
That Was Childish

"What did you think?" Keeley asked curiously when the ending credits rolled.

Aaron had been paying close attention to the movie the entire time. At a glance, it seemed like he was actually into it.

"It had an interesting premise and the movie score was pleasant. You said there are eight of these?"

"Yeah." She hesitated a moment. "…do you want to watch the second one with me? It's still early enough to watch another movie."

"Sure. I'm going to go get water first though. You want some?" he asked as he stood up and stretched.

Keeley nodded and headed out after he did to take a quick bathroom break. Aaron beat her back to the TV room and handed her a glass. She thanked him and sat cross-legged in her original spot after putting in the next DVD from her box set.

When they hit the halfway point of the movie, she laughed. "You know, my dad has tried watching this movie eight times but always falls asleep right here."

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