
Nancy's Doing

The motion of the airplane landing awoke Lu Fang. He checked his watch; it was still half an hour passed one o'clock in the morning, China time. It would have been already 5:30 AM in the UK, but they seemed to have arrived earlier than expected. 

"Have we arrived?" Asked Christina as she lightly rubbed her eyes to wake herself up. She yawned as she sat up from her inclined seat. She glanced at her son who was staring intensely at the window. It was oddly foggy outside. 

"This is definitely not the UK, mom," said Lu Fang. 

He called for one of Alfred's men who sat behind them to check with the pilot and came back saying; they needed to make an emergency landing, and that something was wrong with the engine. 

When the plane had finally settled, Lu Fang went to talk to the pilots himself but to his surprise, the door was locked from the inside. He kept on knocking but there was no response. 

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