
Not an ally, neither am I an enemy

Nathan is now inside his lab, looking at a small fist sized piece of artificial kryptonite held within a glass container.

Nathan: "Ross, whatever happens, uncle Lex cannot get his hands on this. Is that understood?" He knew that Lex Luthor and Superman were at each other's throats from the memories of this world's Nathan.

He knew that although Lex was acting friendly and kind to him, on the inside however he was a ruthless and power hungry man.

Ross: "I understand Nathan, but about Miss Linda. What did you decide to do with her?"

Nathan: "Hide the kryptonite inside of the garage tomorrow, I plan on asking her a few questions before we leave for class." He made his way out of the lab, into the elevator and headed towards his room where he took a quick shower and went to bed.

-The next day in the morning-

Linda finished taking her shower, and after putting on her make-up was deciding on an outfit.

Linda: "Would he like this red top... but from yesterday is looked as if he was into black... Uhh why do I even care."

She didn't even notice that from the first time she had laid eyes on him she was entranced by his beautiful eyes, muscular build and handsome face.

Having made up on a white t-shirt, right blue jeans and white sneakers she headed to the lift, pressing the button for the garage.

As soon as the doors opened, she saw Nathan standing next to a black, brand new Ducati holding two helmets. She smiled at his choice of a ride, but frowned a bit since he will probably attract a lot of attentions from the girls from their college.

It pissed her off, though she wouldn't admit it, that she wasn't in his classes since she was one year his senior.

Linda:*Something is wrong... what the hell is this feeling...* she thought as a horrid sick feeling overtook over her. She looked up, only to see Nathan making his way towards her with an indifferent look on his face.

Nathan: "Sorry that it had to come to this, but what choice did I have? You're basically a god from the point of view of average people, just not so much in my eyes." He spoke however without any hint of any apologetic tone in his voice.

"Ross, move the rock away, just far enough so she can get to her feet. I have no intention of humiliating her after all." A now confused and extremely wary Linda stared down Nathan.

Linda: "How the hell do you know about my identity?" She accused him and her voice was weak because she hadn't recovered completely.

Nathan: "Biometric scan as soon as you entered the building. What, you thought the scan would only be able to take your three measurements?" Linda blushes a bit at his snark remark, indeed she did sense it but didn't believe that it had the capability to really detect anything... she realised now that she was horribly wrong.

"Now before you panic Lin-.... that's not really your real name now is it? Not that you need to give me your real name.

I just wanted to have a talk, so can your promise me you won't snap my neck as soon as I completely remove the kryptonite?" He spoke as earnestly as he could, and after she nodded her head he waved his hand.

In just a matter of seconds she completely regained her superhuman powers and she flew to Nathan in the blink of an eye, holding him by the collar with her eyes blazing red from her heat vision.

Nathan: "Ok, ok... I can see why you're mad, but you have to understand that I had to take precautions." His hands in the air, in a surrender gesture.

Linda: "Do you know how that felt like?! How vulnerable I felt?!" She roared in his face, tightening her grip slightly before eventually letting go.

She was now floating in front of him, her eyes back to normal but still glaring at him. "Go ahead then... speak."

Nathan: "I presume you were sent by the Justice League, to find out more about my research and ...if it's dangerous I guess?" She just nodded her head at his question, frown still on her face.

"Hahaha..ha.." Nathan started chuckling, leaving Super-girl looking at him with a lot of confusion.

Nathan: "Then the Justice League think too little of me... truly. Just from the research coming from my fusion-reactor, just how many potential weapons of mass destruction more potent than even the 'Tsar bomba' did you think I discovered?"

She widened her eyes at his revelation. "Approximately 29, and that's only the ones I'm one hundred percent certain that they will work.

The media criticised the 'mysterious researcher' for not releasing the theory and research behind it... guess that now you have your answer. Did you think I was my uncle's little puppet the entire time.... a naive young creator?"

She hung her head a little because he was right... after Batman found out about his age, he was looking into ways of guilt-tripping him into joining the Justice League.

They thought he was the 'naive genius' he was talking about, tricked by Luthor to work for him. They also sent her to apply for the position offered by Luthor, as she pretty much met his requirements and make him feel self conscious and guilty if he was creating weapons for Luthor.

Nathan: "I am very aware about my uncle, and his obsession with power and he knows that I know. What we both know however, is that it is impossible to control me. He gave me this so called 'freedom' because he gave up trying to control me.

He is quite the great actor isn't he, after all you were present yesterday for dinner." At this point Super-girl looked completely defeated, lost and not knowing what to say.

"But I am not angry about the fact he gave up with me.... rather I'm pretty fucking ecstatic. It might not mean much for you people, but the freedom I obtained yesterday is everything. The reason I was hostile previously, is because the Justice League threatens this freedom I obtained.

I am not against what you people do... no I actually support it. However that doesn't mean I will offer you guys my capabilities, I have already made up my mind to live my life however I want from now on." He ended it with a wide, relaxed grin on his face, which made even Super-girl relax a little.

Linda: "You know that still won't stop me or the Justice League from trying to rope you in....and Kara. My real name, given to me by my biological parents is Kara Zor-El. I come from Krypton... not that you didn't know already." She held her hand out, now with her feet on the ground which Nathan shook without really any hesitation.

Nathan: "Nice to meet you Kara, let me introduce myself again. My name is Nathan Campbell, that is my name given to me by my biological parents. Now here, let's go." He hands her a red motorcyclist helmet while he puts on a black one."I don't really want to be late on my first day now, would I?"

He puts the keys in the ignition of the bike, making it roar while Kara sits behind him. She wraps her hands tightly around his waist, feeling up his abdomen as discreetly as she could.

Kara: *His abs are pretty solid... snap out of it girl! He's just one hot guy... an extremely hot guy...* Her thoughts now totally out of control, she had nothing really left to hide from him... and for some reason it felt pretty great.

He drove the bike through the streets of Metropolis like a mad-man, even having to lose a police car one time. Kara was screaming the entire time, but not because of fear rathe she was very excited... she never got this excited even when flying faster than the speed of sound.

Kara: "Whew! I've never had so much fun in a while..." as soon as they parked the bike, she hugged him forgetting to control her strength a little.

Nathan: "*Huff*...just a little more gentle next time... we aren't all superhuman..." he spoke while trying to regain his breath.

She blushes a little, knowing that there were many eyes on them since she was regarded as one of the queens on campus.

Chatter: "Did Linda find a boyfriend?" "Oh my god, he's so fucking hot... that lucky bitch!" "Why do they look so perfect for each other..."

Nathan couldn't hear what they were saying, but Linda on the other hand, cursed her superhearing as the comments just made her blush even more.

She was taken out of her daze as a certain red headed woman, around Kara's age, made her way towards the duo. Nathan recognised her as 'Barbara Gordan', daughter of commissioner James Gordon... in his eyes though, she was another very troublesome woman.

Barbara: "Linda, what's up... and who's your new friend?" She asked sizing Nathan up.

Kara: "Hello Barbara, let me introduce you to Nathan. Nathan, meet my best friend Barbara."

They shook hands with each other, before Nathan realises that class starts in about five minutes and says bye to the duo. His uncle chose for him to study Mechanical Engineering, while Linda and Barbara studied Business and Finance.

Barbara: "Oh my god Kara... is that the supposed to be the 'naive' genius that you are supervising. And answer me one question, why the hell is the man behind the fusion-reactor, attending a mechanical engineering class?!" She asked pretty jealous of her friends new appointed role.

Kara: "I'll explain everything after school to the entire Justice League, but let me give you one hint. If we can make him join, the Justice League will reach heights never imagined before." Barbara was a little skeptic at her friend's words but decided to see later.

-In class-

Nathan made it to his class on time, and as soon as he got there he caught the attention of the majority of his female classmates. He didn't notice anything himself, and took the furthest seat he could near the back of the lecture hall. In about five minutes, the entire lecture hall was pretty full and the rows around him started to get full.

He didn't even bother to notice the trio approaching his bench, but when he looked up he could recognise them all; Starfire, Raven and Dick Grayson(Nightwing).

Starfire: "Hey, I'm Kory nice to meet you, are these seats taken?" She asked, pointing at the vacant three seats next to Nathan.

Nathan: "Nope, go ahead and take them." He answered but then put his head back in his arms.

Starfire: "It's kind of polite to introduce yourself after someone else does it... if you don't mind.

Nathan: "Nathan Campbell." He didn't lift his head and the words were a little forced. He didn't mind Supergirl, but this group was just way too much trouble that he just couldn't be bothered with.

Nightwing and Raven were clearly not amused by his attitude and were looking at him with condescending gazes. They knew students like this, who could get in without any effort would be bound to appear in the first year.

Starfire: "Nice to meet you Nathan. Can I ask you a question if you don't mind?" Nathan didn't respond so she asked anyway. "Why did you even come here if you don't look bothered to even try? What would your parents think of this?" She tried to guilt-trip him into at least trying to pay attention.

Nathan: "I came here to have a little fun. And do me favour, can you?" Starfire smiles a little, thinking that her new friend opened up a little. "Don't talk to me, but if you absolutely have to , don't mention my parents ever again. Ok?" At that sentence Raven and Nightwing shoot him deadly glares.

Nightwing: "What is wrong with you, she's trying to be friendly you know." he growled at the end to try and intimidate him a little.

Nathan: "Well, don't be." He was now trying to find a comfortable position to sleep peacefully.

Raven and Nightwing tried to convince Starfire that he just isn't worth it, and to leave him alone. Nightwing especially, since he noticed how good looking the guy was and felt a little threatened by him. The lecture went by in a flash for Nathan, but a painful two hours for everyone else.

It was brought to a pause, by the professor that told everyone else that the next lecture will be at two. Nathan woke up, as if woken up by his biological timer and saw Kara and Barbara making their way inside of the lecture hall towards him.

Nathan: "You guys are free as well?" He asked with what he hopes looked like a decent smile. Though he truly wanted some more peace and quiet to himself.

Kara: "Well, I know your schedule off by heart and I know when you have free time. Me and Barbara have a lesson in two hours, so we got time to hang." She then turned to Raven, Starfire and Nightwing both parties recognising each other. "Are these your new friends? You gonna introduce me?"

Nathan: "Nah, I don't know them. They just sit here since there aren't really any other seats." He swung his bag on his back, got up and was heading for the door. "You lot coming?"

Kara and Barbara broke from their initial shock of seeing him completely ignoring the existence of his classmates.

They made their way towards the canteen, until another girl came towards them which Nathan recognised(Megan Morse in her human appearance aka Miss Martian).

Megan: "What's up girls, this must be Nathan. Nice to meet you my name is Megan." They both shook hands.

Nathan: "Nice to meet you Megan."

Kara our of the blue, grabbed Nathan's arm and dragged him towards the lunch line and away from her friends.

Megan: "Is that what I think it is, Barbara?" She asked her friend with a smile.

Barbara: "Yeah, I guess it is. Kara fell in love for the first time." She smiles as well, but was still feeling a tinge of jealousy towards her kryptonian friend.

Everyone in the hall that knew Kara aka Linda, looked at the duo wide eyed. Linda has quite the reputation as the 'man hater', a nickname made because of the way that she treats the men that pursue her- no remorse or kindness and refusing to even acknowledge their existence. But what everyone saw now, was a clearly smitten Linda dragging along a casual, passive looking hot guy.

After group of four had their lunch Kara with her friends left for their lecture leaving Nathan with two hours left to kill until his next lecture starts.

A group of 3 guys make their way towards the oblivious Nathan to confront him, jealous of his interactions with Kara.

Guy 1: "Yo, Jigolo!" He piped up to a sitting Nathan who didn't even look up.

Guy 2: "Ey bitch! Look up if you don't wan-" He was interrupted by a kick sent to his jaw, breaking it upon impact.

The same kind of thing happened to the other two, leaving a bored Nathan to find something to occupy his time with. This world's Nathan studied various forms of martial arts and mastered quite a few in case of emergency, so even without his removal he would prove to be quite the threat.

Leaving the mess hall, he made his way towards the University's library where he thought he could catch some sleep. Walking inside, he was surprised to see a lonely Raven reading a detective story in the library. She doesn't even look up to his delight, and so he peacefully makes his way to the nearest table and starts to doze off.

About an hour later, Raven puts down the book she's reading and noticed the sleeping man, recognising him. Anger rises inside her, as she considers the library her 'sacred' little place, which was defiled by this ignorant man.

She uses her powers to make a book fall on his head, but in a split second before it landed, he caught it in one hand and starts muttering something.

Raven: "Did you say something?"

Nathan: "I don't recommend this one, when I read it I could tell who the culprit was from the first look at the evidence and line-up of possible suspects." His head rose up now, and placed the book gently in front of him.

Raven: "Oh yeah, then you have any suggestions?" She asked hostile, as the book he just criticised was actually one of her favourites and she was re-reading it for the third time.

Nathan: "I do actually, here." He got up and handed her a book from the shelf behind her. "It truly a masterpiece of a book, trust me."

And with that he put his head back on the table and went back to dozing off. Raven gave the book a glance, it looked a little interesting from the cover and she finished her previous book. She started reading the first page, then the next...then she didn't even realise it was time to leave for class until Nathan rapped her on the shoulder.

Nathan: "Yo, it's time to go... um... we didn't get introduced to each other. I'm Nathan."

Raven: "Oh right... I'm Raven." She escapes her trance and looked at the previous 'sloth' with different eyes. Anyone that knows good literature is worthy of another chance, in her opinion. "This book is fantastic, it's... I don't know I just can't put it down."

Nathan: "Don't worry about it, it's not that great if you know which books to read. I'll give you a list of books later, if you want it that is."

Raven: "I'll greatly appreciate it, thank you.... and I'm sorry." She hung her head a little low.

Nathan: "For what?"

Raven: "I considered you to be... well quite an ignorant prick." Nathan just chuckled at her choice of words.

Nathan: "Well, it's not that obscure of an opinion. Let's go though, we have about two minutes before class starts." They both strapped on their bags, and when they arrived in class Starfire and Nightwing were surprised to see them talking to each other... after all, Raven never talks to other people.

Raven: "pss Star, can I have the seat next to Nathan?" She whispered to Starfire so Nathan couldn't hear her.

Starfire: "Umm, sure... here..." she quickly changed seats with Raven, who now continued the conversation she had with Nathan about the novels both of them enjoy.

He enjoyed thriller, crime and sometimes a bit of romantic comedy. She enjoys horror, thriller and sometimes crime-this meant that they had a lot to talk about, and share opinions on the different genres.

They talked about it the entire lesson, and as Nathan adored books in his past life he also enjoyed the conversation. This left Nightwing and Starfire gaping, never having seen their friend like that before.

Their conversation came to an end when the lecture ended, and Nathan left after saying goodbye to Raven.... completely ignoring her friends though.

Starfire: "Raven...did you... fall for that guy or something? We've never seen you act like that... even in your relationship with BeastBoy..."

Raven: "No, of course not... are you stupid?.... We just have a common topic to talk about, and I don't find him that annoying. That's it ok?!" She was a little red when denying, which was noticed by Starfire and Nightwing who just sighed.

-Back to Nathan walking towards Kara's lecture hall-

Kara has just finished her lecture and was thinking of heading to Nathan's classroom until she recieved a message from Clark, her cousin.

Clark-Kara, come to the League Headquarters in about an hour, Batman wants to check up on mission progress.

Kara-Sure, I'll be there.

*Now I'll need to tell Nathan an excuse... no, I'll just tell him the truth, I don't think he'll mind.* She thought while she packed her bag, not knowing that Nathan was making his way towards her.

Nathan: "Yo, you done? I'm in the mood for some pizza, and I saw this nice Italian place on the way just round the corner."

Kara: "Yeh sure, I don't mind pizza." She smiles, as she finally gets some alone time with him.

Barbara: "Did I just hear pizza? Megan, are you coming as well?"

She purposely interfered in Kara's short date, Nathan just had the perfect looks and from his attitude, he seemed that he would make the perfect boyfriend.

With a dad like hers, it was extremely hard to find any potential match, so with one right in front of her she just had to try. Kara responded by giving her a side-glance, completely aware of her friend's ploy and not liking it one bit.

Megan: "Umm, sure. That is if Nathan doesn't mind."

Nathan: "Any friend of Linda's is a friend of mine. Let's go."

They made their way to the pizza place and are now enjoying quite the feast. Nathan went a little too far, he has money after all so he doesn't really worry, but the reactions of the girls at how much money he spent was priceless. Not long after they finished, everyone said goodbye to each other with Nathan and Kara heading towards their home.

Kara: "Hey Nathan... I'll come later today, the Justice League called me in to report my current mission. I'll tell them everything that happened, I'm sorry about that but I can't keep anything from them." She said apologetically.

Nathan: "Don't worry, I wouldn't have any respect for you if you did keep anything from them. They are your family, the people you hold the dearest. Something I'm not too familiar with but something that I completely understand."

Kara: "Then... join us Nathan. You will also be part of this family.... we all have each other's backs and treat each other just as if we were an actual family." She said a little pleadingly, and Nathan looked like he was actually considering it for a second.

Nathan: "No... maybe when I'll be sick of my free life... but not now. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy your company though, because I do. So even if you get called off the mission, come visit from time to time ok?" He spoke softly, and his words made Kara hold herself back from just kissing him.

Kara: "Ok then... see you later." She went to a nearby alley, changed to her superhero costume and took off.

Nathan went back home, at around six o'clock and started his daily Saitama training.

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