
Chapter 24

After resuming time, he saw Saitama holding Genos and looked at Bang "Gramps take care of genos for me" then he turned to see Akira and said "who are you?" with an innocent face.

Akira knowing his personality said "I'm a hero called Godspeed, shouldn't you be dealing with that or running away?" he said pointing at the huge rock coming towards them.

After hearing that Saitama responded by action.

he squatted and jumped, Akira used *Time Shield* to defend himself from the small rocks coming at him.

"THIS IS MY TOWN" after that shout you could hear a loud boom coming from the sky.

Then the rock got separated into small but still dangerous pieces.

"good work but not excellent" Akira said that as he disappeared and appeared on a different building and taking a stance *Wind Blade*, he used Op-Sword to have a good result, and he didn't get disappointed as many rocks turned into fine powder, he saw some other rocks falling in random places but he didn't bother, he came back to where Bang, Genos and Saitama were, Akira saw them all looking at him in surprise even Saitama had his eyebrow(the only hair he has on his head) up.

"no need to thank me, but if that Bofoi guy did his job right this would be without problems as some rocks might have killed people" Akira spoke as he put the idea of Bofoi is the cause of this, this way Genos would believe easily that Metal Bofoi killed his hometown's folks.

'I'm a good guy, heh, helping genos because I want Bofoi to be blamed, truly a good man' he started praising his kindness which probably is less than most people.

They nodded and turned to leave with Genos being held up by Bang.

"well that's settled" *Akira took out his phone and called the HQ, he heard a women's voice*

"hello Godspeed, I'm happy that you went with the 2 S-Class heroes while the others weren't available, you will get payed and rank up to a place you deserve" The woman at first had an excited voice until the middle of the sentence she regained her cool and spoke in a professional manner.

Akira found this amusing as he chuckled "don't worry about it, I'm just doing my job and its a plus that i can help".

The woman hearing the chuckle was embarrassed but kept her voice professional "please visit the HQ for more details about your ranking and thank you again" then she hung up.

"hmm this is quite refreshing, getting out and doing hero things"(a guy in his house writing is writing about this) Akira then returned to his house. and showered then took the computer and started reading about friction and how to create fire from it, as he wants to make a fire wind blade or something like that, after passing his time, he ate dinner and slept to welcome another day.

[if you're interested in watching me Write Live Check ThyCubeVT On Twitch :)]

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