
Chapter 85, Secret Passage to Chen Cang

When Alexander II decided to upset the table, the true nature of the Russian Empire was revealed. The anti-Semitic movement began, and the government's finances started to improve.

Initially, the Tsarist Government targeted only Jewish capitalists, but it quickly spread to the entire Jewish population, and a nation-wide anti-Semitic wave emerged in Russia.

The government introduced laws restricting where Jews could live, prohibiting them from purchasing land, engaging in agriculture, and from holding positions in the postal service, railroads, military, and other departments...

The well-informed Jewish capitalists fled, while ordinary Jewish people became scapegoats, bearing the brunt of societal hostility on their behalf.

The actions of the Tsarist Government ignited the spark of the anti-Semitic movement in Europe. Antisemitism became a hot social topic with the potential to spread like wildfire.

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