
Chapter 12: The Integrity of the Great Powers


After the mediation by England and France, negotiations finally made a phased breakthrough, with Jonas agreeing to a limited compromise. However, this so-called compromise was only in his own view, which the Egyptians could not feel.

"Mr. Mahmud, we could choose not to pursue your responsibility, but you must pay sufficient compensation; otherwise, I cannot explain it to the nationals.

You must pay one million Divine Shield for goods damage, two million Divine Shield for condolence payments, two million Divine Shield for mental damage compensation. This is the bottom line of the New Holy Roman Empire," Jonas extorted.

5 million Divine Shield is equivalent to 2.5 million British Pounds, or 18.3 tons of gold, a figure far exceeding the financial revenue of the Egyptian Government—it's absurd to expect acceptance.

Mahmud retorted angrily, "Impossible, this is extortion!

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