

Don't worry about it," she said. Did she really mean it, though? He couldn't tell. He'd only met her yesterday. He didn't know her "don't worry about it" nuances yet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think. I should have thought about this and asked Josh, is it going to be . . ."

She held a finger to his lips and smiled.

"Really, don't worry about it, Mike. I didn't get through Berkeley Law School without being the only black person in the room a few hundred times. I just wanted to know what I was in for before I walked in."

"We're okay?" When she nodded, he pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh shit, I think I got lipstick on you." She rubbed her thumb against his chest to try to get it out. After enjoying the sensation for a few seconds, he reached for her wrist to stop her.

"It's okay," he said. "It would look pretty out of character if my new girlfriend and I walked in there after standing around outside for so long and I didn't have her lipstick on me somewhere."

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