles, Blaise walks up to me and slips me a package.

"Happy birthday Felix," he whispers in my ear.

I turn around, but he's already gone.

I'm left alone to open my presents.

Of course, I have to open the one Blaise sent first.

"Who gave you that?" Draco asks, eyeing the package.

"Blaise," I answer, starstruck at the contents.

Blaise got me an enchanted necklace! It's a snake that slithers around my throat.

Everyone oohs and aahs.

Draco got me Fantastic and Where to Find Them, Pansy got me hair ties, Crabbe got me chocolate, Goyle got me Pumpkin Pastries, Lucius got me a spellbook, and Theodore got me a falcon(Jade). But Narcissa, got me a gift that might top all of the other gifts: A Nimbus 2000.

When I left the room that night, my hair was in a ponytail, I was wearing a necklace, I had a falcon on my shoulder, and I was reading a book while munching on chocolate and Pumpkin Pastries.

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