
Chapter 16 - What is going on?!!!

In the city of Valmont, on planet Isragos of the spiritual plane. Fire has spread to a quarter of the city.

In regards to the massive size of the city, a fire like that was insane. The guards were using whatever they could to douse the fire, but they were helpless, as nothing was able to extinguish the fire. They changed tactics and rescued whoever they could, even if the city was rotten, there were still good people trying to help.

As people escaped, many of them were sent to hospitals, in one case a doctor was running like mad trying to help as many patients as he could. They even contacted everyone who was home to the hospitals, as the lord of the city declared an emergency.

As the lord spoke, everyone could hear him freaking out, the city had been peaceful overall for centuries. Even when gang wars happened, they never escalated to this. He couldn't do anything to stop it, and because it was likely a person who awakened, they weren't sure how to deal with it, as the person was likely already dead by his own fire.

Everyone knows they had a history of people with powers causing damage, but never have they had a situation like this. Whoever it was, likely didn't even realize how terrifying their power was. The flame they unleashed was threatening to consume them all.

The doctor who ran like mad earlier, couldn't help curse the person that started the damn mess. He only noticed that something was wrong, when he came across a patient who was foaming at the mouth. The little girl was comatose, there was nothing they could do that they hadn't already tried. With exception of a power user, but that was too expensive, and they didn't know if her family could afford it.

That was when a man showed up with a group of strangers. They immediately kicked the doctor, and nurses out of the room. They were shocked, as their director ran to them panting from behind. He told them to be quiet, and not say anything.

The nurses looked at the doctor, and he shook his head, he was about to ask in a whisper what was going on, when one of strangers shined a light on the girl. He was a power user, he healed her before any of them could even speak, and as she opened her eyes. A scream akin to that of a murder victim blasted their ears. It was bloodcurdling coming from a child, and the 'father' could only hug her trying to calm her down.

After a few minutes of her relentless crying, the doctor was taken away as they began to receive hundreds of patients. It was a disaster, and the director waved them off to their duties as he stayed behind.

The hospital was overrun with burn victims, and many of them were suffering under something else. They were going in, and out of consciousness, they quarantined them in case of an epidemic as the hospital was locked down.

People in shiny sealed suits showed up, they began to place machines that released light into the air, next to another machined that formed walls of energy, forming a dome covering the entire block. They also made a make shift entrance, as they brought more victims inside.

Everyone was terrified, this wasn't something normal, it was causing such a panic, that regular fires began to spread throughout the rest of the city. People began to steal, kill, rape, and so much more. It was chaos, and the military they brought in, were fighting against the gangs, they were all over the place. It was an all out war, the lord could do nothing but ask for help form his bosses, who began to yell at him.

They told him they'd send reinforcements, but the lord new he would be killed after it all calmed down. He began to drink, he knew if he didn't say anything, they would do worse to him. He yelled at his staff as he went into his 'playroom', he left his staff to deal with the mess. Screams of women erupted from the room, as the staff smiled at his coming fate.

Back in the hospital, the father finally asked the daughter what happened. She started to cry again, talking about a monster, it was covered in shadows, it's white eyes and mouth laughed at her. It smiled, as the eyes became like curved lines, the people in the room were torn into pieces, as blood splattered on her.

A blue light that looked like them came out screaming. She said the room was covered in black, and white fire, as the fire became faces, and played with the blue people. She said it was so cold, she could hear the screams, the screeches of them being eaten.

Some of the screams changed when they broke apart, the scream became so deep, and so high. She tried to move, but one of the faces laughed at her, one blue light turned red, it tried to eat her, but it was tossed around by the faces.

The laughing monster was teasing her, it told her things, it said what those people wanted to do to her, the lord of the city wants to rape her. She heard everything, as the blue lights begged for their lives, ...it was taunting her.

The faces hugged her, kissed her cheeks. She was so terrified, she screamed again, the father could only hug her. He ordered his men to knock her out, and that one of them try to erase the monster from her mind. The man that healed her, told him that her soul was damaged, whatever it was that was there, shouldn't exist.

Even the people in charge that can deal with souls, can't do something like this. Whatever it was, it's responsible for fires in the city. They had to tell the lord that a monster was still in the city; it likely wasn't dead either, but hearing what was said. They decided not to, the lord kidnapped the fathers little girl to make her his plaything. The father had enough of the city, they were going to leave after it was all over. The city can burn, he was gonna get his people out of there, and move to another planet.

He only prayed the monster would leave them alone.

I made some changes in the previous chapters as I’m trying to fix the plot holes, as well as grammar so my bad. Yeah hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Krautescreators' thoughts