
Chapter 11: the second lesson

The next morning, Feng woke up at the same time as the first sun rays appeared and cultivated shortly. This short cultivation though made his breakthrough to rank 16. This made his somewhat down mood to brighten up from the events of Ti Cang city and the imminent special lesson.

The trip to the cave was thus quite fruitful as this was not the only benefit. The ability of his spirit ring also increased. Now, it also boosted earth element spirits by two times. This also officially marked the day he would start concealing his real strength to spirit hall.

Not long after he finished cultivating, Beibei also woke up. Since the poor boy was passed out or sleeping for the entirety of all the events, he was clueless about that. All that he knew was that he most likely passed out and the only thing awaiting him was the special lesson.

Greeting his brother, he asked " So what happened in the cave and how did we come back? " To that, Feng only said what he said to the dean and that the temple knight escorting them took them back as they both passed out. As he was about to ask why they passed out, Feng rose to his feet and began to head out.

Beibei was not dumb. Not too dumb at least so he knew that Feng was once again hiding things from him but like he always did, he let the matter go as every time he did that, he would tell him later. So, they went to have their breakfast then went to class, where they were the firsts to show up as usual.

After a while, all the other students came to class with a somber mood. Most of them, although scared, were ready for the lesson as they got over it thanks to the time passed since the first.

As everyone was there, teacher Qian silently stood up and headed out of the class, with the students following behind. The temperature was quite cold and the sky was spotless, letting the sun be its sole resident... They quickly left the academy and walked past the streets. After a while, some of the sharper students, Feng included, remarked that the path was not the same as the last time.

Not long after, they reached the exit of the city but teacher Qian didn't stop walking. Even though they were now all confused, they still followed suit. They got out of the city by the north gate, which was connected to the holy Dawm plains. It was a simple, green, lush and spacious plain with small hills here and there.

Teacher Qian continued to walk and only stopped when they reached a sword like a green mountain. As the children ascended the mountain in wonder, teacher Qian was fiddling with a jade ring.

Feng was also very intrigued by this place. Not only was its shape strangely refined as it really resembled a sword, but there were also actually lots of people there. They were all either merchants, buyers or chained individuals. ' Why are they chained? Are they '

Teacher Qian's cold voice cut his thoughts short. " This is the gigantic sword mountain market, also known as the lowliest black market. You could buy or sell anything there, you just have to be strong enough to keep it. Lots of things can be bought here be it gems, weapons, humans or more importantly, spirit bones. "

Then, he turned to face his students as he continued " This is the place where you will have to go to often in the future as members of spirit hall. Though, I will give you single advice. Don't trust anyone here as most of the goods are fake… Anyway, It is too soon to talk about that. "

Finished talking, teacher Qian went to a merchant selling slaves and after a bit of haggling, he bought ten slaves that he chained in a line behind him and told the kids to follow him. Seeing him buying people and remembering that it was a special lesson, Feng had a bad feeling about it.

Teacher Luo led his class to a shack where there was only a single man waiting for them. Nodding to the man, Teacher Qian entered the shack and made the slaves kneel in a row in front of him. With his usual cold stare, he faced his students and threw a dagger in front of them as he said with a bone-chilling voice " Your task today is to stab one of them, anywhere you want. After I call your name, you will have fifteen seconds to do it. Know that each one of them is an enemy of spirit hall. "

After he said this, the students began to panic. That was not something they could do easily. Teacher Qian was basically making them torturers. He stayed quiet with his eyes closed for two minutes, letting the children get a hold of themselves before beginning to call names.

The first child called was Zu Zhen. He was a quite timid boy who didn't like harming others. Being the first to be called was the worst possible situation for him and teacher Qian knew that very well. ' Snort, spirit hall doesn't need gutless trash but reliable pawns! '

Even though the dagger was in front of him since the other children stepped back, Zu Zhen was unable to pick it up in the thirty seconds allowed, much less do anything to the slaves. The fact that said slaves kept sending pitiful and despair filled glances also didn't help though.

As the time was up, teacher Qian called another name, it was Beibei's name. Just like Zu Zhen, he also didn't even pick the dagger and stayed rooted on the spot. Then he called the name of every student apart from Feng and two others. The same three who stayed relatively calm in the first lesson. But, the two did the same as the others.

As no students until now even picked the dagger from the ground, teacher Qian was quite… amused. He knew that few of them would be able to do it but he didn't factor in the fact that children tended to easily follow the lead of those before them. The same thing which made children easily brainwashed was the same thing that he forgot about, not that it mattered that much. It's quite ironic. ' Tsk seems like no one will be exempted then… '

Looking at Feng's expressionless face, which he honestly only remarked now, he thought that maybe he would be better than the others as he called his name. And Feng didn't disappoint him. He picked the dagger and slowly walked to one of them. Seeing him do this, the other children were all alarmed.

He then stabbed the slave's thumb and put back the dagger where it originally was. They were all speechless. Technically, he did just what teacher Qian said… and they felt dumb that they didn't think of this method.

But, could teacher Qian really be outsmarted this easily? Could he have let such an obvious flaw pass? No, he didn't and his newt action made the children pale. He cut all the chains holding the slaves as he said " Stab one of them, anywhere you want. If you do so, the first five of you will be freed. " Then he sat down, looking coldly at the dumbfounded children.

He planned to do this since the beginning and although Feng's stunt amused him, this didn't exempt him from this.

Freed, even though they had no cultivation, the slaves looked at the dagger on the ground and then at the children. After a few seconds, one of them quickly took it and looked menacingly at the children.

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