
Andrea's Dream

With their flight leaving for Italy, Andrea first gave Chevre his last-minute reminders for Alfred and Alexis. Angela was going with the couple, as she was staying for the entire summer in Italy. 

They were going to visit Hanxi, leaving their daughter in his care before going to Spain, and begin their Mediterranean cruise. With Angela going on her own vacation, they considered it as her graduation gift. 

"Mom," it's a school holiday. Relax. Both of them are not taking summer classes," Chevre reminded. "Enjoy your vacation and don't forget to send pictures."

"Videos too mom!" Added Alexis and Alfred from behind Chevre. 

"And please…Don't forget my desserts," said Chevre. 

Andrea squinted at her son before saying, "You know, I'm pretty amazed you are not gaining any weight with all that sweets you are eating. All that talk about marrying a lawyer or a CFO, you might actually end up with a pastry chef!"

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