
Meeting a familiar face

"N-Niang Niang, Us nubis admit our mistakes. May Niang Niang bestow the punishment on Us Nubis, whatever Niang Niang deems fit." Xiao Yan swallowed her fear, looking at the floor and her palm that was soaked with sweat. Niang Niang's presence alone was enough to scare Xiao Yan out of her wits.

Ning Lou's unyielding back stood straight, observing the behaviors of the two, she then concluded that they were now submissive. The feeling she felt was great, all she did was change the tone of her voice and imagined herself as the President. Con artists act a lot, but what makes them differ from others is that, they exude confidence. Even the professionals of the modern era were preyed to bankrupt. What more can a maid be? Ning Lou smiled, knowing these two would be more compliant.

"Now you admit your wrongs, Bengong would bestow punishment. You two stay and kneel, don't ever stand up unless Bengong says so. The next time, Bengong will not be lenient." Ning Lou continued noticing the door a few feet away. Tiptoeing, she made her way to it.

Xiao Qu calmed down a bit after knowing their lives were preserved. She then tried to peek at Her Highness, but Ning Lou scolded her.

"Don't you dare try to lift your head, or you'll be sentenced to a heavier punishment."

After hearing it, Xiao Qu and Xiao Yan never lifted their heads and continued to kowtow. Their lives were at stake, and they will do their best to preserve it.

Smiling triumphantly, she continued to walk silently while examining the antique furniture. Such a pity, these furnitures would fetch tons of money. Talk about fraud bidding, foreign exchange rates, and lots of investment scams, even one of these would generate millions of cash flows. Her eyes flickered with dollar signs.

"If Niang Niang is hungry, Nubi will go fetch some light meals from the kitchen. The Imperial Physician said that Niang Niang can eat light meals."

Ning Lou's smile cracked. "Are you trying to excuse yourself out of your punishment. It seems the current punishment will not suffice. Will the beatings from the rod teach your mouth?" Ning Lou was only stalling time, even she couldn't believe her words. She, herself, was against inhumanity. Maids from this time were treated like grasses, and she felt guilty about it.

"Niang Niang, nubi doesn't dare. Nubi spoke out of turn. Nubi asked for Niang Niang's forgiveness." She was in deep trouble. The Empress before her was entirely different. There were no traces of her past arrogant self. This pressure doesn't come from her haughtiness, rather it comes from confidence. For a moment, she felt speaking to the Esteemed Empress Dowager.

"Remember this, if others find faults in the two of you, it will tarnish Bengong's name. Even if Bengong cannot silence a hundred mouths, Bengong can still discipline a disrespectful servant."

Xiao Qu wanted to cry, but she covered her mouth. Instead, she mustered her courage and spoke. "Your Highness, Xiao Yan just spoke out of concern, she didn't have any other intentions. May Your Highness forgive us, servants."

Ning Lou felt clapping herself clapping for these two's loyalty to each other. This was truly rare in, especially in feudal times when betrayal was common.

"Alright… Alright… Since you two have served Bengong well in the past, Bengong would let this matter slip. But, in the future, Bengong can't guarantee a lighter punishment. May this serve as a lesson for you two." Ning Lou smiled and stared at the door in front of her.

"Us nubis, thanks Niang Niang for the magnanimous grace. May Your Highness live for ten thousand of years."

"May Your Highness be blessed with healthy years."

For a moment there, they felt their soul came back to their bodies. Carving this scene in their mind, they held Ning Lou in a different light. With utmost enthusiasm, they inwardly dedicated themselves to serving Ning Lou.

"Un. Stay put and reflect." Ning Lou replied and saw the two heads nodding in a vigorous manner.

Fixing her gaze on the piece of wood, she almost burst laughing. Lifting it, a sense of overwhelming happiness clouded her mind. One step closer to escaping. Looking back once more, the two appeared occupied with the punishment, leaving Ning Lou with her plan.

Seizing this opportunity, she pulled the separate doors slowly, thus preventing screeching noises from alarming the two. Her heart beat faster as the doors to freedom slowly opened. As she was about to fully enjoy the sight of outside halls, a familiar face obscured her way.

"Why is the Empress at the door receiving this old lady? Where are the maids serving the Empress?" An old woman with a graceful bearing in a purple palace dress questioned the stunned Ning Lou.

Is the heavens playing a joke on her because this Old Lady before her looked exactly like the one she fooled in her past life. The mother of one of the FBI who relentlessly pursued her, one of the board of directors holding a major share of Atelius's stocks, Madam Ling Shi!

(A/N: I will placed the footnotes tomorrow. It's already midnight. )

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