
Chapter 1111 Welcome To Hell

Kazui turned to Kon and asked, "Kon-chan, do you know who's this uncle?"

But Kon ignored him and slowly stepped forward while shaking, "A-are you really Kisuke?"

Kisuke disappeared and reappeared behind Kon to press something on his back. A second later, a hole opened on each of his feet before blasts of flames erupted from it, launching him upwards without any warning, "Eh? Ehh!? EHHHHHHH---....." Kon's trailing voice was left behind as he disappeared through the sky.

"Kon-chan!?" Kazui summoned his koi fish and intended to follow him but Kisuke grabbed his shoulder to stop him, "Don't worry about him. He'll return after a minute or two of fun in the sky." Kisuke immediately let go of Kazui so that he wouldn't misunderstand, "More importantly, this is a door to Hell, isn't it? Why did you send that guy through it?"

Kazui tilted his head and asked, "Hell? Is that what they call that place?"

"You don't know?"

Kazui shook his head, "Nee-chan told me the name of that place is Oath Town."

Even more questions opened inside Kisuke's head but he didn't want to overwhelm him with his inquiry especially now that his guard is down, "Oath Town, is it? Have you been there?"

Kazui nodded, "Uhuh. It's a great place where everyone gets along. Although Nee-chan told me not to come anymore because it's dangerous for me who's still alive."

"So you kept sending the Souls that you found to go there? Why not to the Soul Society?"

"I've also seen the Soul Society, but aside from a few places, it's not a good place. I feel bad sending them there."

Kisuke finally got a bit of understanding of the kid's thought process, 'It's the same as the kids of his age. The difference is, he actually has the ability and was putting it to good use.'

However, that doesn't mean what he's saying is the truth as this someone he calls 'Nee-chan' could possibly and easily fool him.

At that moment, both of them looked at the sky as they heard Kon's shrieking voice coming closer, "...ake stop!!! Make it stop!!! I'm going to die!!!"

The flames behind Kon's feet finally snuffed out and Kisuke caught him by grabbing his head.

"Kisuke, you bastard! What was that for!? And why do I have something like that when it's useless when I don't know about it!?" Kon complained while wildly flailing his tiny arms and legs. The emotional reunion he was expecting was spectacularly betrayed, 'What was I expecting!?' However, he could be sure that the guy in front of him was indeed Kisuke, who'd 'died' 12 years ago.

Kisuke tossed Kon to Kazui and said, "Kon and Kazui-kun, I'd like for the two to keep it secret that you met me today."

Kon immediately jumped down from Kazui's arms and already calmed down, "T-that's right, Kisuke. I thought you died! Everyone did! W-wait!? Are you one of those guys who emerged from Hell!?"

"Oh? You know about them?"

"Who wouldn't!? The Shinigamis are scrambling around to find those guys! And ever since then, Ichigo and Inoue are on high alert! Is something dangerous going to happen again!?"

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure about that yet. That's why I want you to keep it a secret that you met me today."

Kon crossed his arms and thought for a moment, "You want us to keep your existence a secret so that you can move around freely?"

"That's the gist of it."

"And why did you reveal yourself to us if you wanted to keep it secret?"

"I didn't really intend to do that, but I'm investigating all of these events and the fact that the kid created a hole to Hell caught my attention." Kisuke then turned back to Kazui and asked, "Speaking of which, can I also go through that?"

"I think you can." Kazui nodded, "But you won't be able to return because I can't keep this open and wait for you to come back."

"That's fine. I only need to see what's on the other side and I have my way of leaving it." Kisuke walked towards the gaping black mouth and inspected it for a moment.

And while he was doing this, Kon suddenly asked, "You haven't answered my question. Are you from Hell?"

Kisuke shook his head, "I'm not. But explaining where I've been now is a bit complicated and a very long story. I don't have that kind of time right now."

Kon sighed and turned to Kazui and said, "Kazui, promise this uncle that you'll keep it a secret that you and I met him."

Kazui was a bit hesitant and asked, "Can we trust him? I think it's better to tell Dad about him."

"If you can't trust him, trust me. He's someone who saved your father and mother on multiple occasions in the past and I can vouch that he won't mean harm to us. But for him to do his work, we have to follow his words."

This is the first time Kazui saw Kon act this seriously and all the hesitation he had in his mind disappeared, "Alright, I promise. I won't tell anyone about Uncle. It also doesn't look like Uncle is one of those 'Chained'."

Kisuke is grateful for Kon's words and one of the reasons why he revealed himself is because he's one of those he could trust to keep their words.

"Chained?" He, however, became curious about the word that Kazui used.

"They are the bad guys." Kazui briefly answered and Kisuke could see that's all there was to it in his head.

"I see. Then I'll get going. I'll see you around, Kon, Kazui-kun."

"Take care, uncle." Kazui waved his hand while Kon grumbled, "Make sure to explain yourself when you have time!"

Kisuke waved back but didn't say anything else.

Kisuke disappeared and the 'door' to Hell closed, "Ah... I forgot to tell Nee-chan that someone else is going in... Oh well, uncle isn't a Chained one, so he's going to be fine."

"By the way, who's this Nee-chan that you kept mentioning?" Kon asked.

"A kind nee-chan and the leader of the Oath Town."




After a moment of blackness, Kisuke emerged in the middle of a bustling square that reminded him of Orario in its industrial revolution. Aside from that, the first thing he noticed is the purple sky which reminded him of the Underworld in the previous world, "This is Hell?" Kisuke muttered to himself.

While taken aback, two armored men approach him while talking, "Someone else came? Welcome to Oath Town, my friend. You can tour later but we'll have to inspect you first."

However, the other guard stopped his colleague from approaching, "Wait! Look! He doesn't have the Chains of Fate."

Kisuke finally turned their attention to him and saw them pulling out their spears, "I'm sorry but you'll have to accompany us for an extensive inspection. If you came here unintentionally we'll release you."

But Kisuke couldn't listen to his words until the end as he needed to raise his left hand and apply Hierro on it.

The next instant, a katana aiming for his neck was blocked with sparks flying around, "Hooh? Is that Hierro? You're an Arrancar?"

In front of Kisuke is a fair-skinned young woman with long, dark pink hair tied up in two hip-length pigtails on either side of her head.


28th00: You know, dark pink hair should narrow it down… but it’s Bleach. Riruka? But she has a Katana, so it can’t be her, right? Hmm… I’ll just open the next chapter I guess.

Goyyacreators' thoughts
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