
A drop of Divine Yin

Starting true to her words, Meirong arrived early in the morning and brought a carriage along with her which was parked in front of the courtyard which belonged to Linxin. 

Having woken up early, Bai Long and Linxin were ready to leave as soon as the carriage stopped in front of the courtyard. 

As for how a carriage entered the royal palace, who would dare stop it when its passenger was an elder of the Yin Plundering Sect? 

"Are you two ready?"

Nodding their heads in unison, the two of them followed Meirong to enter the carriage. 

No longer having a stunned expression on her face, Meirong only had envy towards Linxin who was obviously being given the most preferential in the long time since the Sect existed. 

Shouldn't she who found Linxin be the one that was showered in gifts and privileges? 

Still, no matter how envious she was of Linxin, Meirong didn't have have any sort of evil intentions towards her. 

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